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Replicants as an Antagonist
BruiseCruise Wrote:
misto Wrote:the t-1000s capability of oozing under/between things, growing metal tools/weapons at will, posing as nearly any inanimate object as well as any crewmember, as utterly innate abilities, would be fuckin sweet, but might be too strong in the hands of a crafty player. a t-800 or t-x would be simpler to start with.

Hmm, perhaps. I was trying to think of a good middle ground between Changeling and Wizard in terms of stealth/rampage capabilities. I like the idea of being resistant to bullets and having ooze form, but everything else might be too ambitious. I think it's also important to consider what the endgame for the Replicant should be. Does it have to use violence to achieve its goals, or can it stealthily complete its tasks if done correctly? It's obvious that a Replicant should be able to blend in with the station, but as for what its ultimate goal is still eludes me.

Have their end objective be to leave the station as another crewmember whilst making sure said crewmember is dead?

May also have something that gets suggested a lot from time to time where you abduct crewmembers and 'experiment' on them for various nefarious purposes, so you could 'bug' them so they act like a camera to you, or rig them to explode etc.
I'd be fine with just giving them standard traitor goals. They just have to use replicant abilities in place of traitor items to achieve them.
Quote:Hmm, perhaps. I was trying to think of a good middle ground between Changeling and Wizard in terms of stealth/rampage capabilities.
You ever play SNATCHER?
dang, a snatcher's mouth-gun would be a great option. especially if activating it triggered a spooky text echo description in the chat box and changed the player's sprite so their mouth is open grotesquely wide
misto Wrote:dang, a snatcher's mouth-gun would be a great option. especially if activating it triggered a spooky text echo description in the chat box and changed the player's sprite so their mouth is open grotesquely wide

That sounds terrifying. And awesome, it'd be like a derringer that you'd have to muzzle them to stop from using.
Frogsiren RESSURECTION Frogsiren  

Been some casual chatting about this on IRC and on 5, people still seem pretty excited about this! If anyone is interested in coding and spriting for this, I have time off coming up where I can do some sound effects. Team effort and this could come to fruition.
YES! I'll definitely tinker around with some sprites for this.
New antags would be nice. Let's hope if they get put in the game they won't be super rare like wraith.
Yeah. I think this would be wonderful. It fits in the whole space theme and I don't think any other server has something like this. I agree with Ed on the whole "wont be super rare" thing, because that'd ruin the point of putting so much effort into it
Thirded, I like this idea but make it actually accessible if people put effort into it please.
I think the whole "create more" thing would be intersting if it were balanced right. Perhaps only the main replicant got powers, and the created ones were weaker so they could be robusted about the same as a normal person (but maybe a bit more difficult).
Honestly I don't think it needs a way to make more, enough antagonists do that already
(03-21-2016, 01:01 AM)Weavel Wrote: Honestly I don't think it needs a way to make more, enough antagonists do that already

I'd have to agree with this. I feel like the replicant should definitely be a one man army sort of thing. And lets be honest here, if you were given the opportunity to become a replicant, effectively just a human with extra powers, you WOULDN'T accept it? Makes it less of an antagonist
Too many sprites to actually post them as images, so I'll just drop this link here.
(03-22-2016, 12:54 PM)Azungar Wrote: Too many sprites to actually post them as images, so I'll just drop this link here.
Very nice. That looks like a spinning blade and a pulse/laser canon kinda thing, but what's the blue stuff coming out the fingers? Claws? Injector needles? Blowtorch flames?
tl;dr: Each skill/body part has 3 stages - each stage increases in power. The cost of each skill is the same as it's stage (stage 2 = costs 2). Could also get parts that have no skill/bonus (eg. leg) that cost 0 points. Players get a total amount of skill points to spend on them (eg. 15). Makes it more interesting, keeps it fresh.

Here's my idea: each 'skill' or part has 3 stages, or levels. As the level grows, so does the power/utility of the skill. For example, a cell-detonation-upon-death/suicide skill (basically a microbomb), that goes up in explosive power as the level does.

Then you'd have total pool of 'power', or skill points, which you could spend on these abilities at the start. So when you're building/choosing your parts/skills for your replicant, you could choose a 'default part' (that'd have no ability, it's just a regular piece), so that'd cost 0 points, so that you could get a few level-3 parts instead of a low level balance.

I reckon this'd make building your replicant far more interesting, and, due to the restriction on power/skill limit combined with the different power of the skills, it'd keep it interesting as time passed, so the round type wouldn't become stale for the antagonist.

If anyone likes my sweeeeeet idea that I'm sure would improve playability of this role, I'd greatly appreciate it if you respond with some ideas for 3-stage skills!

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