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Stellaris Games
Hello, some of you may know that I've been running regular Stellaris games for a few weeks now to some success. Recently however we've had a bit of player drop out so I'm here to get some of you sweaty nerds to fill their places.

Generally we try to play at around 8pm EST every night. I say try because that basically never works out with people having so called "lives" and everything so we generally just hang out in IRC and I try to corral people together around that time. That being said, if we get a more solid playerbase then we can decide on specifically what times and days we are likely to be around for and set that in stone.

The games I run are generally medium-sized clustered elliptical galaxies with hyperlanes only. All of these options are subject to change as per player opinion however I would very much like to keep hyperlanes only on (trust me, it's so much better). I am also not averse to mods if everyone can agree on a couple.

So yeah post in here if you want to join. Also hang out in #stellaristation on synirc.

Current Regular-ish Players:
  • Wire
  • Chase
  • ZeWaka (leaving soon due to schedule conflicts)
  • trustscience
  • Urs (currently out of the game due to the severe lag he causes when joined)
  • Osias (rarely due to aussie timezone)
  • Blackrayjack
  • Xeram (potentially)
I'm hesitant to say I want to join mostly because my life has a peculiar way of literally exploding in every time-consuming direction at once whenever I try to get involved in shenanigans stemming from here.

I'd be able to play with ya'll on the weekdays, I work during that time on the weekend, though if the game is going late enough I might be able to hotjoin later in.

Speaking of which, how long do your sessions usually go on for?

Edit: Also, are you guys on the 1.1 Beta or 1.0?
If someone buys me stellaris. I'll play
To answer some of the questions: our "current" game is on 1.0.3 but with the official release of 1.1 today I suspect we'll be starting up a new game under that version pronto.

Our sessions usually go on for 2 or 3 hours, depending on how free people are.

Wonk, games could be earlier on weekends but you'd still be left out for weekdays. Sorry bruh, US timezones only I'm afraid.

TheNewTeddy, buy it yo damn self.
I wish i had time to do this. I haven't even had a chance to work on the namelist I started. Maybe I can hotjoin every so often and let the AI play for me the rest of the time or sth
We need more peopleeeee.
So I wanna start up a new game when the new 1.2 patch is officially released (it's in beta right now). Does that perhaps entice some more of you pasty nerds to join up?
I'm sorry you live in a shitty timezone bruh
i aint around at 8 pm, that is my slumber time almost always

maybe an occasional bubs, i love stellaris
I can't really play, but I think some of the Stellaris music would be awesome for SS13.
Good contribution to this thread that exists specifically to recruit people to a Stellaris game.
Sure I can play now that I am school free.
you are welcome to come play when we are, if you ever decide not to sleep at "9 year old with strict parents" times
Thinking about starting the next game up this Thursday (2 days from now) at 8pm EST. Let me know if you want in!
Don't all join at once now.

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