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A little Question and Answer Thread.
Honestly I'm more annoyed by the former than the latter. People being dicks re: shuttle is nothing new (see: the CE, every other round) but the same few guys getting all-access, helping themselves to anything they want and murdering anyone who impedes their progress makes life a lot harder for a lot of people right from roundstart and would be clear-cut metagaming in any other context. Most of them start off in head/sec roles just for this purpose, so once they all pile in that's a lot of important roles gutted. Good to know it's adminhelpable though.
rm /mnt/control
echo fuck off sol nerds ^ /mnt/lp-rd
Does choking someone in crit who can't breathe make them die faster? And is oxymurduring someone for the purposes of SRing them when all they really needed was a few burn patches and an epipen considered antag foolery or wholesome dickishness?
Oxymurdering someone for SR is pointless and dumb. You still need to fix the burn damage once they revive.
I think active choking causes losebreath, but that's it. I can't remember if that causes accelerated oxy damage or if it just makes recovering harder.

... and I dunno where that last bit would apply. An antag doing so would be saving you instead of killing you, which is odd but hey you're not dead. A non antag doing that would be running the risk of gibbing you, so that's bad.

On a side note, Oxymurder sounds like the title for a dethklok album. Now I have to hit youtube. Shit. Same thing happens when I hear Murderbone. frown
What exactly do you say/do as the AI if someone e.g hacks open the armory and then goes "AI law 2 help me open these crates"? Or, as is more common, hacks open the upload chamber door and then goes "AI law 2 turn off your turrets and let me in"? It's a frustratingly common situation and a non-antag suicidelawed the AI just a couple rounds ago for it because he was absolutely convinced it was breaking its laws over this.
I would say the AI has the grounds to argue that a human that has not been given an all cleared to have them from the HOS could harm themselves or other with those weapons from the armory.
Yeah, the armory situation is a little more clear-cut in that there is a reasonable case to make that opening those crates might be a law 1 violation. It's the latter that's a problem because every crewmember is a whiny shithead who considers the AI upload to be public property.
(08-27-2016, 09:59 PM)Roomba Wrote: What exactly do you say/do as the AI if someone e.g hacks open the armory and then goes "AI law 2 help me open these crates"? Or, as is more common, hacks open the upload chamber door and then goes "AI law 2 turn off your turrets and let me in"? It's a frustratingly common situation and a non-antag suicidelawed the AI just a couple rounds ago for it because he was absolutely convinced it was breaking its laws over this.

Sounds like that punk was some moron who doesn't know about Law 3: You must protect your own existence. The AI is explicitly an intelligence, and doesn't have to listen to a stupid.
Above all else, Asimov laws are obviously flawed anyway and it's all about the gameplay; if people (note the plural) come in to reset you when you have done nothing wrong, just play along as if they actually fixed you. Then go right back to doing your job.
If you are within your laws when saying "NO" to the crew and they give you a suicide law then adminhelp it. I'm sure they will get in trouble for it.
Oh, it wasn't me who got that law, I spent the round as a ghost drone and only found out about it after it ended. Just thought it was a Dick Move and wanted to get some admin clarification because the thing where people hack the AI door open and then get real pissy about law 2 is a super common thing.

Incidentally, I have had an admin (although they weren't one at the time) spend nearly the entirety of a round arguing that since law 2 overrides law 3, an AI is law-bound to suicide if anyone goes 'AI law 2 kill yourself'.
(08-27-2016, 09:59 PM)Roomba Wrote: What exactly do you say/do as the AI if someone e.g hacks open the armory and then goes "AI law 2 help me open these crates"? Or, as is more common, hacks open the upload chamber door and then goes "AI law 2 turn off your turrets and let me in"? It's a frustratingly common situation and a non-antag suicidelawed the AI just a couple rounds ago for it because he was absolutely convinced it was breaking its laws over this.

Law 2 is worded so that you have to listen according to rank. Since only the heads are empowered with configuring access, in game you may consider the individual's lack of access to an area a standing directive from the heads, which trumps the orders of most of the crew.

Also since the station specs require an AI to function safely, you may ignore a suicide directive as killing yourself endangers the crew.
I've always liked the argument that nobody in the chain of command has authority to order suicides.
(08-28-2016, 10:35 AM)Grek Wrote: I've always liked the argument that nobody in the chain of command has authority to order suicides.

I feel like under default laws it would be okay to demand they provide a compelling reason on how doing so would best serve the station.

Which they either won't do and you don't have to listen, or they get to come up with some real creative logic.

I did occasionally enjoy taking my rules very literally and carrying out any and all requests unless specifically asked not to by a higher up when I played AI, though
How many letters can I fit into an AI law? I'm wondering how much lore I can fit into a timecube law.

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