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BYOND Username: BBEG
(07-30-2016, 12:46 PM)BurntCornMuffin Wrote: To be fair, nobody could have predicted that reading a book would have crashed a server.
i know im not mad just a bit disappointed. also wow reading a freaking book crashed the server how the hell did that happen i once played a round were someone set off 4 canister bombs and all that happen was a lag spike.
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It was a really long book I bet
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It was an admin spawned book, so it was probably full of forbidden secrets and such.
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BYOND Username: The Grim Sleeper
07-31-2016, 11:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2016, 11:26 PM by The Grim Sleeper. Edited 1 time in total.)
Quick question: any chance of a rerun some 6 to 8 hours earlier? Some of us Europeans have some sleep planned at that the currently set time.
(07-31-2016, 01:27 PM)poland spring Wrote: (07-23-2016, 11:36 PM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: The 7th Artifact Activator? This thread title sounds like a cool sci Fi short story name or something and thus I nominate it for a Day of Destiny plot line Toot-toot, beatchass!
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(07-31-2016, 11:24 PM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: Quick question: any chance of a rerun some 6 to 8 hours earlier? Some of us Europeans have some sleep planned at that the currently set time. Not a bad idea. I can even see some friendly competition coming from seeing which round is more "successful"
Or like people arguing which version of The Office is better
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BYOND Username: Powmonkey
(07-31-2016, 11:30 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: (07-31-2016, 11:24 PM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: Quick question: any chance of a rerun some 6 to 8 hours earlier? Some of us Europeans have some sleep planned at that the currently set time. Not a bad idea. I can even see some friendly competition coming from seeing which round is more "successful"
Or like people arguing which version of The Office is better
There's more than one version?
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I made some updates for the calendar for this and the thing where rules are relaxed on the 13th, if that is cool
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BYOND Username: babayetu83
Character Name: Discount Dan, Benjamin Sisko
08-05-2016, 06:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-06-2016, 02:02 AM by babayetu83. Edited 1 time in total.)
this has been a pretty mixed bag so far, for me at least
the first event was fun, everyone was involved and had something to do
second event was pretty boring since the event centered mainly on 7 handpicked snowflakes and since this was the case and NO COMMITING CRIME BECAUSE THATS NOT PROPER RP!!!!!!! i found myself going afk for most of it
don't have much to say about the third episode since i died 15 minutes in due to a magnetic storm gibbing me
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08-05-2016, 07:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2016, 08:05 PM by Musketman12. Edited 1 time in total.)
D-day just finished and I have to say that was loads of fun.
Edit: I was going to post this on the DoD stories thread but I guess it was removed so i'll put it here.
Well for all 3 episodes I was the HoS.
Episode 1: I was made a traitor with the objective to basically be a jerk, rough up the crew and accuse them of crimes they didn't commit. Well every prisoner I received I made sure to beat them with my baton a few times for "effect" and would just be a jerk to everyone. When the shuttle was on the way, I ended up capturing the captain and usurping power in a coup d'etat, escaping on the shuttle alive later.
Episode 2: We had the derelict ship come in so me and Stan Beezlebub formed the transport squad and retreived all the survivors from the ship. I forgot their name but the chef just went crazy so I spent a bit of the round organizing the survivors, and trying to get the chef to calm down. I even had Kara the geneticist come in as an unlicensed psychologist to help. Anyways we ended up having to go to outpost theta (the ice moon) to investigate what happened to the survivors. I led the mission along with Stan and few other people. The chef came along too. We found some creepy shit and scientists. We tried to go down the elevators and were instantly mauled by ice spiders. This is when everything went to shit, people started screaming Phillip was an impostor so I incapacitated him and tried to get Stan to safety before he died. When we got to the surface we found the chef murdering everyone with a wendigo, we were then all subsequently killed by the wendigo. RIP Theta expedition. The round ended then with a deathsquad purging the shuttle of changelings. The changelings roleplayed fantastically and it was super fun for everyone.
Episode 3: I was made a werewolf with the objective of defeating the vampire menace! Well it just so happened that my fellow werewolves had already formed an alliance with the crew so we maintained that. Meanwhile Stan was discovered to be a vampire and was mauled by my wolf bud. The chaplain was a traitor, trying to stop both the vampires and werewolves from taking over the station. I killed the chaplain after he killed one of my werewolf friends. After this I went back to sec when the shuttle was called. The last other werewolf came too and we decided to finally stop resisting our bloodlust and decided to finish the puny humans. It was a beautiful blood filled slaughterfest. My werewolf friend died on the shuttle, but I made it for all werewolf kind.
This event was fun as shit and I can't wait for season 2.
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BYOND Username: Mcspizzy
08-05-2016, 08:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2016, 08:37 PM by Mcspizzy. Edited 1 time in total.)
>Mandy Lopsher, Medical Director
>begin the round as usual in my room
>grab items from locker, extra flash, doctor bag (even though i rarely get to use it still good to have) ect,
>head off to medbay
>walk in and head to the front desk for pen and paper
>start writing down rules and guidelines for my staff to follow
>things like no smoking, keep people who shouldn't be in medbay (i.e. healthy people) out of medbay to prevent spread of infection, and generally keep the place clean and wash tools
>everything's going nice and smooth as i finish the last paperwork for incoming and outgoing patients
>price, the roboticist asking for material for the GM
>people asking what chems to make
>dish out commands as best i can
>the first wave of patients come
>i hadn't really been paying much attention to the radio about theta or the preps to go to it
>most of them are just bruises, slight burns easy stuff to take care of
>while i'm doing this a man in a blue suit is waiting at the door
>i ask him what he needs, he apparently is a union rep for 'doctors' named don
>i ask to see his papers, but he does not have any, though he insists i let him in
>i aggressively tell him to fuck off
>"you'll regret this'
>fellow doctor had already called sec about him and were already on the way
>three sec walk in and ask whats going on
>myself and three other doctors explain as 'truthfully' as we can
>me being the MD they take my word as chief and haul his ass out
>everything settles back down and we get back to being the effective healing machine we are (really, if any of you were apart of my medical staff, pat yourself on the back. you did a fantastic job through the entire round)
>hes back
>and he has a beaker and syringe
>i assume the worst and call sec
>they come in and taze his ass and brig him for a bit
>he somehow has access to medbay doors (thanks HoP)
>yeah i'm not having that
>flash him and take his ID
>go put it in my room and head back to talk to him
>hes threatening my staff and when he sees me he takes off
>i think to myself that hes probably getting tools to hack his way in
>ask chem doctor to make some Capulettium
>im tired of this dudes shit, harassing my staff and impeding my medical efforts
>time to use them on him
>turns out he went back to the HoP and he gave him a new ID
>runs right back to medbay and tries to get in
> i had anticipated that he would do something like this, so i had myself and two other doctors waiting for him with flashes
> he walks in and gets flashed my one of the doctors
>they tackle him and hold him down while i make him eat the pill
>restrain, massage throat, and wait it out
>the Capulettium finally takes effect and hes out cold
> move him into a treatment room and resrain him to a bed
> he wont stop screaming so i muffle him and take his headset
>him, bound to a bed, gagged with three doctors standing over him
>what to do, what to do
>put the rest of the doctors out front to deal with the small fry wounds and to keep sec the fuck out of medbay
>three medibots so theres plenty of healing to go around
>floor and cleaners as well to keep medbay clean
>what? i like to be sanitary as MD
> we begin talking about the experiments we could to on him
>in the same room with him in it
> hes crying, literally pissing himself, and generally in a state of complete panic as he listens to our unmoral ideas
>we come up with the idea to make a medbay protector
>basicly augment and mutate the shit out of him and break him will so he follows our commands
>did i mention we decided on this right in front of him? he was as white as the bedsheets he lay in
genetics starts prepping offencive and defencive genes for him
>roboticist takes him to surgery and shuts the blinds so people cant see inside
>chem doc goes and makes mind breaker chems
>i go upfront and help deal with patients
>"union rep swallowed his tongue and died, sorry Ma'am"
>welp there goes that idea
>just in time too because the first expitidion team was coming into medbay, and they were either crit of dead.
>put 4 docs on to deal with the crit guys, and the rest to clone and sort clonings surplus items
>get them sorted out, only one crit person died because they had injected him with an epi and we didn't know
i would write out the rest but i think this is enough, the end was lings got on the ship and i started losing staff. was just me and one other by the time the shuttle eta got to 2 min and at that time Geoff Goldman had eaten me after i tested his blood in medbay. overall, episode 2 was by far the best out of the three in my opinion.
And i cant say it enough that my medical staff on all (but three since i wasnt MD) episodes did a super job at following orders and generally doing their jobs.
Cant wait to see what you have for season 2, Bill.
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BYOND Username: Icanhasdonut
i made an account just to post the amount of fun i had in episode 2
>be the only geneticist
>first bit of round is pretty chill, do basically nothing except work on genetics and check the rules from MD
>give myself and the MD x-ray vision, give myself teleportation
>some union rep comes in and complains about the fact that i killed a monkey because i left it in the chamber for like 15 minutes
>ignore him
>theta outpost stuff happens and i ignore it since i'm doing genetics
>later see him tied up by MD via x-ray vision and decide to mess with him with telepathy
>offer to turn him into monkey
>on radio sec asks for a psychiatrist to help with a patient from the Theta Outpost
>not acutally a psychiatrist but i'm basically qualified enough so i head over
>patient is going crazy in the room, yelling wildly about "the swarm" and how it was coming, pretty much causing mass chaos
>attempt to calm down, radiation storm hits and patient escapes in the commotion in the tunnels
>while chasing them down I hear a theta survivor and the chaplain talking and hear the theta survivor say "no one will listen"
>stop because my goal is to figure out what happened so i can help the escaped patient
>survivor tells me that if anyone comes back from the expedition we're all dead
>help survivor break telesci's teleporter while the chaplain tries to find the captain and hos
>chaos starts happening as the multiple lings on the ship start attacking
>me, the survivor, the chaplain, and another med personnel go to the bridge to attempt to survive
>this whole time i'm telling people not to come back from theta outpost
>guy on sec tells people to hunt me down so i'm pretty much screwed
>as the wendigo starts taunting people i begin to break down
>i turn into a statue due to the genetic instability from all the mutations i gave myself
>freaks out the medical personnel even more since the med personnel lost their id and pda earlier and knows its stolen
from then i watched the death squad come on the shuttle and destroy basically everyone on the destiny
turns out all the survivors were lings, including the two i talked to.
pretty much the best two hours i've had on ss13 ever. i loved trying to solve a huge mystery with partial info and then pretty much hiding from everything later as chaos erupted.
s2's gonna be great
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BYOND Username: ferriswheel1
Is there gonna potentially be a repeat for those of us on European time?
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BYOND Username: BBEG
08-06-2016, 02:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-06-2016, 12:08 PM by BBEG. Edited 1 time in total.)
I remember being the captain during episode 2 it was crazy between the theta expedition and the lings i barley knew what was going on and then there was the RD telling me to call the shuttle after i already called it but most surprising was the fact that i was the only crew member still alive on the shuttle at the end. also i slapped the hop funtimes
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BYOND Username: DreamCarver
Bill, I want to give you a big hug IRL for those two hours that were Mayday. Seriously. You provided all the right simuli at all the right times, so much so that I felt GENUINE FEAR when I bumped into an abomination as the shuttle was arriving. Seriously. I know it was 80% the crew's work too, but good on you for making it all come together with your pacing and events. Damn.
Well, as long as we're greentexting these summaries...
>Jordan Lawson, Security Officer
>it's a normal day
>lots of coworkers for once
>patrol station, nothing big going down
>suddenly, a distress call!
>some junker has triggered our proximity sensors ahead of the ship...
>security mobilizes the pods, gets some recon and retrieval going
>cold ass russian weed ship, blood everywhere
>they are twitchy as all hell, but that's probably because of the shock of what they went through
>get them back to the station, muttering all the way
>call one of the survivors in for questioning regarding the accident
>his name is Paul
Can I just break here for a moment to say that amaranthineApocalypse was the BEST freaking traumatized survivor I could have asked for? Like damn.
>Paul is stuttery, frequently panicking at the slightest thing, and looks like he's been living off of roots for a month
>he starts to hyperventilate outside sec, talking about whispers in his head
>I don't want to cause a scene, so I bring him inside, sit him down next to me
>clap my hands over his ears, tell him to listen to my blood
>he shivers, starts to breath normally again...
>tell him this:
>"Volcanoes inside all of us."
>he's okay now, he's not gonna freak out.
>At this point, I've decided: I'm gonna help this poor soul.
>he's too damn twitchy right now, decide to let him acclimate back to living a life without fear of death before I start questioning him
>take him to HoP for a job and a wage
>he gets a position as a security officer!
>gets himself a bitchin cool red cape/bedsheet thing
>looks cozy
>we go to get a drink at the bar, some hot chocolate or something
>he's still super strung-out
>then, another signal!
>this time from Ice Moon Theta
>Paul freaks the fuck out, then
>starts yelling in the middle of the bar about how Theta isn't safe
>I manage to gather the fact that the ship they were on was an escape vessel, from Theta
>he starts to say something about Theta still being-
>but then the radiation alarms start blaring
>blowout inbound, 51 seconds
>I grab my poor idiot's hand and drag him into the Janitor/Telesci Maint
>he huddles into the corner with his cocoa and I explain to him that we're safe here, now
>this is normal, no reason to panic
>I take a moment to catch up with the sec channel chatter
>Stan, trusted sec officer, yells something about others at Theta besides the expedition team
>then cuts out as the radiation alarms stop
>I decide to get Paul somewhere isolated so that I can leave him for a bit and help people who are yelling over comms
>show him cloning on the way to the room farthest to port side
>reassure him that we aboard the Destiny have devised a way to CHEAT DEATH ITSELF!
>he's impressed, but...
>memories come back to him...
>tells me that even the cloners aren't enough if there's not enough body
>I ask what the hell he means
>he tells me that whatever attacked him and his crew of previously 30 left nothing but skin and bones
>he calls the leftovers "husks"
>get him to his safety room, relay the info he's just given me to my superiors
>walk back into the room, he's spaced somewhere really far away
>whispers a name
>I shake him, get him back to here and now
>he starts back to the present
>tell him I have to go help some idiot trapped in maint
>he says he's okay with staying where he is...
>says he'd rather be alone for a bit
>leave a revolver with him for his self-defense
It was a Russian, but y'know, I don't know that in-game, do I?
>stop on my way to free that guy to talk to some other survivor chatting with herself FURIOUSLY outside Sec
>saying some downright creepy shit
Props to Rain too, that was legitimately disturbing.
>can't find the trapped guy, walk through Disposals
>check the pile of stuff for whatever might have floated down here
>what is that...?
>grab for evidence, freaking out right now
>reconfirm location of trapped guy
>meanwhile someone's screaming about a beast dragging someone into an abyss on Theta
>free the guy, get called to kitchen
>someone has stuffed a skeletal corpse of some poor QM into the hotdog cart
>at this point I've almost completely lost it
>fuck the dead guy, they're yelling about someone bombing Telesci and stranding our men on the planet
>rush into telesci to receive them like they're begging for
>lots of people in there, screaming not to do it for the sake of quarantine and safety
>people yelling about The Swarm
>"You think I'm going to let people DIE?"
>recall those fools
>only one guy comes through
>it's Geoff
>Dominick screams over the radio at the exact same time as he comes through that he's being eaten alive by something on Theta
>nobody else comes through the teleport no matter how many times I recieve...
>Geoff says that everyone's been murdered by Dom
>at this point, some voice begins talking to me about assimilation and the uselessness of the individual
>this lovely exchange happens:
>"You're hearing things too? I'm not alone!"
>"We ... We can't be alone.... Not anymore..."
>suddenly a GODDAMN WENDIGO is on the radio growling about meat
>... I gotta find Paul
>get back to the room I left him
>he's not there
>gun's still lying where I left it
>panic oh god no where is Paul
>find him in medbay, shake his ass awake
>he's alive, and okay
>I'm legitimately happy
>drag him into one of the patient rooms, sit with him
>someone finally hits the Red Alert
>everyone has finally entered final panic mode
>everywhere, screams
>and here are Paul and I, waiting for the end in a dark room in medbay
>he tells me he's finally ready to tell me about Theta
>tells me how he and his wife were almost to escape
>his wife's name was Sylvie
>uh oh
>tells me that they saw a husk
>he would have ignored it...
>but it had his wife's necklace
>he turns to his wife...
>and it clasps its hands around his throat
>it had her eyes as it strangled him
>he had to kill it
>and so he did
>[Jordan Lawson sits heavily on the bed, leaning over himself.]
>fug man
I didn't know any one of you had the ability to craft a story that could actually break my heart from inside a 2d spehss station. God damn.
>I apologize to him
>I lied when I said it was going to be okay
>...It will never be okay again.
>whatever it was that was talking to me, it's goading me to Theta now.
>I accept it
>I'm gonna get to Theta if it kills me
>Paul tells me he wants to escape, though
>so I agree to get him there
>we walk out into medbay...
>only to hear screams from the lobby
>and some awful voice from the intercoms....
>turn the corner, OH GOD WHAT IS THAT
>flesh monstrosity shambling down the corridor towards us
I'm pretty sure my heartrate was top speed at this point, IRL.
>some medbay member runs ahead of it, screaming for her life
>it knocks her down, probably gonna kill her horribly
>don't intend to stick around to find out
>Paul and I run the other fucking way
>snake up through Maint
>bar's on fire, Paul catches on fire, screaming
>put him out, drag him to Escape
>I say a quick goodbye, watch as he boards the shuttle...
>Totally weren't like 10 gunshots as he walked on
>no time to think about that
>only Theta now
>get to Telepad...
>and it's out of power
>another guy shows up and slams his head in a door when he sees the state the telepad's in
>I agree with his logic at this point
>take out the revolver that I grabbed when I couldn't find Paul
Seriously, that was SO freaking fun. And terrifying. And FUN!
And you know what REALLY kills me? PAUL WAS A LING THE WHOLE TIME.