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[Feature] Cable coil throwing net
space zoo space zoo
(08-22-2016, 11:24 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I've successfully click dragged space bears back into their crates while they were attacking someone. I think it has to be a specific kind of crate though.

(08-23-2016, 06:15 AM)Grek Wrote: Lockers usually work.

It'll be the cardlocked crates, since they're basically resprited lockers
I like the net, but I dont like the part about dropping items.
(unless you can code it to only drop large items, but not small ones, I.E. the .38 wouldn't be dropped, but an oxy tank would)

This could function like throwable shackles. (Yeah I mean the prison shoes + handcuffs variety.)
If you land your throw, they're "netted" and move slower until remedied.
(you may need to fight while in the net to get a good chance to remove it, try tazing your enemies or other stuns for a moment to get free)
Use the same code for removing handcuffs for removing the net, i.e. must hold still but only takes 2-3 seconds to remove.
(between shoddy construction, haste, and your free handedness, you quickly escape)
Alternatively use wirecutters/scissors/etc for insta-escape.

Or, you could always make this function like a pie to the face, except instead of being blinded you are unable to move
(but automatically spend the time unable to move getting free of the net, same duration as pie in face)

These nets should be 1 time use once they snare an opponent, shouldnt be spammable and the part where they are easy to make should balance this. Perhaps allow storage in backpacks and toolboxes but not belts.

This whole idea could also be substituted, or reinforced with bolas (those thrown weapons with 2 rocks with a wire between them for binding legs) if any component of the netting doesn't feel right but the general idea does.

I sure like the net idea myself.
I actually think this idea would be super fun if it could be used with a net gun that actually lets you ensnare people and space critters. Give a net gun to security and put some nets inside the animal control locker in genetics.

I think the net should be used as a mildly annoying weapon for crewman, and a easy way to catch monkeys/martians/yetis/etc that aren't smart enough to escape.

For a rather tall order, a method of using nets with grass tiles so you can cause people to fall in pits that exist for fun reasons. Maybe it could either be a traitor item or something you can only do with the shovel found in the biodome.

The grass pits probably wouldn't be fatal or steep, just really annoying and silly until you climb out. Of course that would be difficult to convey on byond's top down surfaces.
Perhaps no special net gun, just get the Rock-it Launcher from the martian depot, or find another way to get the net to physically launch into somebody.
(vending machines, graviton) It would be sweet if a flying net would snare people regardless of how it became airborne.
security has a perfectly good grenade launcher thing, just make a net grenade for it to shoot. you could even pack the net back into the canister to reload it. but that should be an improved version rather than the homemade cablecoil one
i could see a bedsheet launcher that just chucks sheets over people as they run around blindly in a panic
the problem with that is that bedsheets are already a clothing item that takes up the exosuit clothing slot - so if you shot a bedsheet gun at someone in space, it would replace their spacesuit with a bedsheet and start killing them
(09-01-2016, 06:40 AM)misto Wrote: the problem with that is that bedsheets are already a clothing item that takes up the exosuit clothing slot - so if you shot a bedsheet gun at someone in space, it would replace their spacesuit with a bedsheet and start killing them

Just make it not work on people who are already wearing space suits

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