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Setting Access Level
Hi friends!

The emag/agent card thread got my brain parts doing that thinking stuff again.

Uh.. I forgot what I wanted to say... uhm... Oh, yeah!

Three topics I'd like to discuss: doors and lockers and sliding glass doors. First as separate issues, then one that connects all three.


The mechanic can scan doors and replicate them but this only lets you create one type of door per round (eg. if you scan a door in research and one in medbay then deploy both frames -- starting with the medbay door -- the research door will deploy as a medbay door. The same will apply for any door frame you deploy thereafter). 
My proposal to resolve this: make department doors all deploy as a default general access door. (More to come on that in part two)

Basic lockers can currently be constructed with 2 sheets of metal. That's cool but what if I wanted to build a personal locker and give only access to myself? Have lockable lockers buildable for 3-4 metal sheets. What about setting access? (More to come in part two)

Sliding Glass Doors
Make them scannable with the analyser and deployable with general access. (Now on to the much anticipated part 2!)


Setting Access Levels
Create a module that can be pried out of doors, lockers, and glass sliding doors. This would be the ID scan module that can be altered to allow access to specific departments, names, or maybe even specific fingerprints (similar to the hand scanner MechComp component). Who can edit this is where I'm conflicted. I would say that anyone could but a case could be made for heads and engineering or for only the HoP. I would support anyone being able to simply because anyone can hack doors at this time, provided they have the proper tools. A way to balance this, could be that editing the access reuires a multitool, similar to MechComp components.

Hopefully this isn't too ludicrous of an idea.
I actually rather like these ideas, creating doors, lockers, etc. and changing who can access them. Maybe there'd be a stash of the modules in the CE's place, or they need some sort of verification before they can actually be added to something, who knows.
I think this is an absolutely incredible idea and would be amazing for building your own station extensions and god damn do i want this.
being able to set the access level is something that has been sorely mising from rcd-built airlocks for a long time
more sensationalist response: christ yes please i want to have a x-roles/x-people-only nerd cave
In regards to emagging doors, it could simply short out the ID scanner making it accessible to anyone.
(09-09-2016, 08:50 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: In regards to emagging doors, it could simply short out the ID scanner making it accessible to anyone.

I like this a lot more than "stuck open forever", since that's what bolting is for.

Bolting is for letting fires spread unrestrained. Yes.
As someone who enjoys a bit of ship modification now and then, yes please.

In terms of the access required, I'm against making it as easy as a multitool - the de facto piece of equipment to get through doors anyway - why not make it require one of engineering, mechanic or head access? It gives the engineers something to do other than engulf the station/ship in firey plasma/Lord Singulo.

If an antag wants to do it, unless they're one of the above they'll need to get that ID first, but that shouldn't take them all that long as they have plenty of options for who to corner.

I like the idea of e-magged doors just having a fried ID scanner module. To make them more obvious they should have their bolt light turn yellow (rather than green or red).
I like the idea of only engineer-types being allowed to mess with it (or at least their access level)

AKA: I agree with Mordent, he thinks these things through rather well
First of: Good Idea!

About permissions/hacking the access level module, all is fine, so long as the whole thing can still be bypassed by a conventional screwdriver/wirecutter/multitool hack. Otherwise people will start to mug Engineers for IDs, just so they can crack open a door.
This is something I've been wanting for a long time. Give the Captain, HoP, and HoS the ability to set the access levels. Easy.

Maybe unscrewing the panel gives you access to an ID slider that then asks what kind of access you want on the door?
Turn on/off certain permissions by role, category, and level.
Role: per-specific job.
Category: civilian/catering, research, engineering, security, etc.
Level: heads, non-heads, etc.
And then ones for specific people

EDIT: I say this because there are people of roughly similar "importance/role" to, say, Assistants that can't go where Assistants can (chef can't access the tool storage area close to the bar).
(09-09-2016, 09:19 AM)Mordent Wrote: I like the idea of e-magged doors just having a fried ID scanner module.

Heh, they should be literally deep fried.
(09-09-2016, 09:24 PM)zewaka Wrote:
(09-09-2016, 09:19 AM)Mordent Wrote: I like the idea of e-magged doors just having a fried ID scanner module.

Heh, they should be literally deep fried.

Cue Syndie going on a rampage emagging all the doors open and eating the scanner modules
ais and borgs should be able to fiddle with access level as well, probably without even needing to screw the doors open

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