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Auto-bolt brigs open/closed corresponding with timer
As said in the title.

When the timer for a cell is not engaged, have it be bolted open, either starting that way or returning to it after the timer's done.

When the timer is engaged, unbolt it (and probably automatically close it) until the timer's done. Maybe bolt it closed for extra points.

Should the HoS/P or Captain need to, there could also be a way to manually unbolt it for extended stays, as well as the AI's inherent ability to unbolt doors, presumably with a rule or something for not helping sec permabrig people I unno
i dont really see how much this adds. any sensible officer will have stripped down an inmate to remove any tools or emags that might get them out of the door, and if they don't then frankly they deserve a jailbreak.

i guess it would make it a little bit harder for doors to be opened via accidentally bumping into them, which has been a problem lately with this new movement system nonsense. hmm.

maybe brig doors could be not airlocks at all, but be made into something like blast doors, so they only open and close at all from outside the cell via a button.
Hilarious story: I once arrested a captain traitor as a newbie sec, and shoved him cuffed into solitary. I then proceeded to stand there gawking whilst he broke out of cuffs, walked out the cell door and shot me. Good times.
(09-18-2016, 07:39 PM)misto Wrote: maybe brig doors could be not airlocks at all, but be made into something like blast doors

Iron bar jail doors. They must also make a nice stereotypical "jail door" slamming sound when closed.
How about an actual key that had to be used to open and close the cells? That way you could lock em up and throw away the key  Breaking News Developing...

But some kinda pirates of the Caribbean dog shenanigans or lockpicking as escape means would be neat
(09-19-2016, 04:00 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: How about an actual key that had to be used to open and close the cells? That way you could lock em up and throw away the key  Breaking News Developing...

But some kinda pirates of the Caribbean dog shenanigans or lockpicking as escape means would be neat


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