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Killswitched as an e-magged borg
I just got killswitched as an e-magged borg in a round.

This bug completely ruins the effectiveness of e-magging any borg if the AI/crew can just killswitch them and nothing can be done about it.

Some people say that it has always been possible to kill e-magged borgs with a killswitch.

I have played a lot of rogue borg rounds personally, and I am almost 100% certain a lot of times the crew/AI called out that they couldn't lock/killswitch me from the consoles when they tried. If my experience as a borg is not enough, I remember vividly trying to killswitch an e-magged Faffotron long ago with no effect.
Emagged borgs are not the same as syndicate borgs. Syndicate borgs cannot be killswitched. Afaik they don't even appear on the robotics controls. This is for balancing reasons: The emag is not a mindslave-borgs-as-you-please, it has drawbacks with the many many pro's.
I'm also sure the AI can lock your systems too.
Best thing to do as an emagged borg is to go and remove the damn computer.
That, or kill the ai.
That would effectively reduce an e-magged borg's effectiveness - literally the first action you take that causes harm the AI can killswitch/lock you down. Not only can the AI follow you around, you have a goddamn noticeable electric spark bursting from your head.

A borg is finished for good once it is dead, without the usual benefits of cloning or borging. If it is e-magged, it should be spared this kind of cheap death.

edit: if this becomes a feature, I can foresee a large number of scenarios where e-magging a borg becomes more of a death sentence for it than "freedom". This has nothing to do with balancing, because you can literally e-mag an unused borg frame and turn them bad. Why make it so different for active/inactive borgs?
Emagging was never meant to be an implicitly good thing to happen to a borg.

Quote:you can literally e-mag an unused borg frame and turn them bad. Why make it so different for active/inactive borgs?
The latter is actually kinda stupid if you ask me and is the part that's unbalanced here. Why bother buying syndicate borg suits when you can buy an emag, build 10 suits and emag them?
Definitely. the relationship between e-mags and unused borg frames really renders syndicate borg suits moot for the most part.

However, I disagree with your former statement.
 E-magging is not meant to be implicitly good nor bad in nature - it is supposed to render a borg free to do whatever at the risk of being killed by the crew, but that is dampened greatly when there's an easy kill switch attached to you.
Even if the borg chooses not to do bad, some people will definitely killswitch it and face no repercussions, just because it was tagged by an e-mag.
Emagged borgs being killswitchable has been a feature for a long time.

I think the reason emaging frames creates syndicate cyborgs is so it's usable by nuke ops. They have a cyborg frame in the replacement parts crate in the medical wing, right?
(06-13-2016, 07:38 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I think the reason emaging frames creates syndicate cyborgs is so it's usable by nuke ops. They have a cyborg frame in the replacement parts crate in the medical wing, right?
Which never ever get used for the purpose of syndicate cyborgs. It'd be much better to remove the emaggable frames, and put a box stating "syndicate borg frame kit" and actually have it be a syndicate borg frame.

Edit: But that's all a bit derail-y,
Zahf you do have a point, but from my experience borgs who are emagged aren't automatically tagged by the AI to be killed. I don't know how to balance this.
I distinctly remember emagged borgs used to be unable to be killswitched, so it's probably a recent change. Not inherently against the idea - for the most part unless you've got a paranoid head or a vigilante looking to get his valids on even visibly emagged borgs usually get a pass from the crew if they're just faffing about doing nothing wrong. (Although I do wish there was an easier way to hide it, the lightning crackle bypasses anything you wear.)

My main annoyance is how little borgs (and the AI, for that matter) can do to mitigate it. The robotics killswitch console cannot be disassembled - screwdrivers simply bounce off it. Pretty much anything that the AI/borgs can do to guard it without resorting to posting a guard all shift round can be undone by anyone with a full toolset and insulated gloves. The only way to take it offline permanently is to blow it up, which is a bit much for borgs trying to lay low. And a backup robotics mainboard is located in the bridge, so it's remarkably easy to just grab that one, bugger off to space and killswitch everything from the safety of the debris field.

I do think people are way more trigger-happy re: borgs and that's an issue that will probably never be fixed because everytime the issue is brought up the only contribution is 'borgs are bad, remove borgs' but that's a topic for another thread.
(06-13-2016, 07:33 PM)Roomba Wrote: The robotics killswitch console cannot be disassembled - screwdrivers simply bounce off it.

This is the exact opposite of true. Just the other night I was an emagged borg running around, some guy said he was going to killswitch me, I raced to the console, took it apart, then ran the board through the crusher. I stole the one from the bridge and fired it out of a mass driver. It's actually ridiculously easy to deal with the killswitch boards, provided they haven't been scanned, which they never are, and provided you get to them first.
Am I the only one that finds borgs hard to deal with? Sure if you have a head ID you can killswitch them but an average crewmember can only either run away from them or hit them enough times while hoping they don't bleed out before the borg dies.
(06-18-2016, 07:19 PM)Xaviens Wrote:
(06-13-2016, 07:33 PM)Roomba Wrote: The robotics killswitch console cannot be disassembled - screwdrivers simply bounce off it.

This is the exact opposite of true. Just the other night I was an emagged borg running around, some guy said he was going to killswitch me, I raced to the console, took it apart, then ran the board through the crusher. I stole the one from the bridge and fired it out of a mass driver. It's actually ridiculously easy to deal with the killswitch boards, provided they haven't been scanned, which they never are, and provided you get to them first.

Oh, then it's a recent feature - it used to be unable to be disassembled.
(06-18-2016, 07:59 PM)Roomba Wrote:
(06-18-2016, 07:19 PM)Xaviens Wrote: -snip-

Oh, then it's a recent feature - it used to be unable to be disassembled.

Nope, been that way as long as I can recall, it's just a normal console, that's why you can build one, and don't have to scan it into ruck.
(06-18-2016, 08:13 PM)Xaviens Wrote:
(06-18-2016, 07:59 PM)Roomba Wrote:
(06-18-2016, 07:19 PM)Xaviens Wrote: -snip-

Oh, then it's a recent feature - it used to be unable to be disassembled.

Nope, been that way as long as I can recall, it's just a normal console, that's why you can build one, and don't have to scan it into ruck.

No, I definitely remember getting a message like 'your screwdriver can't fit' or something along those lines when I tried disassembling it back on cog1. But whatever, if it can be disassembled now then it's all good.
I think what you're thinking of is AI shells. They can't disassemble the upload or kill switch console.
(06-18-2016, 10:33 PM)Grek Wrote: I think what you're thinking of is AI shells. They can't disassemble the upload or kill switch console.

Also untrue, they just can't cut the wires to remove the circuitboards. If people are being upload-happy and I finally get reset, I typically pry out the monitor glass to deter further stupidity.

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