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Detective/Security thread
Add a floor flusher to the general population cell so security has not have to go through a benny hill chase just to get one jerk out of it.
some minor suggestions to make forensics a bit more worthwhile:
  • More activities need to call the proc for adding fingerprints. pulling (anything); grabbing; opening/closing a crate; pressing buttons/switches/lamps/other stationary stuff; and using a computer are the big ones missing it, I think. Pulling/grabbing a body could either put the prints on the body itself or on the body's uniform.

  • The DNA scanner can detect blood but blood decals (the big puddles on the floor) currently don't register, I don't think they record any DNA var.

  • Gloves should carry the fingerprints of anyone who has worn them. if you have gloves coated in the blood of your victim and just toss them away then they could match them to you. that's how they got OJ :?

  • Using a scanner on someone covered in blood doesn't pick up the blood, you have to take the uniform off them then scan that. maybe using the scanner on someone who is prone/restrained can automatically scan & give a report of all items they're wearing.

  • shamelessly stolen from /tg/ but everyone's starting gear starts with their fingerprints on it.
a bigger suggestion:
  • Give black gloves/insulated gloves unique fiber patterns, sorta similar to fingerprints but with no database to check against. A pattern could be a small binary string like AAABBA, that allows enough permutations for every set of gloves to have a unique pattern each round. so instead of just the useless "yellow fibers" on everything if you have a suspect you can check out their gloves and see if they match the pattern used on (whatever). if your gloves are incriminating you could just toss them out though if you were lazy and the detective found them with your prints (as above) that would suck for you. I would leave the way latex gloves work as is
Heh. I like the idea of the security badge. Maybe you can show it like the "Read" command. If someone has it, you can bet they are sec or a detective. Even better if the detective has spares. He could give them out and make a goon squad. "Follow Pubbie Jones. He beat someone. You see him cause trouble, flash the badge and call me" It seems cool. Undercover, getting on a traitors side, until he tell you to rush the captain, and you push the "Badge" command (or something) and tase his ass. It seems like a fun little item.
I like everything Mozi suggested because I like playing CSI detective.

And god knows how many times we've been so damn sure about a suspect, but have no conclusive evidence because every fingerprint scan we have is yellow fibers, and he can just use the same excuse of "Well lots of people have those" over and over. Being able to actually match the gloves he's wearing to the fibres would be so helpful. I hope this gets added.
mozi Wrote:[*]Gloves should carry the fingerprints of anyone who has worn them. if you have gloves coated in the blood of your victim and just toss them away then they could match them to you. that's how they got OJ :?

If the glove don't fit you must aquit.

But yeah if Security Offcers get badges make sure that they are 1890s Wild western Sheriffs who used sharpened beer caps and other stuff like that
Having some kind of Evidence computer that could scan evidence and display results would be neat.

e.g Put a glove in, then put a evidence slide of some fibers, and have the two match or not match.
I play HoS far too often and while I do like the new general population cell, there's just some small issues that I feel like could make this both far more enjoyable for both parties (that is the cop and the robber).
Breaking out ain't an issue, in-fact I like the fact that now there's more window of opportunity to break out, I know that can be a general complaint.
My issue is that when you're placed in the brig cell, you don't really know how long you are going to be put in there for, or sometimes why, even if security state it to you implicitly.
Then there's this issue:
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Add a floor flusher to the general population cell so security has not have to go through a benny hill chase just to get one jerk out of it.
So here's two idea's, and it involves the new securitrons 5000 (or is 3000? I forget)
When you click on the securitron somethingthousand you get a pop-up window.
The pop-up window with some things to fill in
○Personal Message
So when you tag the person, when they come out of the chute you get an automated voice such as this (the stuff in brackets are ommited):
Brig beeps: " BEEP Sundance Feely, Staff Assistant, you are being incarcerated for (time) 3 minutes for (reason) beating down a security guard. (personal message) Bail is 5000 credits, Fuck you.
Have a nice day. BEEP

That's one idea, if that could get implemented then great, because it would work hand in this next idea, which would be implementing a floor flusher somewhere into the brig.
Because you are scanned in, using your ID card to swipe a floor flusher when your time is up would eject you out of security. This could be interesting because you had have in-fights of some guy robbing another guys ID inside the brig to escape sooner.

God damnit sudden urge to draw up some Mega City One judge uniforms for security and reprogram securitrons to call everyone 'Perp'.

PERP Sundance Feely, you have been judged. 3 minutes in an iso-cube for INSERT CRIME HERE. There is no bail, only THE LAW.
I like these ideas a lot, especially the card swipe part, because then when you're placing somebody into the prison, you can set a bail for that person on a computer or a card swipe somewhere nearby, then they can just swipe their card at any time to pay bail and get released early.
Of course not everybody gets bail, or some people can't afford it. Cue people fighting each other for enough money to pay bail. (Add an ATM to the cell so people can check their balance/steal money from another prisoner)
Steamlining the whole system over all, because as it currently stands people are very reluctant to paying bail.
I suggested to Cogwerks on irc that prison barcodes be utilized on a special reader to release prisoners via floor flusher when their time is up.

Thought I'd post it here so we can hear feedback and get a status update on that
UrsulaMejor Wrote:I suggested to Cogwerks on irc that prison barcodes be utilized on a special reader to release prisoners via floor flusher when their time is up.

Thought I'd post it here so we can hear feedback and get a status update on that

That's pretty similar to the idea I just had, why not use the securitron scanners as the special reader? No need for more things to sprite.
Sundance Wrote:
UrsulaMejor Wrote:I suggested to Cogwerks on irc that prison barcodes be utilized on a special reader to release prisoners via floor flusher when their time is up.

Thought I'd post it here so we can hear feedback and get a status update on that

That's pretty similar to the idea I just had, why not use the securitron scanners as the special reader? No need for more things to sprite.
Well, I suggested this during the first beta testing run, we talked about it for a bit, and I haven't really played since , so I haven't had time to inspect the brig functions closely.

As far as I know, Cogwerks liked the idea. Maybe this is just how he decided to implement it?
UrsulaMejor Wrote:I suggested to Cogwerks on irc that prison barcodes be utilized on a special reader to release prisoners via floor flusher when their time is up.

Thought I'd post it here so we can hear feedback and get a status update on that

This sounds awesome
Err.. So admin Lisi told me to add a few locations that the detective doesn't have any cool monologue quotes.

The snip (Barber shop.) Perhaps a backstory on how the old barber was a crazy hair dying throat cutting psycho fuck.
Interrogation from (From both inside the room and the area the detective is able to view from.)
The courtroom area.
I think escape most likely needs one too.

Perhaps any future detective players could add on, it's difficult to keep buying smokes when you run out.
LordGobulcoque Wrote:I think escape most likely needs one too..
Escape already has one, it's the first one I used on the new station funnily.

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