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Swedish National Day
On Swedish National Day (June 6th), everyone should be forced to have the Swedish gene, and if you remove it you get gibbed and turned into Swedish Meatballs. Basically, all you hear is gibberish and people screaming "BORK BORK BORK" all the time. Opinions?
We need more holidays. Also Swedish.
Ja, för fan!
Make them include swedish chef clips, like the Cluwne's Jockey Clips, but BORK BORK BORK.
Only if Canada day is included and the station is made out of wood and the mobs are all beavers.

Edit: On Swedish day there should be steam rooms everywhere. Or is that the Finns?
Only if Italy day gets added and spaghetti get thrown everywhere, and instead of secret the gamemode should be gangs :italy:
Allow an exception in the Swedish filter for IKEA, since it always comes out as EEKEE.
actually it's funny don't change that at all
Only if Canada day is included and the station is made out of wood and the mobs are all beavers.

Edit: On Swedish day there should be steam rooms everywhere. Or is that the Finns?

On Canada sometimes sentences would end with Eh whether you put it there or not.

Edit: Quotes are broken
Any time it detects a question mark it precedes it with , eh
Ja, för fan!

Varför finns det inte en älg i :sweden:?
we need a chile day where we get to throw people out of space helicopters in space
(10-25-2016, 01:50 AM)babayetu83 Wrote: we need a chile day where we get to throw people out of space helicopters in space

If you're talking about Scarface, that was Bolivia.

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