03-08-2013, 01:54 PM
We need crew objectives, and I don't mean the individual crew objectives that already exist and only the occasional person follows, I mean objectives for the crew as a whole.
As it stands, a round can only end if the antags are killed or the shuttle is called. With these crew objectives we can mend this.
So, as a brief rundown of my idea for these objectives, they would be in the form of a message or email from centcom that the captain can check. Completing all of the crew objectives would act as round ending critera and count it as a success for the crew.
The objectives can range from 2-3 simpleish ones like 'Have the station budget at X' or 'Deliver X number of object Y to centcom via QM' and 'Activate X number of artifacts'. An assortment of things like this, things that would require cross department co-operation to achieve and can't be done in a matter of minutes but aren't exceptionally hard to do.
Then there would be slightly harder objectives like 'Have the engine running above X output for Y minutes' and 'A centcom VIP is on station, keep them alive for X minutes' (The VIP being a randomly selected crewmember when this objective comes up)
Finally we would have the ultimate objectives. These objectives only come as single objectives on their own and wouldn't come up often. They would usually involve some deep space location as well. Something along the lines of 'Several important artifacts were lost on a nearby ice moon. Return them to the station and send them off to centcom via QM. There are a total of X' or 'A prison shuttle travelling through space near your station has sent out a distress signal and stopped responding. Find it, secure the prisoner, and message centcom with them secured in the brig.' (This one could probably spawn on the currently empty Z-level.)
Now these objectives are designed to encourage teamwork amongst the crew, a sentence that probably shocked most of you reading this. It properly solidifies cross department co-operation, gives everyone an overall goal to aim for. Stops the shuttle being a way to end a long drawn out round and lastly, gives something for the traitor to be a wrench in the works to.
The emergency shuttle will still be a thing of course, but it no longer has to be the only reliable way to end a round.It also means we can bring back the 'Get the shuttle called' traitor objectives, just without the set timer of when you have to do it by.
This is just a summary of what I've been thinking about really, please add your feedback to it and improve it how you can.
As it stands, a round can only end if the antags are killed or the shuttle is called. With these crew objectives we can mend this.
So, as a brief rundown of my idea for these objectives, they would be in the form of a message or email from centcom that the captain can check. Completing all of the crew objectives would act as round ending critera and count it as a success for the crew.
The objectives can range from 2-3 simpleish ones like 'Have the station budget at X' or 'Deliver X number of object Y to centcom via QM' and 'Activate X number of artifacts'. An assortment of things like this, things that would require cross department co-operation to achieve and can't be done in a matter of minutes but aren't exceptionally hard to do.
Then there would be slightly harder objectives like 'Have the engine running above X output for Y minutes' and 'A centcom VIP is on station, keep them alive for X minutes' (The VIP being a randomly selected crewmember when this objective comes up)
Finally we would have the ultimate objectives. These objectives only come as single objectives on their own and wouldn't come up often. They would usually involve some deep space location as well. Something along the lines of 'Several important artifacts were lost on a nearby ice moon. Return them to the station and send them off to centcom via QM. There are a total of X' or 'A prison shuttle travelling through space near your station has sent out a distress signal and stopped responding. Find it, secure the prisoner, and message centcom with them secured in the brig.' (This one could probably spawn on the currently empty Z-level.)
Now these objectives are designed to encourage teamwork amongst the crew, a sentence that probably shocked most of you reading this. It properly solidifies cross department co-operation, gives everyone an overall goal to aim for. Stops the shuttle being a way to end a long drawn out round and lastly, gives something for the traitor to be a wrench in the works to.
The emergency shuttle will still be a thing of course, but it no longer has to be the only reliable way to end a round.It also means we can bring back the 'Get the shuttle called' traitor objectives, just without the set timer of when you have to do it by.
This is just a summary of what I've been thinking about really, please add your feedback to it and improve it how you can.