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Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing.
Hypothetically if I gave myself a cold beer iv drip, would that work?
Will reagents change temperature inside an iv drip?
(07-03-2016, 09:24 PM)Nnystyxx Wrote: Hypothetically if I gave myself a cold beer iv drip, would that work?
Will reagents change temperature inside an iv drip?

that would probably work.
Wait, why does chilled beer cure toxins?
(07-03-2016, 09:55 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Wait, why does chilled beer cure toxins?

A cold beer cures a lot of things. Especially cold space beer.

Further on the subject, you don't have to drink a specific amount of cold beer for the effect. So you can drink super watered down chilled beer and still get the -5.

... or just add 10u of beer and 10u (orthereabout) of cryostylane to a watertank -- then 10u of oxygen to that to have a super watered down chilled beer kegger.
Locked crates are actually reskinned closets. You can hack them like closets and hide in them without lying down. You cant scoot around them.
(07-04-2016, 12:43 AM)medsal15 Wrote: Locked crates are actually reskinned closets. You can hack them like closets and hide in them without lying down. You cant scoot around them.

Note that this does not apply to the loot crates you find in space, just ID locked crates.
Want to play with the teleporter, but you can't use the GPS because you're the AI? Use one of your shells as the GPS! Just scroll around the coordinates until you hit somewhere with atmosphere, plonk yourself on the pad, and cross reference the destination with the handy telescience application!
It took me a while to make a list because I do so many of these things without even really thinking of them.

  • Once you have your PDA window open, you can put it in your pocket/id/belt and use it anywhere (even lying down) as long as you are conscious. Use this with the Clown's HONK program to add more hilarity as you get horribly murdered. This can also be used to order traitor items - try ordering a Mini Bible as someone goes to fart on you!
  • Need to grab something from a huge pile of items and don't want to lag for 20 minutes by right clicking it? Use the new ctrl+alt+shift click feature. Not only will it list all the items and let you interact with them under your status tab without any lag, you can even click drag items to and from the game window. This also makes scooping up space ants and other small items much easier.
  • The routing department can take you almost anywhere in the station in seconds. There's a lot of back entrances and secret areas of the station that are only accessible using the belts. A tip to rookies who want to take on belt hell - print out a barcode of where you want to go at one of the computers and attach it to yourself, the automatic sorting system will be much kinder to you.
  • You can passively grab a person in each hand, and then pull someone, letting you carry 3 bodies at once to cloning/the gibber.
  • Putting an item on a table will displace it's icon. Just click on a table with the item in your hand in one of the edges of the table (check the bottom left of your screen so it still says 'table'). I mainly use this for serving food, bibles, mech components, and to hide banana peels but you could also make your favorite weapon harder to grab when you drop it by doing this.
  • This one might be more of a bug. Under the "local" tab, you can open/close or move inside lockers or crates. You can do this even while stunned, which is a good way to mess with people trying to stuff you in a locker and carry you away. Using "move inside" also lets you crawl around a little.
  • Toolboxes have the same capacity as backpacks; you can put all the tools in a toolbox inside a small cardboard box, and put 6 of them inside the toolbox.
  • Open a box without removing it from your backpack, or another container, by click-drag-release-ing it on your character.
  • To move a whole pile of things (like 50 units of char ore), click-drag-release a single instance of that pile to an empty floor tile. Just like you would stuff things into a produce bag, or a crate.
  • You can stuff limitless amounts of stuff into a crate/locker/cart and drag it with you. So if you need to drag more then 3 bodies to the cloner, stuff them in a crate, then drag the crate!
  • Yo dawg, I heard you like cigarettes, so I put a cigarette in a cigarette box in a cardboard box in a toolkit box inside of a crate without having to extract any of them!
  • The Med-u cartridge for the PDA's of medical personel contains the nano-med program, which can be used to summon the nano-med dispenser to any location. The Med-u cartridge can be bought for 40$ from any Carty Party vending machine.
  • The Sci-Master cartridge for the PDA's of Reseach Director has the Port-A-Sci program, which can be used to summon the Port-A-Sci, a self teleporting locker, to any location. If you ask him nicely, he might just email you a copy!
  • Want to keep programs from 2 different cartridges on you PDA? Copy them to you PDA storage space! You can delete Readme and Robutris to make space for useful things, like the health-scanner program, the nano-med program, the  Port-A-Sci program, or the hitlistCrew Manifest.
Finally a note for miner's (as in ore diggers). USE THE SPACE POD!
  1. Open that sucka with a crowbar.
  2. Click it with an empty hand:
  3. Remove the cargo hold and the Comms system.
  4. Put in the ore-scoop, the drills and the NT Magnet Link Array.
  5. Close up the pod and drill more ore in seconds then the rest of the delver-team does throughout the round!
And send some of that char to the engine room, as thanks for not hell-burning down the station.
(07-06-2016, 10:00 PM)Arborinus Wrote:
  • Need to grab something from a huge pile of items and don't want to lag for 20 minutes by right clicking it? Use the new ctrl+alt+shift click feature. Not only will it list all the items and let you interact with them under your status tab without any lag, you can even click drag items to and from the game window. This also makes scooping up space ants and other small items much easier.

Just wanna say, holy crap. Why do I miss these things?
A huge bunch of items infront of you? Want to select it without nigh crashing byond? Use the local tab pick up item and press the first letter of your object on your list to immediately bring it up. Much better than ctrl+shift+alt click smilie with a protruding tongue

Workin' as a janitor? Use your trashcart. Again using the local tab to open/close, you can drag your cart over objects, and open/close it without pixel hunting for the cart which lies underneath. Failing that, drag clicking to the cart stuffs it in.
Replacing lights? Holding a light-tube/bulb, press the broken light to immediately swap it out.
Bring cleanbots with you in the trashcart too. Open the cart to "deploy" them.
You have a spare pare of galoshes in the north wing, get them immediately, as your galoshes that are on your feet may well be robbed or you can use them as a bargaining tool.

Barman? Traitor? Your 120 unit pourer will take ALOT of poison. Order some poison + moonshine and make a 120 concoction watered down of said poison. Feed it to them though the pourer, drinking doesn't actually take that long to inflict in comparison to injecting for example. The poison + moonshine will make an obnoxious toxic mix that is hard to flush out even with calomel.

Robosto - tap page down/c furiously when grabbing a player to upgrade your grab quickly to aggressive. You'll find a lot of experienced users doing this, the counter to resist out of this is literally resist, something that isn't done a lot, but you'd see it in some boxing matches/hall fights.

Clown? Got something someone can slip on? Never place it/throw it with the intention that someone will trip on it, instead attempt for someone to chase you and drop it. Or "fall over" (actually rest) and drop it that way. Failing that, standing beside someone, dropping it, then pulling that person towards it is also adequate slipping technique.

Security? Fighting a wizard? Aim to silence them. Best way to do this is to empty a clip of your taser into them till the go unconscious. They will not able to use any of their spells that way.
Fighting a changeling? Hack the sec machine and get a flash/battery assembly. Take two. Two will sustain a stun and engulf the ling in flames without the need for chemistry. Quite effective.
Fighting a vampire? Don't bother with thermals, buy yourself one of those light modules in the pda vending machine. Get yourself some form of lethal weaponry, even if you do not intend on killing the vampire; the bats are unavoidable.
Well, I've got one: need to hop around the station but you don't have a space suit? Are one of the main hallways bombed to hell and beyond? No problem! Slap a shipping barcode onto a locker and get in that sucker before it starts zipping along the cargo lines! They rarely suffer from the devastation the station runs into! You'll get to your destination and won't suffer horrible space burn in the process! Bring be to bring some sort of breathable oxygen, though!
Strange reagent works in astronomically small ammouts, just keep watering that shit down.

teporone and perfluorodecalin make a nifty spacewalk serum, albeit one that mutes you.

Atropine, while an AMAZING emergency lifesaver chem, is also an amazing emergency lifesaver poison. Inject someone with an auto injector of this and even the most methed up treaded cyborg energy drink chugging murdermen cant catch you, and you can laugh knowing theyll be zipping around one room for 10 minutes because of atropine stumbles.

All your crit patients are dying from brain damage more than oxy damage, don't forget your mannitol.

Who needs an operating table when you can just choke your patient unconcious and replace his heart on the bartop.

Run don't fight.

Now that the disposals belts have been slowed down, the chutes have once again become the most robust escape mechanism on the station.

You can check the bridge for rare PDA cartridges such as R.O.B.U.S.T. (which contains ticket master) and Sci-Master (which contains the portasci remote) and copy their programs to your PDA's internal memory.

There are 3 commaster disks scattered around that i can think of, its worth it to grab one every round and put it in your box if youre a head, as you can plug it into PCs and consoles connected to the network and call the shuttle from anywhere in case the bridge and armory comm terminals have been sabotaged.

As a head your office is quite a safe place. Only you, the captain, and the hop have access and theres never anything in the MD, RD, and CE offices worth stealing. The MD's office is the only place i can consistantly go braindead in and be alive when i come back. As an added layer of security, you can find the bolt wire for airlocks and put a remote signaller on it, and install signalix so you can bolt yourself in at the press of a button. Bonus points for having your APC hacked open and ready to be switched off.
If you're super duper crazy cold and you need to get somewhere fast you can pull yourself and click on the tile ahead to give yourself a little boost.
Shards made out of tier1 gems (if it sparkles, it's tier1) deal 31 damage and remove 31 blood from anyone you hit.

Plasmaglass shards do 20.

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