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Best moments ever thread 2.0
A bird held me up with an MRPT-7. No one believed me.
I skated into eternity with the help of Cherry and another engineer (his name was lost in the chatscroll of sick tricks). Note the underlined stunt.

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[Image: Fs62UMh.jpg]
(10-19-2016, 04:30 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote:

[Image: Fs62UMh.jpg]

This was also the round most of the station died 12 minutes in due to clown car. I got respawned as a random event werewolf and made a plan to reach high speeds then transform on the board (there were like 3 at the station) instead I went really fast, hit the transform button, got told I couldn't do that there, then sadly got off the board. I did manage to kill exactly one braindead person and no one else cause I walked into a wormhole, and instead of asking the mostly afk ai to let me out, I walked through more wormholes. Eventually I walked into a hand tele portal someone had made that wasn't working and it sent me into space and I floated around until the end of the round. Still fun!
DirectY [145.9] states, "Crew, be alert. Monkeys have located a stockpile of frozen farts and are now bombarding the station with them."
I was the AI, at some point someone had wendigo arms and I jokingly said he was rude cause he didn't offer any to me. Later in the round he shows up and walks into my core, debrains me. I thought he killed me cause he was a suspected traitor. He then takes my brain to robotics and puts it in a dead human-monkey, which has wendigo arms. I see what's going on and laugh, good job Mr RD. He uses SR, the body has full health. Suddenly I disconnect, when I rejoin I'm an unnamed observer. I figure it must have glitched and am ready to adminhelp when Joe Ewing, the RD who tried to rez me, talks in dead chat. Turns out, when he used SR it did that gltichy thing where it revives the body instead of the brain. My brain was destroyed, the monkey was revived, saw a man that attacked it in life, and killed him with it's wendigo arms. Joe, you tried
Well Dexter was a changeling and I was the AI. Dexter was eating crew and turning them into handspiders. I wanted to become a handspider to try it out, but I couldn't cause I was the AI, although at some point I decide 'fuck it' the crew can live without me. I get turned into a monkey then eaten by Dexter Grifflez. He slowly amasses an army of handspiders and gives them all names via hand labeler.

At some point, Dex decides we should kill everyone and force them into being handspiders. We had a system where Dexter would point at someone, we would all scream and attack them, he would eat them. At some point we all end up at escape with the shuttle on it's way (we called it, we aren't monsters, get it). Dexter tries to get people to come to escape while we all hide under tables there. Then a clown joins the game.

Dexter yells about how Heisenbee needed hugs (he was at escape) and the clown needed to do it. Clown runs over. We all wait. Dexter points. SCREAM!!! The clown didn't stand a chance against literally 5 handspiders. He became one though. We then attacked and killed everyone near escape. I walked onto the shuttle from below while people were attacking humans at the top.

There was a musician in the shuttle, I attacked him. As I started killing him he yells "AI BOLT THESE DOORS" to keep the other handspiders out, I guess. If you've been paying attention, you'll see why this was utterly hilarious to me. I attacked him while Dexter came in and ate him. Dexter spawned more handspiders while we left for centcom. We ended the round screaming and gnawing/blood boiling Dexter after we arrived at centcom. A good round, handspiders are freaking great.
I may or may not have been given literally 1 million telecrystals. There were two other traitors with no telecrystals I think, including the clown, who is the only objective I had other than escape alive. Which I didn't I forced the clown to kill me via mindslaves so I blew up the whole shuttle. The omnitraitor or something werewolf survived, little bugger.

Quote:bonsai tree (played by NateTheSquid) was a traitor!
They purchased 32 items with their telecrystals!
They purchased: Spy Sticker Kit,  Cloaking Device,  Stealth Storage, Derringer, Cyalume Saber, Cyalume Saber, Cyalume Saber, Electromagnet Card, Cyalume Saber, Cyalume Saber, Stealth Storage, Cyalume Saber, Cyalume Saber, Cyalume Saber, Macrobomb Implant, Microbomb Implant, Macrobomb Implant, Macrobomb Implant, Derringer, Derringer, Derringer, Derringer, Space-American Football Kit, Surplus Crate, Floor Closet, Surplus Crate, Surplus Crate, Surplus Crate, Surplus Crate, Wrestling Belt, Deluxe Mind Slave implant, Deluxe Mind Slave implant

Their surplus crate contained: Riot Baton, Mailman Suit, Deluxe Mind Slave implant, Syndicate Donk Pockets, Thermite Breaching Charge, Flare Gun, Sonic Grenades, Miniature Bible, .38 AP ammo box, Syndicate Pipebomb, Detomatix Cartridge, Chameleon Bomb, Macrobomb Implant, Macrobomb Implant, Syndicate Command Armor, Mind Slave implant, Syndicate Dagger, Sleepy Pen, Fake Cleaner Grenades, Chameleon Bomb, .38 AP ammo box, Chameleon Bomb, Chameleon Jumpsuit, DNA Scrambler, Electromagnet Card, Bowling Kit, Mind Slave implant

Go for AI.
Roll not AI.
I figure I have 50% chance to be a Traitor.
Roll Syndiclown.
Buy Macro and 2 Microbombs.
Start duels with people. Get in a Pod and blow up Pod Bay. Steal Strelka. Fail at a Pod Fight. Get back into the station.

Someone named Officer Beepsky then walked up and thru a Revolver. Thinking it was fake, I decided to play along. I shot it.
Suddenly Officer Beepsky is on the ground, a Cloaker Traitor is on the ground, and there's a giant fucking hole under the Chapel. None of us survived. I had killed 2 traitors, myself and a Cloaker, and a Gimmick Security Guard.

You do a 180 heel flip on the Crusher Unit!

Your skateboard is somehow destroyed!

It was an average day on LLJK1... The crew was fucking around, making cool stuff and secretly wanting to stab their coworker... The Admins... They were adding birds to the code. Lots... And lots... Of birbs. Haine, she added space crows. Little did she know, this addition would've caused the Crowpacolyse.

The Quartermaster was ordering crates upon crates of birds. We loved them, and they loved us! Except the crows... They quickly multiplied, their numbers increasing exponentially. They overtook cargo in a couple dozen minutes, spreading into the halls and starting to claim the halls. The corridors were chockfull of crows. Cryo, Research, Medbay, and probably mining and engineering were taken... We called the shuttle, as the crows took over the station. We learned how to kill them, though: Fire...

One of the Doctors, (I think it was either Roco, Everett, or someone else I can't remember) armed themselves with a flamethrower. Me and several others used welders. We tried our best against the Crow's exponential expansion, but we were no match. For every one we killed, two took their place. The halls were singed, covered in crows and their fallen brethren. Soon, the shuttle arrived. The survivors quickly climbed in, but the crows invaded the Shuttle, too. The Doctor with the Flamethrower had abandoned her weapon, and started punching the crows. The dozens of dozens of crows flocked onto her, nearly killing her. We somehow made it to CentComm, but, I'm sure they took over CentComm as well. Earth was quickly devoured by the crows, overrun, with life impossible to sustain.

That was how the world ended...
(11-02-2016, 11:06 AM)aft2001 Wrote: One of the Doctors, (I think it was either Roco, Everett, or someone else I can't remember) armed themselves with a flamethrower.
That was Cy. I was Captain and I was trying to shoot them with my EGun. Little did I know that the lasers just go right over them. At that point I screamed and gave up. My eyes were eventually pecked out.
I love the smell of burnt crows in space.
I must have easily killed over a hundred crows, but that was barely a dent on their numbers.
Towards the end of the round when survivors were in Escape, there was a CentComm announcement. It said something like:

"NSS Destiny, we have detected approximately 1,211 crows aboard the vessel. Is everything alright?"

Everyone shouted "NO" over the comms. Well, not just saying "No" in response. More comedic and complex responses.
(11-02-2016, 11:06 AM)aft2001 Wrote: It was an average day on LLJK1... The crew was fucking around, making cool stuff and secretly wanting to stab their coworker... The Admins... They were adding birds to the code. Lots... And lots... Of birbs. Haine, she added space crows. Little did she know, this addition would've caused the Crowpacolyse.

The Quartermaster was ordering crates upon crates of birds. We loved them, and they loved us! Except the crows... They quickly multiplied, their numbers increasing exponentially. They overtook cargo in a couple dozen minutes, spreading into the halls and starting to claim the halls. The corridors were chockfull of crows. Cryo, Research, Medbay, and probably mining and engineering were taken... We called the shuttle, as the crows took over the station. We learned how to kill them, though: Fire...

One of the Doctors, (I think it was either Roco, Everett, or someone else I can't remember) armed themselves with a flamethrower. Me and several others used welders. We tried our best against the Crow's exponential expansion, but we were no match. For every one we killed, two took their place. The halls were singed, covered in crows and their fallen brethren. Soon, the shuttle arrived. The survivors quickly climbed in, but the crows invaded the Shuttle, too. The Doctor with the Flamethrower had abandoned her weapon, and started punching the crows. The dozens of dozens of crows flocked onto her, nearly killing her. We somehow made it to CentComm, but, I'm sure they took over CentComm as well. Earth was quickly devoured by the crows, overrun, with life impossible to sustain.

That was how the world ended...

I was the quartermaster playing with the birbs. I loved them. And then I got set on fire. And pecked. And the crows took Osiris. frown

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