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Gimmick Job ideas
(08-31-2016, 02:06 AM)atomic1fire Wrote:
(08-30-2016, 07:02 AM)ferriswheel1 Wrote:
(08-29-2016, 11:52 PM)Superlagg Wrote: Name: Griever
Access: Maintenance, Morgue
Gear: Black dress\suit, black hat and veil, flowers, fudge, someone's notarized will, and a pen to write yourself into the will.

Can only be chosen after sometime dies, and your job is to show the station just how had you can grieve for the dearly departed while robbing them blind with legal documents entitling you to their shit.

I think the term is "mourner" and everybody will be too busy corpse-looting to pay attention to any will.

I'd probably give the mourner's random crap under the pretenses that it belonged to the deceased.

This spoon totally belonged to the former Mr. Clown. It was his favorite spoon.

"This Swedish fish I totally didn't grab out of crew quarters belonged to the captain."

I guess my end goal would be to see what's the worst item I could convince someone that they've inherited.

"Before they died, your beloved adopted this poor orphaned monkey. They told me that they wanted you to look after it when they were gone."
(08-31-2016, 02:21 AM)locusts Wrote: "Before they died, your beloved adopted this poor orphaned monkey. They told me that they wanted you to look after it when they were gone."

Add a timed release raj beaker in the monkey's backpack for maximum evils.
Name: Space hobo spawn's in one of the derelict rooms in maintenance with a bottle of alcohol and some random narcotics has beat up clothing and only maintenance access has the genetic trait's Apocrine Enhancement and Ethanol Production
gimmick antag job: cutter drone
your job is to cut apart the wreckage in the debris field and haul the scrap back to the big drone for it to eat so it can make more babby drones. if u feed it enough to make 10 babby drones you are allowed to do what you wanted to do in the first place and go to the station to wreck up the place and cut ppl up
(09-01-2016, 06:04 PM)misto Wrote: gimmick antag job: cutter drone
your job is to cut apart the wreckage in the debris field and haul the scrap back to the big drone for it to eat so it can make more babby drones. if u feed it enough to make 10 babby drones you are allowed to do what you wanted to do in the first place and go to the station to wreck up the place and cut ppl up

what confused
Occupational Safety and Health Insurance Team Inspector (The other guy inspects food)

Access: None.

Kit: Shirt and pants (The ones that are somewhat random, located in the chaplain's closet), labcoat (we don't have orange safety vests), hardhat, masons, clipboard, pen, stamp, whistle and ticket PDA.

Abilities: Vigorous table smacking action.
Hunk would be too antagonist, but i dont like it.

Child Gimmick Job sounds more like RP, plus i dont think its a good gimmick job, just imagine a changeling killing a poor kid, and everyone farting on the child's face, i dont think child should be in, NEVER.

The Therapist sounds good but its for RP, totally, and i dont think anyone will ever go with the therapist

Emotional Support Worker, no just no.
(08-24-2016, 01:18 PM)locusts Wrote: Default names pick a random player and relation to them, eg. "John Smith's son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter/niece/nephew/cousin". 
Spigot the Bear's Vile Son, Tuggy
playable robuddy role
(09-07-2016, 01:15 PM)misto Wrote: playable robuddy role

Here's another shitty one:

Dramatic Chef:
Starts with chef gear, so Hat, Apron, Suit.
Has the Loud voice mutation.
Basically runs around insulting food
#42 please check this out it's a rather long post but I think it's a good idea
(09-07-2016, 02:04 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote:
(09-07-2016, 01:15 PM)misto Wrote: playable robuddy role


I made a thread about ideas like this a while back
Space Diner Employee: Wear a silly uniform. Force a smile. Wonder why the same three people just sit around and order nothing. Lament your lack of a degree.
Syndicate Trainee: "Assault" people with toy weapons until they robust you. Attempt to hold an inanimate object hostage with a cap gun. Get a gold star for effort.
Wearwolf: Model fashionable clothes and hats. Get mugged by staff assistants. Wolf out and give them wedgies.
Hippie: Get high. Fail to attack anyone because your bloodstream is full of pure love. Watch as your hippie idealism is shattered by the horrible behavior of people on a space station. Bummer, man.
OUTFIT: Special mario costume that lets you travel through disposal pipes to specific destinations, (a la mailman costume)
ACCESS:same as janitor
ITEMS: Toolbox, Plunger that you can use as an average melee weapon but with that rubber pop noises when you hit people (you can't use as hat, this is a different plunger than the bathroom one) and a psilocybin mushroom with super mushroom coloring.

This would just be fun to play as.

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