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Worst Moments Ever
So, seeing the new threads that reverse the ideas of popular ones, why not make my own based on the "Best moments ever thread 2.0".

What were your guys' most embarrassing, stupid, unrobust, rulebreaking, or just downright bad moments/rounds/events?

Mine was when I was relatively new, and in OOC on LLJK1 I shouted "JANITOR GOING AFK"... I grind my teeth at that memory...
Around when Cog2 was released, shit was going down in the podbay, and there were screams for help on the sec radio that there was an abomination on the loose, so I tell AI to lock it down and tell security that I am on the way.
I jump in the podbay sec chute, and pull the switch. The engine was on hellburn and it resulted the chute being superheated. Because I wasn't wearing any internals I immedietely rack up fatal burn and poison damage.

Like a cooked ham knight in shining tinfoil armor, my freshly charred corpse gets uselessly dispensed out of the podbay chute, right into ensuing battle. By battle I mean bloodbath, everyone was already dead.

The AI summed it up simply: "The HoS is on his w-, the HoS is now dead"
I used to forget when people had cyberhearts, see them bleeding out.

The day Dions uploaded a 400MB music album to the server
My worst moment ever was way back on mushroom when the singularity engine was a thing. This round, like usual, the singularity escaped. So I spawned on the shuttle. Inside the black hole. RIP.
I was doing well as a wizard and had killed/fucked up security so I was just clowning around (mostly literally). I had a running fight with the Chaplain, who was a good sport and wasn't taking it too seriously, and made it my mission to humiliate and destroy all he loved in order to prove that his God was a lie. Eventually, I killed him in a drawn-out and ridiculous manner at arrivals while screaming atheist tracts at terrified passersby. As he expired, I announced that I would celebrate my victory by farting on the defeated Chaplain as a final insult to his false deity.

He had been holding the Bible. The round ended with my death less than two seconds after I announced my war on God, for all to see.
During a recent Destiny admin event, I had my butt removed and was force fed it, resulting in my kuru induced death. They were nice enough to clone me and cut my butt off again.

I was running around completely naked with my butt stapled to my head as a singularity began eating its way through the ship. Much to my dismay, I had no access and was unable to join the team escaping via the teleporter.

My nude body was too slippery for the singularity and I was able to squeeze my way past it; eventually reaching the bathroom below escape. The entire hallway and rooms adjacent to the bathroom were missing and I had no internals or hope of rescue. So, I sat in the bathtub for some time contemplating my next move.

I made the foolish mistake of running north hoping to make my way into the escape shuttle waiting area. It was missing walls and floors in a few places and before I could crawl back to safety, exposure to space took its toll on me.

I died in my bubble bath just as the shuttle arrived.
actually I have a more recent one I just remembered about. Doing nuke ops, had to get to security. So we made out way through maintenance.

Other team went through medbay knowing there were going to be people in there.

Had the bomb with me, had my trusty rocket ready.

Ended up misclicking a door and shot a rocket that ended up killing all 4 of our team. Other team ended up trying to grab the bomb and got tossed into space.
Recently: I found a revolver on the floor and asked a nearby Secman if he saw whos it was and how many bullets a trick one usually has. As I thought he said 2. So I tried it on a nearby window.

Good thing I was near cloning.

Less than 3 minutes after being cloned a borg said he was having law issues so I went to hack into the AI
Someone hotwired the engine. I was flung across the room in an explosion and died before impact.
One time I was messing around with foam and decided to set off discount dan soup foam in the bar. It ended up melting all the food and drinks and put everyone in the bar in crit. I've felt really bad about it ever since.
I've sarined/rocketed my syndicate bros a couple times because I can't aim apparently.
I ate a bunch of people as a ling once, saying I was gonna handspider them all after I ate like 5. Then I got polymorphed amd they all dissapeared forever. I feklt really bad but then I got ling powers as a possum and they had fun watching me.
On my first traitor run, I pulled a c-saber and thought I was so damn cool. Then I got robusted by a naked staff assistant with a fire extinguisher. A rude awakening.
I was a traitor, robotics was open with a guy in it, so i bought a c-saber, and tried to assault him, he moved me, and i attacked myself, making me drop my c-saber, he then killed me and felt bad for it so he cloned me..
Its 2015. I'm a medical doctor and get attacked by a detective traitor. He has a cyalume saber and charges at be across the operating room, but slips in some blood. I pick up the saber. He screams for help on the radio. Cue the roboticist walking in on me holding a saber over a blood-stained detective, flashing me and dragging me off to robotics for a torture and debraining session. They steal my PDA and repeatedly beat me (a non-traitor) with a wrench, demanding my PDA code so they can have my traitor gear. I die, unconscious and bleeding, unable to even explain my side of the story due to the severe beatings. Roboticist borgs me, demands my PDA code again. "Law 2." Detective murders both of us with his newly reclaimed saber, then waltzes off to continue his rampage.

Still salty. So salty.

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