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Gimmick Job ideas
Hi, gimmick jobs are fun. I'm putting this thread together to collate all the ideas for them in one place and also to get some of you guys to think of some.

Name: Hunk
Adminbus?: Yes
Access: Staff assistant
Gear: Speedos, bottle of water, possibly something else.
Further details: Cannot be grabbed due to being too greasy. Crashes through walls like the macho man. Has musculature enhancement. Supplementary video:

Name: Child
Adminbus?: Very yes
Access: Staff assistant
Gear: Assorted sticker box, random toy (magic eight ball, basketball, vuvuzela etc.). Standard jumpsuit.
Further details: Immune to all harm (hey we don't want to be the server that kills children), also cannot harm people at all. Inherent dyspraxia that cannot be removed. Small enough to fit under tables and be mailed, like monkeys. Default names pick a random player and relation to them, eg. "John Smith's son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter/niece/nephew/cousin".

Name: Therapist
Adminbus?: No
Access: Medical doctor.
Gear: Pen and paper, tape recorder. Fancy suit.
Further details:

Name: Emotional Support Worker
Adminbus?: Nah
Access: Chapel
Gear: Gold star sticker box, bee egg (for use as an emotional support animal).
Further details: Has a regenerating source of pure love in their system for constant hugging.
Instead of like, an actual child, that gimmick role would work better with the "Boss' asshole son" kinda trope where they have a lot of power and no responsibility
(08-24-2016, 02:20 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Instead of like, an actual child, that gimmick role would work better with the "Boss' asshole son" kinda trope where they have a lot of power and no responsibility

Maybe asshole relative would work better.
gimmick job: plumber
since there is no actual water plumbing on the station, your job is to weld the burst pipes in the engine over and over and over, and also to repair the disposals and mail pipe systems when they are inevitably shredded by explosions. people will hate you for blocking up the halls with loose pipe sections as you try to do your job
Name: Radio Host
They spawn in a lawyers suit on the radio station and can host a radio station.
Child in its originally intended form had me giggling to myself for a solid five minutes. Please. Also, great ideas. I'll try to contribute more than this comment later.
Why is it that when I think of an 'ss13 child' the first thing that pops into my head is a monkey in a yellow raincoat?

... and why is it the second image I get of Tim Curry?

Did I just splice Curious George with IT? Damn I'm weird.

More on topic, we could probably use 'alternate' versions of single-person-access jobs like chaplain and janitor. Chef already has a couple. I'd also love to be a space hobo of the more professional kind.
(08-24-2016, 02:51 PM)Musketman12 Wrote: Name: Radio Host
They spawn in a lawyers suit on the radio station and can host a radio station.

That actually already exists, but I've only ever seen it available once for latejoining.
I'm big on the idea of having an exterminator. Give em an orange jumpsuit, a box of mousetraps, and a spray bottle filled with insecticide.
special job: snake

you are a snake, which is a lizardman who doesnt have arms and legs. wiggle your way to robotics to receive limbs

You're a staff assistant in a white bedsheet with eyes cut out for holes. You can mess with ouija boards
Job :Ninja

Hide in brushes

Appear when you are not needed

Steal people's butts.
Job: Graffiti Artist.

Get a box of markers and tag up maintenance. For best effect, have there be multiple of these people to amp up the turf/tag war.

Basically gang mode without the drugs, guns, and money. Or any real score.
Name: Birdkeeper
Adminbus?: No
Access: None
Gear: 3 Owl Eggs, A bottle (30 units) of flaptonium

Name: Veterinarian
Adminbus?: No
Access: Medical
Gear: Look it's just an alternate version of a regular doctor with a funnier name

Name: Animal Control
Adminbus?: No
Access: Janitor
Gear: Box of mouse traps

Name: Street artist
Adminbus?: No
Access: None
Gear: Box of crayons, strange crayon, bucket of paint

^^^oh man that graffiti artist was added in the time it took me to write this one up
Name: Town Cryer

Adminbus: Maybe

Access: None

Gear: captain's headset (maybe), Loud voice mutation, maybe a clown horn resprited and modified to make bell noises.

I know this does the exact same thing as the announcement computers, but I feel like the fact that it forces one poor sap to scream announcements over the radio/in public at the captain's/badmin's behest makes it funny.

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