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Horrible Idea
Let's make a spatial tears less of an annoyance event and actually move it onto the same level as random singularities. I propose that it would be dope if spatial tears would actually TEAR through the station causing one mass breach and gibbing anyone who happened to be in the path. And maybe make it gib people on contact (Also add in safety instruction protocols so crew totally wouldn't get tossed into these by traitors or slaughtered in drunk driving segway accidents.)
This sounds cool but the chance would have to be decreased because this event happens every 1-2 rounds and that would suck to have half the station without air that much. Also there should be a warning before it happens so you don't just randomly fucking explode if you were unlucky to be standing in the wrong place.
How about if you enter the tear, you go straight to Hell. And yeah, it would have to be rarer.
it'd be cool if you could try to jump over them

if you fail you get fucking annihilated
I like this idea

(12-14-2016, 09:48 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: it'd be cool if you could try to jump over them

if you fail you get fucking annihilated

I also like this cause it sounds like it would be fun and look funny.
how about if spatial tears moved all tiles on one side of them up/down 1 or left/right 1 depending on if its a horizontal or vertical tear, as if the station was snipped apart and put back together slightly improperly

patching any resultant holes and fixing any disrupted wiring should be somewhat easier than if it were a purely destructive breach force

i would prefer that re-airing rooms be made slightly easier before this is done
I like the idea of stepping into the spacial tear causing you to teleport to some awful zlevel. Something like the maze but worse. It's not quite instant death, but it's a massive challenge for anyone dumb enough to step in it or try to jump it.

I don't know if I like the idea of the spacial tear cutting the station in half and leaking a bunch of air though.
This would be a nice idea, if you atmospheric coding wasn't a pile of overcomplicated and overdone clownshoes skewered with used syringes.

...Come to think of it, the atmospherics being an ACTUAL pile of shoes and needles would make sense as why only one coder in the entire team is brave/barmy enough to be even in the same vicinity of it.
Air breeches are a huge no for me; but some of the other things proposed in this thread - touch=death, touch=hell, touch=teleport, ability to jump over it, etc, are great, and should be looked at.
Also perhaps as a reward for not dying in the spacial tear dimension, perhaps there could be a copy of the cardboard Ultramarine suit that exists in gooncode laying around in Spacial Tear land. (Because STD is a bit unfortunate for an acronym.)

You enter on accident and walk out decked in Useless cardboard armor if you're robust enough to survive.
All of these ideas sound cool!

Except the breaches. Don't do the breaches. But the rest sound cool!
I think the breaches would be fine if the event was rare enough.
I feel that the only way to jump over the tear should be with a skateboard.
(12-16-2016, 01:35 AM)vampirate Wrote: I feel that the only way to jump over the tear should be with a skateboard.

Vampirate performs a hellish ollie!

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