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How to Security Officer 202?
(08-22-2016, 02:40 AM)Ed Venture Wrote:
(08-22-2016, 02:26 AM)Grek Wrote: Don't send people to the Ice Moon, the admins don't like it.

If they are a antag you can do whatever you want to them.

Agreed, but as it should be obvious by now to all concerned it's the circumstance that warrents a banishing.
Just because you can do whatever you want to them doesn't mean you should.
I know, What I was saying that if you exile a antag to the ice moon you won't get in trouble for it, regardless of any Admin's feelings.
So these MRs were based on the tips I got from this very thread, with 1 miscommunication and 1 clear-cut lapse of logic:
- Officers keep their finger on the trigger, INTEND to de-escalate and keep peace and shout said intent over comms, even as the "nuke activated" blairs across the halls and you are pugging skulls and not bothering with names. (superiority of stun attacks aside)
(as opposed to my understanding that you don't really even leave the office until something happens that requires attention. And since it requires Sec intervention, it is by nature a hostile situation, and thus, a little late for formalities)

- Miranda Rights =/= Gameplay code of Law

Which bring us back to the customization of Miranda Rights: what's the point? Is it really just a 'do some Roleplay'-button? And if that's it, why bother allowing it to be customized, when clearly it's content is defined by whatever NT put in the task-briefing?
(07-04-2016, 02:45 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: Here is are some tips I learned over the years.

1. Don't get mad during the job.

This may be hard for some as begin a security officer is soul crushing. Getting mad as a Officer will cause you to make mistakes or worse abuse your power and get you into trouble.

2. Help out when you can and talk to the crew on your down time

The Crew is your friend and though some are piloting on killing you and other crew members you should always make them feel like your friend till you know otherwise. Put the crew's safety above all else even if it means saving someone means the criminal get away (You will most likely get another chance to catch him anyways) once the crew knows you are there for them you'll put a good word in for security as a whole and some crew members may rush to save you like you saved them.

3. Teamwork.

If you have other Officers with you it is essential to communicate with them at all times. Security officers are more suited for their job when you have other Officers who have your back and can share info with you and besides you are only as good as your teammates.
Also if you can take the time to come up with a plan for situations with your security team going in gun blazing does work but sometimes it just gets you killed.

4. Do not walk around with your Stun Baton or Taser out

This is for you Rookie Officers just starting out on the Job. Walking around with either of your weapons out is foolish and announcing to the crew "Hi I have no idea how to play Security" which will cause them to came at you with no fear, disarm you of your weapon and steal it. This is such a foolish thing to do that some Officers may mock you for it.

5. Take the time to learn all the tools Security officers have and how to use them

Security Officers have amazing tools at their hands. I will go though the ones I use and explain why I choose them.

Port a Brig: Sick of having a random greysuits coming up and "saving" the people you arrest? Well not anymore with the Port a Brig! This useful device allows you to put a person in it and send them back to security in a instant! Not only can you teleport it back to the security lobby but you can also teleport it to your location VIA the PDA. WARNING! As useful as it is though it has a drawback while inside the port a brig the person inside can remove his cuffs so once you teleport him to security get back there fast. If dealing with a changeling or any other deadly foe call for back up and get as many officers or heads to back you up as you take the person out of the Port a brig.

Scanner: The Scanner allows you to scan, Finger Prints and Blood and once you enter the ID in you get a Name. This is super useful for tracking criminals

6. Don't be afraid to ask for help

Be it from a HoS, a fellow officer to just asking in mentorhelp. To learn the ropes you'll need guidance, You'll need to get along with others. If you play sec and lone wolf it all the time you won't have much fun with the job that goes double if you never played it before.

7. Use your common sense

This is crucial if you arrest someone for breaking into a place and your first thought of a punishment is throwing him out a airlock then you don't have the right mindset for the job. AS a officer it's up to you to determine how long someone sits in the brig. Keep a level head and punish them how you think is fair without going over the line.

Also if you see a HoS player don't be afraid to ask if you can be their partner. Following a HoS around when you are new to Security is the fastest way to see how things should be done and most would be happy to have you tag along. Also imo Experience is the best teacher but I hope some of the things I said helps you guys out.

Grim look at My Number 1&7 tip. Or re-read over every tip. Or read all the wiki pages on Security. At least there you won't think we are trying to tell you to space people for petty crimes.

EDIT: Page 1 over all has some great tips except for Hufflaw's no idea if he is serious (Most likely not cause he is a great officer in game from what I remember)
The miranda rights/warning is just a roleplay verb. It's there for fun and completely optional, eg:

You have the right to remain drunk and unconscious. Anything you puke may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult a bartender before speaking to security and to have a bartender present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford your tab, a drunk staff assistant will be appointed to you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to puke now without a bartender present, you will still have the right to stop puking at any time until you talk to a bartender. Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to puke without a bartender present?

In reality I'd just use them as a way to store some long-ish thing you want to say a lot, like a catchphrase or something. Space law itself is iron-clad. The ways of enforcing said laws, however, are very murky and opinionated. Basically if you do something and the whole station yells at you it's generally best to apologize and never do it again. Majority rules.
(08-22-2016, 03:58 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: So these MRs were based on the tips I got from this very thread..

Can you point out to me where anyone has implied that resisting arrest = death?
Or carrying weapons = possible spacing?

Rereading the thread, the only case where we talked about spacing was when a suspect suicides upon arrest, where that was concluded it was a-ok.
it's worse to be a horrible sec officer than just about any role
as they're the roles that are supposed to be helpful to the station (unless mindslaved or something)
and they are the roles that have conventional access to:
- flashes (stun)
- batons (stun/harm)
- tasers (long distance stun)
- cuffs (no hand usage, giant emote trying to remove them)
- body armor (durability; )
- helmets (more durability)
- sunglasses (flash resistance)
- electropacks (more stuns and burns)
- flashbangs (more fucking stuns? or do those just disorient you)
- the porta brig (quik n easy imprisonment)
- the armory (some of the best items on the station; see: phasers, murder, eod armor, thermals, shitloads of grenades)
- the brig (the security & teleblocking to imprison people indefinitely without exterior assistance)
- n2o (straight up knockouts and hard-to-purge gas; breaches will just fuck all the oxygen up too)
any one officer could be carrying the means to one or ALL of these on his person at any given time

they are absolutely some of the most powerful people on the station, but that power is supposed to be used to keep order & protect the station; when misused, it's not just rude, it's absolutely infuriating, as they have many of the most powerful combat tools short of nuke ops weapons and also the vast majority of the means to handicap players and remove their agency, which are INTENDED to help curb criminals and traitors, not shit all over random crewmembers

don't go for memeshit police points unless there's really nothing better to do and even then exercise some taste; use your ticket dispenser or something, those are funny
if there are actual antagonists you GO FOR THOSE

the people put extreme trust in you and you cannot fuck that trust up

sorry for like the third or fourth rant but I'm serious, in ss13 stuns are king and the sec officers have a dozen and one ways to stun you depending on the flavor of the moment. you cannot infringe people's trust in you to have that power. security is one of the best tools the station has to defend itself, it shouldn't become a secondary antagonist making everyone feel constantly unsafe and unwelcome
I am once again getting some very conflicting tips here.

Everybody is saying, "be prepared", but also don't "do anything".
(08-22-2016, 04:00 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: 1. Don't get mad during the job.
I am using my common sense, and that you point this out twice is very rude. I posted the goddamn Miranda Right for a review, getting some feedback, about wether or not it's too harsh (it was, I've seen that much). But this stuff isn't helping, you are the thing that making me mad!

(08-22-2016, 04:00 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: 7. Use your common sense
Another key part of common sense is 'don't bother with stuff you don't need to be bothering with'. So if your job is to restore peace and order and the place is peaceful and orderly, you, are IN THE WRONG PLACE! So wimpling about with procedure is just busywork, and very much not a sensible thing to do in the 'explosive-decompressions & space horror simulator'.

(08-22-2016, 04:20 AM)Sundance Wrote: Can you point out to me where anyone has implied that resisting arrest = death?
Or carrying weapons = possible spacing?
The part where people can 1-shot you (with the right tools), and antagonists basically do so before you can even hover over that MR button.
The part where there is now a HUD-goggle to point out that people are ready to fuck you up.
This is simple situation-response stuff: if you wave your gun in the face of a cop, is he really supposed to wait until AFTER you decide to gun him down before responding? First he stops you from doing stupid shit, THEN comes the law and order stuff. I'm not saying 'KILL ALL KILL ALWAYS', but death is realistic consequence of trying to pull a fast one on a cop, and the 'rights' reflect that. That's more informative then it is justice.

(08-22-2016, 04:32 AM)Nnystyxx Wrote: they are absolutely some of the most powerful people on the station,
Only for the first 5 seconds of a round, after that, who knows what's crawling up and down the station. Sure, that's only 1-3 people on the station, but it's the very 1-3 people on the station who will try to screw you over and take down the whole station with it!
(08-22-2016, 04:32 AM)Nnystyxx Wrote: the people put extreme trust in you and you cannot fuck that trust up
Oh yeah, that's why people really love and respect the Guards and are so friendly and cooperative when you ask to check their backpack. People barely trust the game itself, and whole teams of people are up in arms so they can do what they want alone. SS13 is not a safe place for anyone, and if you think people have blind faith in the red uniform, I've got a nice Changeling Sting for you.


Let's walk through some scenario's.
This is my understanding of Proper Security Guards in action:
You are in the HQ, or just walking about, not bothering anybody.
Sure, the station is a mess, but that isn't your job. It's the Janitor's job mop up the blood, the Engineer job to plug the gaps, Captain's make sure everybody is doing their job. And you let them get on with their jobs, and they let you do yours.

Radio informs you of a suspicious character (or you see somebody being shifty).
You see him in the field, radio back and go in.
The Suspect has a gun (let's say a phaser, something dangerious).
Tase the shit out of him.
He takes a quick nap, you cuff him and search his gear (Ideally you do it at the Securtiy office): Internals, some cash, floor-pills, nothing.
You remove to cuffs, get called shit-curity, and send him on his merry way.

Radio informs you of another suspicious character.
You see him in the field, radio back and go in.
The Suspect has a gun (let's say a phaser, something dangerious).
Tase the shit out of him.
He expected this, and is immune to stuns. And fire. And toolboxes to the head.
And he pulls out a pipe-bomb "in defence".
But, being the supercop you are, you gain the upper hand, and put the cuffs on him.
What now?
Do you read this guy his rights, and patch him back to full health, while he activates his freedom-implant?
Or put him in the big brig for a full minute, while the opens up the secret door he build earlier?
Let's face it, between the adrenaline and the obvious problem that this guy is, you take him out!
He can stew in the port-a-brig, or be a frozen corpse, or do whatever thing you can to safely store him until you sort through the paperwork, or more likely, until the next problem shows.

But he could still be innocent, right? A victim of a bad rep and a zealous cop?
Checking his backpack, you find several traitor items, not like 'a fake moustache' but the real stuff: cloaking gear, shotguns, AP-rounds, a stealth container full of bombs...
Or he just has a backpack full of beaker-assemblies. Or exploding Tomato's.
These are not the gear of an innocent man. Either he was traitor or he was up to no good anyway. And if you had given him an inch back then, he would have used all of it on you!

Worst case, you needed him alive but he dies in custody (in spite of being some sort of rasputin-level robuster). You can always clone him back to life, but without all that super-gear! And if there is no chance for that because the station is a mess, then either A) somebody else is fucking up on their job or B) Security has it's work cut out for them, and a casualty is nothing of note.

The MRs I posted are not for real life, they are designed with THIS ^ stuff in mind: Keeping some actual peace and order on SS13, with all the gore and madness that comes with it. Sure, you could also just lie, say people will get a trial, say you wouldn't tase people if they run, as per the default MRs, but face it: when was the last time you actually saw somebody in the judges robes?

Although, yeah, a little heavy handed. Work-in-progress.
OK, rather than further comment on Grim Sleeper, how about I post the one I've been using:

"Hello, crew member. You are being detained as part of an ongoing investigation. While you are not necessarily suspected of a crime, your compliance is still required. You will be scanned for forensic evidence and your belongings will be searched. While this happens, you are invited, but not required, to explain your recent actions in as much detail as you feel necessary. Compliance will ensure a prompt release after the search is completed. Resistance will lead to brig time."
(08-22-2016, 07:59 AM)Grek Wrote: OK, rather than further comment on Grim Sleeper, how about I post the one I've been using:

"Hello, crew member. You are being detained as part of an ongoing investigation. While you are not necessarily suspected of a crime, your compliance is still required. You will be scanned for forensic evidence and your belongings will be searched. While this happens, you are invited, but not required, to explain your recent actions in as much detail as you feel necessary. Compliance will ensure a prompt release after the search is completed. Resistance will lead to brig time."

That almost sounds like something a borg would say.

Are you practicing for the release of brobocops?
You have the right to remain... funky.

Also, it's a tricky balance of crew vs antag fun. It's not fun to have some jerk explode my projects, murder me and then space me. But it's also probably not fun to be brigged forever.
Well, if you can't beat em, join in with the jokes:

Adeptus Arbites Wrote: ATTENTION CITIZEN.
Multiple third-party individuals have reported one or more of your recent actions as being inappropriate. Once a heretic is notified in such a manner, said heretic is reviewed by members of the Adeptus Arbites in accordance to the Book of Judgement.
Upon review, we have determined that the following actions are in violation of the Book of Judgment:
Being On Space Station 13.
Your imperial right of existence has received its first judgement, which will expire upon your deathbed.
Additional violations may result in disabling of your legs, or the permanent termination of your life. Please note that killing yourself will not resolve the judgment on your existence, as you will be reassembled as a semi-sentient servitor until your tithe has been paid back to the Imperium.
If you wish to form an appeal to the Adpetus Arbites as to counter-act your judgement, please inform us as to why you believe the judgment to be wrongful in 20 words or less.
We appreciate your understanding.

After viewing that, I am have some second thoughts about my original Mirand... nope... ALL HAIL THE MAN-EMPEROR OF MANKIND!!!
(08-22-2016, 07:59 AM)Grek Wrote: OK, rather than further comment on Grim Sleeper, how about I post the one I've been using:

"Hello, crew member. You are being detained as part of an ongoing investigation. While you are not necessarily suspected of a crime, your compliance is still required. You will be scanned for forensic evidence and your belongings will be searched. While this happens, you are invited, but not required, to explain your recent actions in as much detail as you feel necessary. Compliance will ensure a prompt release after the search is completed. Resistance will lead to brig time."

This right here is how you Security.

In response to the scenario Grim laid out:

Quote:Radio informs you of a suspicious character (or you see somebody being shifty).

If it's over the radio, ask follow up questions to the person reporting it, preferably through private means (PDA or in person) It's important to have all the details so you know what to look for when getting the evidence.
If you see it in person, use your judgement of what they could be doing and what kinda reaction it warrants. Breaking into the Chaplains office probably doesn't require an immediate tasing. The armory is a different case.

Quote:But, being the supercop you are, you gain the upper hand, and put the cuffs on him.
What now?
Do you read this guy his rights, and patch him back to full health, while he activates his freedom-implant?
Or put him in the big brig for a full minute, while the opens up the secret door he build earlier?
Let's face it, between the adrenaline and the obvious problem that this guy is, you take him out!

At this point, you're not acting on what happened or is happening, but what could happen. 
By all means take the precautions that you need to to protect the station and yourself, but don't punish people for things they haven't done yet. It's one thing to kill someone in the heat of a firefight, but if you've got the situation under your control then kill them you're doing wrong imo.
(08-22-2016, 11:45 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: At this point, you're not acting on what happened or is happening, but what could happen. 
By all means take the precautions that you need to to protect the station and yourself, but don't punish people for things they haven't done yet. It's one thing to kill someone in the heat of a firefight, but if you've got the situation under your control then kill them you're doing wrong imo.
True, but that's hardly all going into a single Miranda Recital.
But yes, Grek is on point on the right way to talk to the public.

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