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Saline glucose and the new blood pressure system
Because of the new blood pressure system removing the limit of blood inside someone saline glucose can now cause a patient to become hypertensive. This is specially bad with medbots which have saline glucose as part of their normal injection, a bit of brute damage can end up with the patient having +200 units of blood to spare and a severe case of hypertension.
Either medbots, saline glucose, or the new blood system might need to be reworked (Problably limiting the amount of saline glucose a medbot can inject would be the wisest, but I dunno)
Atm it seems criminally easy to cause hypertension, thus heart disease, thus cardiac failure. I ate some honey once and it gave me so many reagents of honey I got heart disease.

This is not very fun, especially since I think you need heparin (which isn't synthesizable?) to cure heart disease, which means you have to break into chem/med even more
I drank four full glasses of water; enough water to give myself hypertension, which quickly snowballed into cardiac failure.
I don't think the solution is messing with medibots. A medibot will not, by default, inject more than 10 saline-glucose into a patient (can be upped to 15 by anyone with medical access, which I did as part of the construction process every time until the recent changes).

It has a depletion rate of 0.15 and a 33% chance of regenerating one unit of blood, which roughly means it doubles its own volume in blood over the course of its depletion. This seems fine to me for a chemical that is supposed to help with blood loss.

As others have said, hypertension is absurdly easy to get into given how lethal it is, so I think either that needs tweaking slightly, or the behaviour of saline should be tweaked to only replenish blood if the patient's blood level (new version, i.e. blood plus reagents) is lower than 500, rather than just their blood amount being lower than 500. This way you can't easily cause hypertension by over-injecting a little bit of saline (obviously a full IV drip into someone without much blood loss will cause issues, but they should be reduced somewhat).

If someone's blood is, say, 300 units, they have 100 units of saline and 100 units of ethanol in them (oddly normal), their blood level is "normal" so the saline would not kick in. The patient's own blood regeneration will offset the ethanol/saline depletion (and in fact slightly beat it), so they'd become slightly hypertensive while that all gets stabilised, but at least the saline wouldn't be pumping them full of more blood.

I may well have misunderstood how saline works in the new system, and it could already be doing this, in which case its low depletion rate is what's causing the problem (patient with 300 units of blood, 200 of saline, is going to regenerate blood much faster than their saline depletes and so they'll soon be hypertensive, even if the saline isn't actively adding blood).

Given the combination of people having issues with hypertension, I'd recommend either upping the points at which things go hypertensive, or at least its severity, which should also help alleviate this issue with saline-glucose. I'd also suggest having methods for doctors to more easily alleviate it; perhaps a new medical chemical (a vasodilator?) that ups the effective capacity by, say, 3x the amount that is in someone's system (with all of the fun side effects thereof).
I'm going to adjust blood pressure stuff probably tomorrow, since it's definitely not right at the moment. Reagents will probably no longer count as highly towards blood pressure. I'll fuss with it, so until then please hang tight.
e: hang tight as in your arteries are tight because everyone has high blood pressure and heart disease all the time

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