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Wendigo's are wrong.
Wendigos in myth are shapeshifters who make more wendigos by biting or slicing. I would just like to see any wendigo attack have a chance to infect with a wendigo disease, after like 10 minutes, if not cured with some chem, you'd be gibbed and it'd spawn a wendigo.
...Wendigos either come from committing cannibalism or are evil cannibalistic spirits that can possess people. They're not zombies with infectious bites.

In conclusion, Wendigo isn't are wrong, as your thread name implies.
I swear there were wendigos in one of the Scooby Doo movies
welp we should give critters better AI, I mean all of them. Besides making a wendigo virus is like making hulk zombies with channgeling scream. and as a certain admin would say. No.
Wendigo cries don't knock you over.
Make wendigos possibly infect you with Berserker, though. That's basically this.
We don't need any more goddamn zombies. No. I took the idea and went my own direction with it anyways.
As for improving critter AI, yes, that is still being worked on.
I would love to fight enemies that can try to escape and hide for a randomized time.
I would love for critters to not be gimmicks that knock you out in one hit and eat you or are undefeatable in combat because they are immune to damage, or best of all it SEEMS you can fight it but they follow you like a fucking heat seeking missle and hit you as soon as their attacking cooldown goes away
So since I said that would any of you like to suggest things different critters could do?

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