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Barman Traitor Item [The chemi cloaker]
Today I come with a (Hopefully good) idea for the traitor barman because right now he only has 1 item that is only for him and I hope to change that with the suggestion of the chemi cloaker (Name in progress make some suggestions if you want) For 3 TC's you will get this item. it comes in a nice little glassware box with about 5 drinking glasses in it, How it works is that the first reagent in the glass is gets hidden from the view of reagent scanners and such.How this item would be helpful for is that you can spike someones drink with what ever chem you want and even if they scanned it, it would not show up.

At least thats the overall idea if you have question ask them

Leave your comments on this item Bad? Good? Its your choice
"Hmmm the chemistry dispencer is stupidly powerful and all, but the barman also has a shotgun and body armor to make everybodies life hell. What can we do to balance traitor-barman out vs other traitor-classes?"
"I know, lets make it so he can all those horrible chems with complete impunity even when people are paranoid enough to use reagent scanners to test their drinks. But also make that thing unavailable to scientists, because it would not make sense that people whose job it is to do impossible things with chems would be able to do impossible things with chems."

If this is even technically possible, I still don't think it would improve the experience for either traitor-barman and especially anybody else. The Chems are not where the barman needs help.
Sorry for coming down hard, and I do encourage you to keep at it, but this isn't it.
It's fine I see what you mean, as for if it's possible I talked to Haine on irc if it is possible and it should work if it was going to be added

Also I made it so it would only work on one Chem so people can't make custom install kil death mixes and put them in. Also once they drink it once they notice they are dieing from some poison they would know what's up. anyways that's just how I think of it
(11-05-2016, 11:36 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: "I know, lets make it so he can all those horrible chems with complete impunity even when people are paranoid enough to use reagent scanners to test their drinks. But also make that thing unavailable to scientists, because it would not make sense that people whose job it is to do impossible things with chems would be able to do impossible things with chems."
That's already something barmen have - you can't see drinks on examine in glasses.
Yeah but you can see all the chems in a glass if you use a reagent scanner or pair of those googles I forget their name
I have always had an idea of a traitor item being a reagent scanner. You scan one item and you can copy that. If you use it on another item, you can copy that chemical listing, or paste the one currently copied. So say you have sarin in a glass and vodka in another. Scan the vodka then scan the sarin. The color changes and if anyone tried to see whats in it with a scanner, It says its vodka.
Food and drink used to be under the floorpill law; "consume at own risk". Not sure how it is now. I remember some of my earlier lessons in SS13 being 'cake is fire' and 'that drink most likely contains urine and various kinds of acid... and more urine'.

Well, not sure I'd want it even if I can see the reason for it. I've seen people openly serve poison bottles and the only thing that happened was that they got more customers.
(11-05-2016, 02:49 PM)MagicStudiosGuy Wrote: I have always had an idea of a traitor item being a reagent scanner. You scan one item and you can copy that. If you use it on another item, you can copy that chemical listing, or paste the one currently copied. So say you have sarin in a glass and vodka in another. Scan the vodka then scan the sarin. The color changes and if anyone tried to see whats in it with a scanner, It says its vodka.

Just want to say that's nice idea
As far as a mechanical implementation of OP's idea, how about a set of glasses that simply don't show the #1 reagent when scanned with a reagent scanner? No right click, no interactions, the only way to test it is in a chemical dispenser.
That was one of my other ideas but if that was the case what would happen if some one made a death mix with like 4 chems in it and they made that in one glass and transferred the mix into the traitor glass? But I guess the coders could just make it not hide the chems if that happens but im not sure it thats possible. If it is then I can change the idea into that
No, it'd just hide the first chemical. Chemical transfers preserve ordering, so whatever was first in the standard glass would be first (and hidden) in the traitor glass.
Oh well then im changing it to that then I just figured it would not work that way

I like the idea of having glasses that obsecure the chemicals inside, codewise it would be rather easy to pull off and this is perfectly do-able. Toots
citizen slang bro
Traitor bartender should get poison bottles too

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