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Detective/Security thread
Since one doesn't already exist, and I had no idea where else to throw my suggestion.

Bullets fired from detective's gun should be able to activate or deactivate a door control on contact, because that would be awesome.
being able to put tracking implants into detective bullets that you can then use a knife or something to cut out is one of my dream detective features
Oh dear God, yes to the detective shooting out panels!

It would depower the door if a regular bullet, or bolt it if a stun bullet
UrsulaMejor Wrote:Oh dear God, yes to the detective shooting out panels!

It would depower the door if a regular bullet, or bolt it if a stun bullet
why would a stun bullet ever bolt a door? if anything, it'd just bounce off the door.
Let's also let the Detective shoot lasers from his eyes. :roll:

But seriously, if you give this to Detectives, the bad ones will use the fact that their gun and a crowbar gives them access to everywhere to be even worse than bad Sec can be, trust me. At least bad Sec doesn't usually screw up doors.

The tracking implant bullet idea is pretty cool, but if I'm shooting you, why wouldn't I just use stun rounds? And if I need you tracked, why wouldn't I just ask the AI?
I wasn't refering to actual doors, but those little grey door panels like the ones by market that control those otherwise unmovable security doors.

I was bored during cogmap and started shooting those buttons to see if it did anything, and it doesn't.
atomic1fire Wrote:I wasn't refering to actual doors, but those little grey door panels like the ones by market that control those otherwise unmovable security doors.

I was bored during cogmap and started shooting those buttons to see if it did anything, and it doesn't.

Ah. Well, in that case, my issue isn't so much "it's ridiculously overpowered" as it is "why bother at all?" You can just ask the AI. I'll grant that the AI isn't always around to help, but if the AI has died, you're probably in trouble to begin with. I'd much rather the Detective finally get a traitor item than a series of increasingly-gimmicky additions to his gun, like it's some kind of Swiss Army revolver.
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:
atomic1fire Wrote:I wasn't refering to actual doors, but those little grey door panels like the ones by market that control those otherwise unmovable security doors.

I was bored during cogmap and started shooting those buttons to see if it did anything, and it doesn't.

Ah. Well, in that case, my issue isn't so much "it's ridiculously overpowered" as it is "why bother at all?" You can just ask the AI. I'll grant that the AI isn't always around to help, but if the AI has died, you're probably in trouble to begin with. I'd much rather the Detective finally get a traitor item than a series of increasingly-gimmicky additions to his gun, like it's some kind of Swiss Army revolver.
It's similar to "Why can the detective do *monologue? He can just make up his own if he really wants to." It's suggested because it'd be neat to do. I think it's stupid, but so are a lot of things in this game.
In my case I think it would be more of an environment thing. you can hit a fire alarm with something and it triggers, which causes some fire doors to shut. Being able to trigger or un-trigger one of those large door things, like in the case of needing to get into market super fast, detective using his gun to shoot the thing open would be kind of funny and entertaining, especially since you occasionally get the traitor who camps out in market and sells traitor supplies.

It's a fringe use but if someone happens to trigger one of those large doors in a shoot out, but it would funny and kind of neat.
Sound awesome. You're running after a traitor and a fire alarm is set off. Without even breaking stride, you level your revolver at the firedoor control panel and loose a round. The panel sparks and the doors open as you continue the chase.

I want it.
h3half Wrote:Sound awesome. You're running after a traitor and a fire alarm is set off. Without even breaking stride, you level your revolver at the firedoor control panel and loose a round. The panel sparks and the doors open as you continue the chase.


Drunk Smoking Maen says, "Not on my watch bitch Clown."

The Detective shoots the fire alarm trapping the clown, they he shoots the clown until he dies. Fun averted yet again.

Yeah if you could bust fire alarms by shooting them with a ballistic weapon that would be cool.
There needs to be some sort of incentive to not beat traitors without kill death weapons. Its annoying trying to use a fog machine to spread harmless chems and you hey lynched by security and spaced within seconds
yeah he should get his own traitor weapon like a TARDIS. why a tardis i dunno maybe because his trench coat looks like David Tennats/Misha Collins. ooh I know multi use implanter.
Giving the detective body chalk would be pretty cool. Also maybe those little evidence things you can number stuff with.

Also maybe Security officers should get badges that attach to the uniform, because it would be kind of cool.
They wouldn't really do anything besides be something for assistants and clowns to run off with.
in that case it could be a way of showing that your security. detective could have a box of spares, or he could order explosive variants that could be detonated with a detomatrix.

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