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If someone would be so kind, please link me to a spriting program so I can make sprites for the Lunatic. Please.

Bob Averagename goes for a walk that nobody else knows about. He enters Maintenance because he left something in the Clown's Quarters. Suddenly someone dressed as an Unknown races up and starts beating him with a toolbox. He attempts to scream over the radio but the stranger has already taken it off. Bob Averagename is killed and choked once on the ground, and the stranger dresses as him. Changing Identity, the stranger races towards their job location and does their job. Later on the shuttle comes about, and the Lunatic has a weapon. As everyone is on the shuttle, the Lunatic lets out a crazed laugh and starts to stab and slash everyone. Flashes and Stuns are tried, but none succeed as the Cluwne-Like Laughter fills the shuttle. Finally Centcomm is reached, and only one bloody person stands left.

The Lunatic is a stealth-based class with the amazing ability to kill people quickly. Combining passive powers along with three very potent abilities results in a powerful fighter that can easily take two officers of Security.

The Lunatic starts in a random maintenance tunnel with a Blue Toolbox, Insulated Gloves, a Muddied Jumpsuit (just imagine a prisoner jumpsuit with spacedirt on it.), and a satchel with their Trinket.
At the beginning, with no weapon or preparation, the Lunatic is at their weakest state if found and caught. However, they're capable fighters in all scenarios (EVEN WHEN STUNG BY A CHANGELING), and can quickly take you with them.

  • When trying to upgrade their grab on someone, they cannot fail. The amount of situations this could be useful are very much, as people usually get up too quickly for real damage to be done.
  • Struggling out of Handcuffs takes only 20 seconds.
  • Stamina Regenerates at twice the speed
  • Takes items off other people at 1.5x the speed.
  • Cannot be tracked by the AI when out of a Disguise.
  • Disarm hand blocks attacks 10% more often.
  • SHUT UP: You rip out someone's Earpiece from melee, dropping it at your feet and dealing 15 brute damage. 3 Minute Cooldown.
  • DISGUISE: You enter or exit Disguise Mode. 1 minute Cooldown. In disguise mode, you will automatically look like and be seen as the person who's ID card you're wearing.

So is the Lunatic Strong or Weak? Well, I'd say weak for now. Like a debuffed Changeling. However, here is the fun part:
  • MANIAC: With a 5 minute cooldown, Maniac Mode only lasts for 30 seconds. However, in Maniac mode you are immune to: Stuns, Slowness from damage, slipping, stuns, ect.:
    You will literally be a person running around, no matter how much chemicals, damage, or stuns they throw at you. Not even Flashes or Tasers can stop this: They will have to shoot you until you die or until the ability is over. And if that wasn't bad enough: You laugh like a Cluwne every 5 seconds PLUS when you activate the ability. Excluding the fact a half-dead CRIT guy can just get up and beat you to death, he'll be laughing like a Cluwne all the while. Yep, if you see a Lunatic make sure they stay dead so they can't heal themselves up in this form either.
And that is my idea on the Lunatic. But wait! Don't go! He can have a Gamemode if you just let him. Not a very good one as this is mainly for the Antagonist though.

All of the Lunatics will start in different parts of the station, however, they will all know who eachother are and cannot kill eachother. Along with that they have a symbol like the Nuke Ops one, allowing them to see who eachother are. About the same amount will spawn as a Nuke Ops team, except with one less member.

Not a huge fan of this honestly. I mean I guess it doesn't hurt to have another antagonist in the roster but I'd like to see a move away from quick-kill robusters. That and it IS quite similar to Changeling - down to having a super fighty form that you can only keep up so long.
I'm a fan of slasher horror, so some kind of antagonist related to that would be nice, though I think it should be kept to special occasions like Halloween or every Friday the 13th.

I'd want to see them with abilities that match the tropes though, so have them incredibly hard to kill with some revivals upon death, slow but with a tendency to pop up in unexpected places with some kind of warp power, victims having a tendency to trip while running from them (Some kind stumble spell) And colorful kills. Maybe beat someone into crit and then perform a bloody coup de grĂ¢ce with items around the station similar to the suicide flavor texts.
Slasher antagonists would be great but they'd need to be appropriately rare. Just common enough that you don't forget they exist and such.
I would cut MANIAC to 15 seconds
Slasher Antagonist huh? That's something I can use in my next idea...

Anyway, is Maniac to 15 seconds viable? I mean, it's so short not too much might get done with it. But it makes sense.

I understand your point Erev, it is quite like the Changeling. However, I don't quite know how I would manage to make them be able to disguise quite well. Maybe just a rough voice mimic that only works for people you've killed?
I understand it's a well-worn horror movie trope and all, but I'm kind of leery of an antagonist who explicitly gains superpowers from having mental problems.
Like Erev said, I am not a big fan of this either, mainly because of what the premise is, a crazy person set out to murder everyone in the most obvious ways possible. SS13's charm comes from the communication and stealthiness, not knowing who might kill you or who might save you so I don't really want more antags like nukeops that give the crew a clear enemy to fight.
I roleplay a mentally unstable murderer as a traitor about 25% of the time - having special skills associated with that role would feel uneccessary and take away part of the fun of it.

Also as others have pointed it out, having a specific antag class for this kind of thing would become stale really quickly.
traitors already manage to be slasher movie maniacs fairly well and most of these powers are already handled ingame via stun weapons, poisons, and buffing chems.

i guess for halloween we could request that the red chainsaw and butcher's knife be made available to all traitors for the month of october, rather than job specific.
That makes sense, thank you all for your opinion!
Now I know better which kinds of suggestings to make, so while a failure, it was a helpful one.
I feel like that dude at that asylum is basically one of the closest things the station has to a slasher villian.
and the welder and then mr.smiley and also the psycho meat chef
(10-04-2016, 08:35 PM)Roomba Wrote: I understand it's a well-worn horror movie trope and all, but I'm kind of leery of an antagonist who explicitly gains superpowers from having mental problems.


Let's try to avoid boosting the social stigma that having a mental disorder = being a homicidal maniac.
(Besides, isn't the thought that someone whose mind is considered to be functioning without issue, deciding to inflict pain on others a much scarier thought? Probably why folks are quick to label someone as crazy or mental in the first place)

As for the rest of the idea... it doesn't seem practical to code the disguise mode. Do you get their clothes too? What if they're a rotting corpse at this point or if they've changed their appearance?

Besides, most of this can be achieved as a plain old traitor with a bunch of agent IDs, DNA scramblers, and a chameleon jumpsuit.

Most importantly, I'm seeing you post a lot of these antagonist roles lately and as a fellow person who is often overwhealmed with ideas, I will leave you with these words of wisdom when developing your next role:

Antagonist roles should encourage ingenuity and interaction, not murderous rampages from a silent villain.
(10-05-2016, 06:36 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote:
(10-04-2016, 08:35 PM)Roomba Wrote: I understand it's a well-worn horror movie trope and all, but I'm kind of leery of an antagonist who explicitly gains superpowers from having mental problems.


Let's try to avoid boosting the social stigma that having a mental disorder = being a homicidal maniac.
(Besides, isn't the thought that someone whose mind is considered to be functioning without issue, deciding to inflict pain on others a much scarier thought? Probably why folks are quick to label someone as crazy or mental in the first place)

As for the rest of the idea... it doesn't seem practical to code the disguise mode. Do you get their clothes too? What if they're a rotting corpse at this point or if they've changed their appearance?

Besides, most of this can be achieved as a plain old traitor with a bunch of agent IDs, DNA scramblers, and a chameleon jumpsuit.

Most importantly, I'm seeing you post a lot of these antagonist roles lately and as a fellow person who is often overwhealmed with ideas, I will leave you with these words of wisdom when developing your next role:

Antagonist roles should encourage ingenuity and interaction, not murderous rampages from a silent villain.

At the very least we should sprite several slasher masks in the game kinda like the ones from hotline miami so at the very least the antagonist can pretend to be a slasher movie villian

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