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Ass Day Suggestion Thread
I want to see admins go ham and tear the place up and to have ghost drone laws enforced or all out disabled during ass day.
Play "It's Hip to Fuck Bees" and allow respawning, but only let people respawn as bees
EDIT: Also remove the drone RCD possibly, idk, and let drones communicate with humans
more horses
I want the admins to go wild, but I still want it to be fun for the players.
Ghost drones throw a wrench into everything. With all the murder, they're great to play as in order to seek revenge in the afterlife. At the same time, there's that problem. Ghost drones are really hard to kill, and if you kill a problem drone, they'll just hop on back over to the factory and become a problem again. They can't be defeated.

Something needs to be done about them on ass day.
bring back poo for ass day
(08-13-2016, 07:35 PM)Mageziya Wrote: Ghost drones throw a wrench into everything. With all the murder, they're great to play as in order to seek revenge in the afterlife. At the same time, there's that problem. Ghost drones are really hard to kill, and if you kill a problem drone, they'll just hop on back over to the factory and become a problem again. They can't be defeated.

Something needs to be done about them on ass day.

you do know you can just blow up there little factory right?
you can go back to the ghost drone factor multiple times? i thought that was removed?
Disable ghost drones, enable respawn in some situations, problem solved
I'm not a big fan of badmins shenanigans on assday, because playing while the server is lagging the fuck out and is also black and white while drones blast you to gibs is not really fun. If admins do their own personal shit like spawning weapons for themselves I don't really care, the lag is my main concern.
Everyone should spawn with a random gun.
I would agree that ghost drones are kind of a problem on ass day. After playing a few rounds with em, my main problem is just that they get boring and repetitive after a while. Pretty much every round I saw drones ripping holes in the hallways and blocking off escape with walls, which can be done with very little effort. I'm a big fan of ghost drones, and think you should still be allowed to grief with em, but it'd be nice if they could be turned off for a few rounds by player vote to have some fresher griefing.
A horde of monkeys with Raj.

A round where all the staff assistants turn into werewolves at the 5 minute mark without prior knowledge.
Less button pressing that turns the station into a gigantic lagfest, tia

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