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BYOND Username: Taximin
Admin name: Mollymillions
Server: LLJK2
Date/Time: 9:00 GMT, Monday 30th May 2016
Synopsis: Briefly:
A player by the name of Hulk Hogan did a gimmick twice in a row, involving killer tomatoes and him claiming control of the soviet ship. I came over, killed his killer tomatoes and then started spacing the trays. As I'm spacing the trays, Mollymillions spawns a mine next to the mass driver, I avoid it and then I get killed via admin caused multiple explosions. After a good few minutes of not being answered by whom I was killed, Mollymillions claims responsibility and then says in an admin pm that I was being a butt and they found it funny to explode me.
I started ranting, I suppose I came off as overtly aggressive when trying to find out what exactly about what I did was 'being a butt', because after a while I was banned for 12 hours for this reason 'Reason: It probably wasn't super fair that I blew you up because you were annoying me, but them's the breaks. Please stop yelling at zewacka and don't treat the admins like they owe you an explanation for every little thing. TY'.
Extra Information: I come off as standoffish after I was killed, I admit I was rude. I disagree that I was yelling at ZeWaka. The round prior to the one being described was essentially admin shenanigans, the part I was talking about involved admin announcements that were poorly written. I don't understand the poor reasoning by Mollymillions throughout the whole ordeal and I don't fully understand what they're talking about, because it implies some sort of prior event where I repeatedly harassed them in particular (I didn't).
If any additional information is required (e.g. complete logs of the round), please inform me.
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05-30-2016, 01:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 01:42 AM by MollyMillions. Edited 2 times in total.)
You were being mega rude not just to me but to the other admins. I blew up the soviet derelict because the fact that you got a bug up your ass re: hulk's gimmick and flew over there to kill him and destroy all his work made me roll my eyes. I banned you for a few hours because
Quote:DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) laments, "who exactly was responsible for the events that happened last round"
DEAD: ADMIN(Zewaka (as ZeWaka)) says, "depends which events"
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) laments, "if it was MollyMillions again, I'd like to point out that I have nothing against events and the like, but the way you go about announcing things and explaining them is disgusting"
Quote:DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) wails, "were the announcements yours"
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) wails, "consider this: I got fucked over by an admin for doing normal shit and then I'm being given a smug ass reply as an explanation"
DEAD: ADMIN(MollyMillions) says, "Nobody has any idea what you're talking about, guy"
DEAD: ADMIN(ZeWaka) says, "like do you mean the announcement like "the engine hungers"?"
DEAD: ADMIN(ZeWaka) says, "or something in that vein?"
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) laments, "no, during the whole flipping thing"
DEAD: ADMIN(MollyMillions) says, "I blew you up because you were being annoying and I'm an admin, and you didn't take the hint and now you're kind of being ten times more annoying."
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) grumps, "Take what hint."
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) grumps, "What the fuck are you even talking about?"
(literally 3 minutes pass)
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) moans, "no response."
DEAD: Ghost (Malachi Watson) wails, "wonderful."
Why did you even make a thread?
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BYOND Username: Taximin
When you say "I blew up the soviet derelict because the fact that you got a bug up your ass re: hulk's gimmick and flew over there to kill him and destroy all his work made me roll my eyes. I banned you because", I hope there's a mutual understanding here that Hulk Hogan spaced himself by accident, because I don't agree that I came over to kill him. I also hope that there's a mutual understanding that by 'all his work', you mean the sum of 10 minutes that he himself didn't express caring about, because he himself said that he didn't understand why an admin would randomly kill me off.
I also hope that it occurs to you that you yourself wrote that "It probably wasn't super fair that I blew you up". Also, yes, I'm displeased that I got killed for reasons that an admin on their own thinks wasn't exactly legitimate and it's not exactly 'annoying' to then try and find out who exactly was responsible. I made this thread because I was killed and banned due to shitty reasoning, which is one of the primary reasons to write an admin complaint according to the wiki article on rules. Before you want to dispute the 'rules' because it's on the wiki, the game client directly refers you to that article when you want full disclosure of what the rules entail.
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05-30-2016, 01:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 02:03 AM by MollyMillions. Edited 1 time in total.)
To be a bit more specific, I banned you because even when you knew it was me who blew you up, you were still being crummy to zewacka and demanding an explanation from us. People die almost every round that they play this game, and often for bullshit reasons. I think you're taking this a little too seriously.
edit: VVVV I played a single midi during that round and mostly just wandered around the station laughing at all the nonsense the other admins were doing. It was like maybe ten minutes of dumb bullshit because someone wanted to test some stuff with the new movement system and all the antags got tokens for it.
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Hello I was here for the round with "the engine hungers" as the AI. There was a lot of badmining in it. I can't confirm that it was Mollymillions, but I'm pretty sure it was? They were talking about various admin buttons in OOC, particularly the fun images one right before those started turning up. Whoever it was, first they made everything spun, which was cool, then they played a screechy midi which was less cool, then they started doing the "the engine hungers" gimmick after the standard "the engineers didn't setup the engine yell at then" automated centcomm message. The engine started shooting lightning out, preventing anyone from going inside to start it. The electricity blew up the SMES room APC and gibbed Mr Rathens, so its probably a good thing noone tried to go inside. After the lightning failed to attract engineers, Engineering (everything from the PTL hallway back to the central comms dish) repeatedly exploded into a giant blue fireball which eventually got so big it just ate the floor tiles and melted most of the engine room. Soon after the Engine turned into a giant red version of itself and wandered off. Then VOX came on talking about how kawaii the crew is and commanding us to uguu. Nobody did. Vox came back on saying that the engine is going to fuck the crew up and it did: the engine turned into a giant anime and started beating people with what looked like a cardboard tube (it didn't do any damage as far as I could tell?). Then a "cluwne disco" image that covered the whole screen (the click to remove kind) flashed and the server crashed unexpectedly. I have no idea why.
But yeah, basically they fucked Engineering up hard and crashed the server.
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BYOND Username: Taximin
Oh yes, the vaguely worded explanation which you yourself don't even fully agree was fair. When you say 'crummy' to ZeWaka, what do you mean, exactly? I hope it isn't about the short exchange where I mentioned the announcements from the round prior to that. I don't exactly expect a ban after being killed for shitty reasoning and then being told it was the admin who got pissed off, and not vice versa.
Also, it's interesting that you point out the 'bullshit' element of random deaths, especially considering that this thread in particular happens to be about 'being bombed and banned by an admin for bullshit reasoning'.
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Look, guy, what you're doing now? That's why I banned you. Admins are allowed to blow people up occasionally. It keeps us sane. You don't have to be super happy about that but your repeated and forceful demands for an explanation and rudness to me and zewaka are why I dropped the ban, and your sarcastic tone here is not helping. I'd hoped kicking you out of the game for a couple of hours would help you understand that.
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BYOND Username: Taximin
So far, we've come to an agreement that the reasoning behind killing me was part of the occasional privilege of an admin to blow up somebody to keep their sanity in check. That's great, we also agree that I don't have to be 'super happy' about this ordeal. Now, I assume that when you say 'forceful', you mean my immediate responses to what just happened. Which instead of being defused in the normal manner, I was led around and then given barely any response to my concerns. I don't think it's that bad to be upset when it feels like people are ignoring you and are being condescending.
Again, let me reiterate, in this thread you not only agree that the reasoning behind killing me was shoddy, but that you banned me because I had a hard time understanding the shoddy reasoning to this very moment, because you insisted on illustrating a picture of me being a rude shit that goes into space and ruins fun gimmicks even in this very thread. To me, this sounds like 'shitty reasoning' and 'poor excuses'.
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05-30-2016, 08:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 08:29 AM by Huff H Law.)
I honestly don't see any sarcastic attitude from Taximin here. Sorry Molly, but him being an ass being what may I think it's an immensely bad idea to ban simply for being rude to us and demanding an explanation as to why why they got killed with admin powers.
For what it's worth, Taximin, I removed the ban now. You had 5 hours left on it.
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I'm a bit rusty, I guess. It's been more than a year since I did much adminning. Something about him calling zewaka & co's announcements "disgusting" really irritated me and I got a little defensive.
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BYOND Username: Taximin
You know, it's not exactly difficult to see how what you wrote is dismissive of the issue. This wasn't a ban appeal. It's also not exactly difficult to see that I specifically mentioned you in the thing you were irritated by, not ZeWaka. Even if I was to mention him instead, it's still not a good reason by any means, especially considering that you instigated it by killing me for aforementioned reasons and then mislead me multiple times about the actual reason, coming off as condescending and saying things like 'because I'm an admin, those are the breaks'.
I don't find it particularly endearing that what appears to be your final comment on the matter is essentially 'well yeah he pissed me off, felt like banning him'. Your final say on the matter, which dismisses me entirely, does not change the reason why I made the thread. The only thing that changed was that over the duration of the whole thread, every reply only proved the premise behind this admin complaint.
The point wasn't to get you to begrudgingly and dismissively concede to other admins that you fucked up.
Your reasoning is shitty and you maintained your attitude of saying that I was an annoying sarcastic shit that needed to 'learn his lesson' until two other admins offered their opinions on the matter, and whilst they were helpfully concise and quick to the point, what they said wasn't exactly something I hadn't mentioned prior. I wonder why.
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It's worth noting that you're sort of being an asshole here too. If you don't want to get treated like an asshole, don't be an asshole.
I'm not advocating for one side or the other, because I wasn't there and it's not my problem, but if you act like a dick to the admins (see also: I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO DID THIS, THAT'S DISGUSTING, THREE WHOLE MINUTES TO RESPOND WHEN MAYBE THE ADMIN HAD TO TAKE A WHIZ OR SOMETHING???? CLEARLY THIS IS EVIDENCE THAT THEY ARE BADMINS, the mere usage of the word 'badmin' which is about as useful a word as 'shitcurity', etc) then maybe you shouldn't be all that surprised if they're not inclined to be particularly nice to you.
For what it's worth, I would have blown you up but wouldn't have banned you unless you did something else to deserve it.
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BYOND Username: Taximin
Sorry, Popecrunch, but what do you mean you'd also have blown me up? I'm not going to get into the full details, but this was a gimmick where Hulk announced over the radio multiple times that they've taken control over the soviet shuttle, warning that anybody who comes will be killed, it's most likely that he expects somebody to try coming over. I can prove that this was the intent, by referring to the logs, in which he says "DEAD: Ghost (Hulk Hogan) wails, "To be fair, I wanted to kill people who invaded my territory and was going to be cheap about it, but you didn't want to walk into my trap.". Please note, his gimmick wouldn't go anywhere at all without other player involvement. It would've just been him waiting in there for 20 - 30 minutes, accomplishing nothing whilst his killer tomatoes would just walk around. Again, please note: I did not kill him, he spaced himself by accident.
Also, let me disagree with you; I haven't used 'badmin' to describe anyone in this thread or in the round, I haven't put much emphasis on the waiting period in this thread and I'm not screaming my head off in exaggerated anger. No, I don't expect them to be nice. I don't expect anyone to be nice in a thread where I'm making a complaint about them. I also don't expect them to be nice, when they killed me just because they felt like it moments prior.
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05-31-2016, 05:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2016, 05:31 AM by popecrunch. Edited 1 time in total.)
It's a fuzzy target. If he was literally doing the precise exact same thing two rounds in a row, okay, go fuck him up whatever. If he's refining a gimmick, or trying something new, or otherwise trying to inject a slight amount of beautiful chaos into an otherwise boring round, and some dickhead goes and knocks it over just because, welp that's why people tend to spend traitor rounds doing rampages instead of setting up hilarious gimmicks. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen someone finally roll traitor when they've been waiting for it for ages, work up a really clever gimmick, only to get it all blown up because SERGEANT SHITHEAD (actually the detective using stolen sec gear) wanted to 'win'. Ultimately, this is a game about storytelling, and I take a dim view of people who shout down interesting ideas. I mean it would be one thing if the dude took over Botany or something, but he made a point of doing his treachery way the hell out of the way someplace nobody needs to go, and exists pretty much only for doing weird shit.
And here you come to knock it over just because.
Again, I can't say for sure but I wasn't there, but all things being equal, I would have been more likely to gib / plainmessage / otherwise encourage you to sit back and let the ruckus happen as long as it wasn't affecting you than to sit on my hands and go 'hm yes well that man was Naughty, go kick over his sandcastle, yes.'
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05-31-2016, 06:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2016, 06:01 AM by bubs. Edited 1 time in total.)
I don't think this guy did anything wrong. It seems like he got blown up, got annoyed cause for a while he had no response aside from insults (which is a reasonable reaction), and then when he got told why his reply was "I think that's a bad reason."
And it was kind of a bad reason, I think. That hulk guy clearly ain't give a shit, in all likelihood he was doing what he was doing BECAUSE he wanted a fight. This was a bum ban and a bum explosion, and the way this guy has been treated in this thread also hasn't been so good I think.
That's just my opinion.
edit: also I don't think he was bein like super rude to people in the in game chat or anything. he was evidently upset, and I think it was reasonable for him to be upset, but he certainly wasnt being a big prick or flying off the handle