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So I figured if werewolves are in testing, somebody needs to make a thread for idea dumping.

Me and some others were talking in dead chat about how werewolves need improving. They're very vunerable at the moment, like a horror form changeling without any of the abilities. Good punch strength but not subtle at all. The second the HoS opens the roit gear you're dead.

So after bouncing around ideas we suggested, how about werewolves only be killable with silver. You can attack them, lower their health and generally slow them down, but you can't knock them into critical or below without a silver weapon.
Now this would call for some additions. Maybe make the cutlery in the kitchen silver, give the detective silver rounds he can put in his gun which suck against everyone except werewolves. Some things like this, because at the moment it's very easy to kill werewolves if there's nothing else distracting you.
I think they are suppose to be used silently. like space ninjas. I took on one with my bare hands and he died pretty fast.
they don't really work too great as a stealth thing because you need to eat at least one thing before turning back into a human if you don't want to be sick forever, changing back and forth takes time and is pretty obvious and you drop all your stuff when you transform into a werewolf
i mean you could try skulking in the maint tunnels and whatnot but you'd still probably get spotted by the AI really easily
and taking on more than one person at a time is basically suicide
The fact you can basically get ruined by a single punch or swing of an oxytank is pretty lame as well
Note these opinions are formed from just being in a round with them and never seeing one, so I don't know about their specifics at the moment

I like the idea of silver being a thing, but I don't know about it being the only way to kill them; I think it should work more like how Abominations work.

- cannot be stunned
- tough as fuck
- grab-devour
- only true defeat is to chip at their health and hope you don't get mauled
- silver utensils do hefty damage e.g. specific silver cutlery box, Detective bullets maybe, silver-tipped tools

Sure lasers and shit would work, but werewolves generally have strong regeneration, so that being added could counter the easy options.

Along with that, make their human forms a bit more powerful; higher knockout chance, harder-hitting punches with no tell in the text alert, slight regeneration, etc.

They're a balls-to-the-wall type of role really; if you're not charging through the station on all fours beating dudes to the floor in one swipe, then you're basically just a vampire.
Saw my first werewolf today and despite being on a shitty laggy laptop was not remotely scared. Pulled out a flash and let a borg do the rest with a crowbar.

Some ideas;

- Make them go on a rampage when blinded. Indiscriminate slashes in the spaces near them. It's what a blinded beast would do, and it makes them a bit more of a challenge to drop.

- Do they infect people? If not can they infect people? big grin

- Some sort of creepy aura that disables lights around them. Because it's a narrative law that werewolves must pounce from the dark and space must follow narrative law.
I'd imagine a gigantic monster that is suppoed to kill people should be able to take on at least three humans with various blunt weaponry. Maybe give them regeneration and shorter recovery to stuns. Also, you can clone them too, not sure if this is intentional.

Just make sure to make them buff, and tuff.
I was actually thinking that the transformation should work on an uncontrollable cycle. Like 10 minutes as a human, 5 minutes as a wolf. As a human they act like a normal crewmember but as a wolf they are consumed with the desire to eat people. They know they are going to transform, they can't help when they transform, and when they do they can't stop themselves. They run into hiding when they change back so nobody knows that they are the werewolf, and try to slip back into the crowds.
In this case, when they transform their clothes should rip to shreds (so nobody can track it to a job) and they should keep their ID's, but not actually be wearing it so their name isn't given away.

Honestly, this mechanic I could give or take, I just think it'd be an interesting way to vary it from the other gamemodes. Instead of it just being horror form changeling but as a wolf.
Make the kitchen utensils do extra damage to werewolves and use "made of silver" as an explanation.

Also I still think detective should have silver bullets. Assuming the detective hasn't used all their ammo against the crew it could be the one round where detective actually has something to shoot at.
Looks like whatever I said before was already suggested, so assuming this comment doesn't get trunicated into one...

I think it would be kind of neat if the wolf could have a supersonic bark that knocks one crewmen down, then has to recharge. That pretty much means the wolf is guaranteed one free meal assuming they can sneak up on one crewmen before they transform.

Sort of like the big bad wolf blowing your house down. Also similar to the changeling screech, except less overpowered.
this sounds like one of those things that DOESN'T get added into the game because its so stupid.

why does this exist?
It's a gimmick thing that will probably be pretty rare and most of you will probably never play it, especially if you keep writing 'werewoofs' what the fuck.

honestly this thread is pretty much entirely unnecessary, it's a gimmick that is still being worked on and it doesn't need player ideas right now

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