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Invincible Windows
I've noticed that the windows over the AI's IR detectors are impossible to interact with. Basically, the full window's sprite covers the sprites of all the directional windows, and the directional windows stop you from interacting with the full window, so there's no way to hit any of the windows or use tools on them. This makes the windows completely invincible to anything except bombs and revolvers, I suppose.
I'm not sure, but I think that actually might be intentional. It's the only place on the map where you can see them, and they're probably there to stop people from tampering with the IR detectors (if that's possible of course).
Well, I've never really fucked around with the IR detectors, but having them encased in impenetrable glass seems kind of bullshit. I mean, there should be some way to get past them without setting them off that doesn't involve explosives or bullets.
Also, if they're supposed to be hard to break through, it makes more sense to surround them with reinforced crystal than to put them inside some kind of horrifying untouchable mobius window.
Those windows can be destroyed if you think about it. No, I don't mean explosions.
They are at the airbridge too, and they're pretty easy to destroy if you think about it.
Yes, I know you can throw things at them over and over until they break. But it's silly to have to throw a crowbar at the window until it breaks instead of just prying the window out of the floor like you can do with every other window.
I've already touched on this in some old post. While they're cool for admin gimmicks such as the thunderdome, they have no place on the actual station imo. They exploit an obvious glitch and make it a huge pain in the ass for people trying to break into the AI subtly. People can't even get into that area to set off the infra-red sensors without throwing something with shit throw_force at a window for ten minutes. Whats the point of having that extra defense if you're just going to make mind warping window blockades?
Also, that's not the only place it happens. Look at the windows in Engineering Storage. Same damn thing.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Also, that's not the only place it happens. Look at the windows in Engineering Storage. Same damn thing.

This formation of windows is used all over the damn place on this station. I really dislike it.

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