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Fallout Shelter
This is more an silly idea then anything and could easily be ignored.

Given how nuke kills everything, you would think NT/Centcom/Whatever it's called here would build a fallout shelter to at least protect some of the crewmen.

I propose an extremely cramped 4 square room with captain/hos/head access only, that will keep anyone inside it from being killed by the end of a nuke round. The crew still loses, but the remaining crew inside it can talk or kill each other or get drunk. Once the nuke goes off, everyone inside it is locked in with a limited amount of rations pre-stocked.

Granted it may be a really laggy concept if a bunch of people decide to lay down ontop of eachother all cramped inside, but that would be par for the centcom course to expect the remaining crew to stuff themselves inside a small box to avoid certain death.

Addendum maybe
When activated, the fall out shelter could probably teleport to a safe distance off station so it would serve a dual purpose of keeping alive people from wandering the station, and allow rev rounds to still win if the heads all run inside the fallout shelter and lock it.
Would make a nice panic room/prison cell/corpse dump on non-nuke rounds
I assume it would also be safe during blowout events?
There could be ladder under a hidden, id-locked hatch in the bridge. Like the ladder that leads to the spider room. But should the actual shelter room be on the station z-level?
However it's set up, it should accommodate people needlessly fighting over a spot inside it, since that's the real value in having it.
Fallout Shelter party when the nuke ops are too dug in to stop sounds like a grand old time.
Wait. What happens if the crew brings the nuke into the vault and sets it off? Or any other explosions for that matter?
(05-09-2016, 03:15 PM)Arborinus Wrote: There could be ladder under a hidden, id-locked hatch in the bridge. Like the ladder that leads to the spider room. But should the actual shelter room be on the station z-level?

I think it should be, just so that if a head climbs down it to hide during a round, it counts as abandoning the station.
I think having it off station would prevent people from dying of the nuke without having to fiddle with anything
I know it's a pretty thin argument, but wouldn't this just cause the heads and anyone else with access to run to the shelter rather than actually fight the ops?
It's not like they ever actually fight them to begin with. Clowns and Janitors always seem to be the first casualties of nuke ops. It's a rare sight for someone like the captain to appear there.

Outside of nuke round functionality, I just want the nuke room to appear for gimmick reasons, and that it also adds to the atmosphere of the station.
(05-09-2016, 04:20 PM)69andahalf Wrote: I know it's a pretty thin argument, but wouldn't this just cause the heads and anyone else with access to run to the shelter rather than actually fight the ops?

A majority of people can't be assed to fight the nuke ops as is, either because they don't want to bother getting gunned down when someone else can maybe-probably-possibly handle the problem.
well obviously, this is our opportunity to add a secondary objective to nuke mode rounds.

since human life is worthless to nanotrasen, it should be a secondary objective of the station heads to have one of them or a crewman carry an object of value into this safe zone(mainframe tapes? research data log tapes?). it being a ladder doesnt seem appropriate, though, perhaps a single escape pod that actually works and escapes to centcom off the map edge, unlocked and launched only with the auth disk.

syndicate secondary objective will of course be to prevent that pod and its cargo from getting away.

secondary crew victory - research log tape reel escapes aboard the single working escape pod - whether someone is alive aboard it too is immaterial to nanotrasen, but it will obviously be a highly coveted job to escort the package

secondary neutral result - research log tape reel lost in some other z-level but not destroyed

secondary syndicate medium win - research log tape reel definitively destroyed. if the reel was on the station z-level at nuke detonation it counts as destroyed, but it will also be possible to destroy it manually and win this secondary objective, and proceed to flub the nuke detonation.

secondary syndicate perfect win - research log tape reel seized and returned to syndicate shuttle

i hope this will add a fun wrinkle to nuke rounds, but the primary objective will naturally remain the nuke itself.

the research log tape reel could also be a good macguffin to rotate in as an objective for regular traitor rounds, along with theft of the auth disk and the sabotage of the single working escape pod, so that people fucking with these objects does not immediately trigger syndie panic
(05-09-2016, 03:15 PM)Arborinus Wrote: There could be ladder under a hidden, id-locked hatch in the bridge. Like the ladder that leads to the spider room. But should the actual shelter room be on the station z-level?

Yes! This could be combined with the idea Misto had about adding a secondary objective!

Nuke op secondary objectives sounds like loads of fun as well, purely there for pointless bragging rights.

Oh you nuked our massive research station into space dust?

Well we saved our research log tape reel containing audio logs of chemists brewing meth, HAH!

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