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Wraith's past lives
I had a strange ass dream to do with wraiths but it inspired this idea: Have wraiths first spawn as a living crew member, and what they do when alive affects their wraith abilities after they die. So if they run around and punch people a lot, they get more offensive abilities. If they shoot people they get ranged, possibly stealthy abilities. Please comment ideas. (this dream was pretty fun at some point i became a mutant fire-breathing fish that fed off brains and turned into a mostly normal human during the day, I had stealthy abilites and lived with a random human family that knew nothing)
I dunno, I think maybe if there was a very small chance you could become a wraith upon death that might be interesting, but make it even lower than round start wraiths chances
A minor chance to turn into a wraith on death would be pretty freaking great, I'm all for spicing up rounds even more.
Stan Beezlebub says "... they say when 2D spacepeople are killed in horrifying and gruesome ways a memory of that pain remains..."

You are hit by the locker.
You are hit by the vomit-laced cigarette.
You are hit by the drinking glass.
You are hit by the saxophone.

The living defibrillator says "Don't eat the chili"
Traitor slaughters a random assistant, he rises as a wraith and kills the traitor. Me likely!
I think that this idea more fits the concept of a revenant

It might be cool for brutally murdered crew to have a random chance of respawning as a revenant with powers roughly related to how they died; fire powers for burn damage, etc.
(10-03-2016, 01:19 PM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: I think that this idea more fits the concept of a revenant

It might be cool for brutally murdered crew to have a random chance of respawning as a revenant with powers roughly related to how they died; fire powers for burn damage, etc.

Maybe it could be a cool new wraith power?
Brute damage: raw telekinesis and force-push/crush type powers. Possible force barrier.
Burn damage: The Man on Fire from MGSV. Just on fire all the time, creates fireballs and fire walls and shit.
Oxy damage: Wind/vacuum manipulation, able to steal breath from people's lungs passively and create air bursts. Seemingly weaker, but hideously dangerous if there's a fire somewhere as they can super-supply it with oxygen.
Tox damage: Creation of poisonous foams/clouds of a mix of semi-dangerous to extremely dangerous substances.
Radiation damage: Nuclear mutagenic bastard. Walking dirty bomb.
Gibbing: MEAT MAN
Drowning: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?????
Admin intervention: Cluwne. Just a regular Cluwne. Why would you do this? What did you expect?

EDIT: The idea of a Wraith bringing back the dead as shambling abominations tainted by the essence of their own death is thematically fucking awesome. It turns a bad situation for the crew even worse when the plasma fires that claimed many lives begin to spawn dangerous fire elementals, fueled by the anguished spirits of their fellow crew. If they don't immediately disintegrate, they'd be great for creepy RP. Maybe usage of their powers causes (or at least accelerates) their degradation, so in the meantime they could have kind of a fight-from-the-inside thing.

I'm imagining each one as having a passive ability, one or two active abilities, a potential immunity/weakness, and a side effect of their death (like how wiz golems dissolve into a cloud on death).

I just love Wraith stuff. It could be so much scarier than it already is. Since I've been playing on Destiny/Clarion, my mind is on RP.
I kinda like the idea that the revenant isn't really triggered by a person, but has a rare chance of being triggered by a trauma. I assume that would make it much easier to code since you'd just check for the highest cause of damage, then grant revenant status based on that. If the person has more then one source of trauma maybe give them a random role or just not give them revenant, I don't know.

sort of like the science ghosts, except controlled by the person who died.

Also I like to think Chaplain would try to reason with the revenant.


(10-03-2016, 04:31 PM)atomic1fire Wrote: I kinda like the idea that the revenant isn't really triggered by a person, but has a rare chance of being triggered by a trauma.

sort of like the science ghosts, except controlled by the person who died.

That's actually kinda neat. Like, a rare chance of an antag made from the dead, this trauma-revenant. So rare you could never plan around it. I think it'd be more exciting than a latejoin blob, that's for sure, and Goonlore definitely has the room for twisted anguished spirits. There's alchemy and precursor ruins and wendigos and stuff.
Bleeding to death: Slash people freddy krueger style and shoot projectiles that induce bleeding but leave no forensic trace. Or perhaps some form inspired by the grim reaper.

Edit: I feel like traumaghost should be able to darth vader the wraith at their own peril, Wraith's death will kill them all, but they may only be willing to live to kill the wraith.
(10-03-2016, 04:48 PM)atomic1fire Wrote: Bleeding to death: Slash people freddy krueger style and shoot projectiles that induce bleeding but leave no forensic trace. Or perhaps some form inspired by the grim reaper.

Edit: I feel like traumaghost should be able to darth vader the wraith at their own peril, Wraith's death will kill them all, but they may only be willing to live to kill the wraith.

I like that as a potential tweak or replacement for the current revenant. Revenant has such a long cooldown that they're really not applicable and kind of exaggerate the grind/nothing-to-do feeling for "endgame" wraiths. More variety and nuance, leaves the wraith to their devices, but not in their direct control and could come after them to kick their ass (perhaps revenants are simultaneously on the physical and astral planes and can attack wraiths/possibly perceive ghosts?).

EDIT: Have a wraith create trauma-ghosts with a big cost/different cooldown, and make it like a 0.001% percent chance a dead person will come back as an 'untethered revenant', not bound to the existence of a wraith.
give wraith power to speak in the voices of the dead it has absorbed
This revenant idea sounds awesome and also could be a fun addition to wraith

Maybe sacrifice some of your point regen to mark someone for death, and if they die in a certain amount of time they rise as a revenant
Pestilence: Any fatal disease can have a chance of causing this as an alternative to any of the other forms of damage. Maybe outfitted with some harmful and harmless disease symptoms so someone is free to turn people into skeletons or give them a nastier disease.

"Your flesh melts off leaving your skeleton, spooky"

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