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No, not bots made from the bodies of the unlucky.

There are rounds where you find yourself dead and the crew are ignorant to your plight, walking around your body like it's a vagrant begging for spare change. It'd be nice if there was a bot somewhere on station (dressed in a top hat, like an undertaker, obv.) that could be sent off to patrol for corpses and drag them back to the medbay/ morgue. Or it could be something the AI could send to locations to collect bodies, perhaps.

Whether this would be a one-off bot like the Head Surgeon, or something you could make from the robotics fabricator, I'm not sure. CoronerBuddy would be a useful thing though, especially to those people who die far too early into a round and end up sitting in deadchat praying for someone to find their corpse.
this'd need like an ungodly amount of restrictions for finding bodies because if it just went out and got them on its own then there'd be no point in murdering people since, unless you destroy the body, some asshole robot is just gonna save the person a few minutes later
Give it a very specific patrol path that makes it miss a bunch of areas and make it so if the thing is emagged it drags the bodies to disposals for spacing.
Dr. Cogwerks suggesting this idea in the Computer System thread, I like this idea a lot as long as he his limited in range
Should only patrol main hallways and maybe some areas where brawls happen frequently (read: the bar) IMO.

other than that a pretty good idea
Medbay > Bar > Boxing Ring > Pool with walrus > Medbay
I agree it shouldn't patrol everywhere. Also, the more I think on it, having it as something the AI can control is pointless too (since they can just send a Borg).

Main hallways at least sounds fine. I forget if cleaning bots can be set to patrol, but if they can, basically that.
Also maybe you could fake that you are dead and maybe it would drag you to medbay for easy access.
Just make it a complicated setup for the Robotacist to make.
I thought it might be funny to have a tophat undertaker medbot roll around the main halls, but it'd probably interfere too much with the flow of a round. It's already too easy to get revived and at least for much of a round, bodies left around in main areas get found and dragged off by the crew. Late round when bodies are piling up everywhere and the station has gone to hell, well, just sit back and enjoy the mess. I don't see any need to have some bot trundling around automatically cleaning up when players already have fun dealing with things like that.

If you're dead and nobody cares to revive you or find you, oh well. You probably weren't very important.

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