Azungar - HoS application
Usual Character Name: Judge Ledger
BYOND Username: Azungar
Recommended by: Weavel, Divine Soldier, Dions, Haine. Hopefully frequent Destiny players will come and recommend me aswell.
Times Available: Varies largely on what I am doing on the said day, but I spend anywhere from 20 to 40 hours a week on this silly spaceman game. Mostly on Destiny, sometimes on #5.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): In all honesty, my reason for applying for HoS is very simple and straightforward. Nowdays I play almost exclusively on Destiny and while as security officer you can accomplish a lot, you are not exactly the head of your department, which often means that your decisions can be blown away by the captain or HoP, usually leaving the prisoner with much more unfun punishment. Also as just a security officer, you cannot demote anyone to a miner. You are very limited with the power you are holding and how you can use it. While I do not have an issue with being just a regular security officer, I feel like I could offer much more to the station in terms of punishment. The fact remains that when you are actually a head of the station, you gain authority that allows you to properly lead and guide the crew. 

Another reason for applying is naturally the access to those unique, fancy and unique jumpsuits (not to even mention the beret) and the fact that I will get to use a nice office to yell at my subordinates after they have brutally murdered the innocent wizard. Not to mention that on Destiny, the armory actually only packs non-lethal solutions which is great. I think those riot shotguns could come in handy during more chaotic admin event round. As a player, I strictly believe in more humiliating but yet not completely game ruining punishments and I think giving me access to role of HoS would further allow me to provide fun punishments for players. After all I realize that if you just simply perma brig every traitor, you'll end up bored in the bar, drinking your life away. I see my acceptance as a head of security as new oppurtunity to provide fresh and fun RP on Destiny, although maybe looking slightly more stylish.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I've been playing security on/off ever since 2012 and I think its fair to say that "security culture" has changed a fair few times ever since that. The difficulty with playing security is that if you decide to act like a jerk towards someone, it is very easy to ruin someones mood and thus their whole attitude changes completely towards you. Especially on LLJK #5 it is very important to keep your sentences very short and if possible, not even brig them at all. The ticket master is a good tool to tell people that they should not do something again and if they do it again, they know whats coming. For the past three weeks, I have played nothing but security officer on Destiny and occasionally when we don't have enough player base, I hop onto #5 to try to stop the biggest murder sprees. I'm probably most well known there as the depressed security guard who doesn't feel like doing his job, which I think just adds some flavor to #5 even if it's not even a RP server.

My current security experience involves using the forensic scanner for quick forensic action, I'm quite handy with my non-lethal weaponry and I actually prefer to announce my arrest before I even begin to fire any shots, I think it's more enjoyable for the other player that way. I use a custom *miranda as well and I would hope that sometime the players would actually ask for the monkey in a funny hat, I'd be more then happy to provide that. I know how to use security records and how to wipe them off, never underestimate how good Beepsky is at finding those  pesky criminals.  I have also ran a couple trials on Destiny, in which I usually play the defense attorney. I respect the space law but I also understand the limitations of just a single security officer, so I'd rather chase after the saber murdering traitor then ticket the botanists for growing weed. (Drugs are actually illegal, according to Destiny space law.)

I'm as a player all around cool and controlled and I realize that security's job is to provide a decent challenge to the antagonists. With them being completely paralyzed, we'll have a very boring round and with us completely paralyzed, they will have an extremely boring round. It's all about finding the right equilibrium. After all, I think all of us are playing this game for the sake of relaxation and enjoyment. At least I do.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc.): On #5, I think the brig and whole security as whole is well spaced out, my only grumble with it is the room into which it flushes you out to. Some players (mainly new ones) get extremely confused when they get flushed from the cell into the room with lockers, I hope this could become something more clear. It's not a big bother, but I've seen some players actually go braindead after they don't understand how to flush themself out. "Flaws" of this is brig setup

On Destiny, I don't think I have any complaints about the brig. Everything necessary is there, except that maybe a couple more utility belts would be nice. Oh and that we could reduce the "available" security officer spots down from 5 to 3, as we only have three security lockers to offer. I would personally hope that people would smarten up and take a look at the brig design. The outer walls of all three cells, are just walls. One welder, wrench/crowbar combo is enough to deal with them. It is very easy to break out and with slightly more preparation, hidden wall would be absolutely amazing in there. Try it out people! 

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I've got nothing to hide.

Player Notes for azungar
(DEL) Apr 09 2013 17:34pm | Submitter: spacemarine9 | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by spacemarine9, reason "Autobanning due to previous warn", duration: 6.98074e+06
(DEL) Dec 28 2012 0:29am | Submitter: #### | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Kidnapped four people and put them in crates to play a game with a crew. They spent about 15 minutes in there complaining, because he decided to capture people first instead of set up his game first. Kind of dumb.
(DEL) Jun 06 2012 20:09pm | Submitter: lljkmosheninkov | Server us gibbed 4 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by lljkmosheninkov, reason "mirrorbanning from g3", duration: 6.54889e 06
(DEL) Jun 06 2012 19:57pm | Submitter: lljkmosheninkov | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by lljkmosheninkov, reason "metagaming. don
(DEL) Jun 06 2012 19:57pm | Submitter: lljkmosheninkov | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: playing/metagaming with SparkyDadog
(DEL) May 29 2012 17:11pm | Submitter: gorillamydreams | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by gorillamydreams, reason "Mirror ban because Christ on a cracker I am tired of seeing you pull the same idiotic stunts.", duration: 6.53715e 06
(DEL) May 29 2012 17:09pm | Submitter: gorillamydreams | Server us gibbed 4 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by gorillamydreams, reason "Take another week off for this idiocy", duration: 6.53715e 06
(DEL) May 27 2012 9:45am | Submitter: isaidno | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: isaidno unbanned azungar
(DEL) May 27 2012 9:43am | Submitter: isaidno | Server us gibbed 4 | Player Key: azungar
Note: isaidno unbanned azungar
(DEL) Apr 17 2012 18:55pm | Submitter: gorillamydreams | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by gorillamydreams, reason "You're going on a well earned vacation, and when you come back you'd better have a real good grasp on the rules and if you prove yourself smarter, then I'll lift your jobbans", duration: 6.56674e 06
(DEL) Apr 16 2012 20:10pm | Submitter: gorillamydreams | Server us gibbed 4 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Banned by gorillamydreams, reason "Don't fucking pull this dumb as hell 'let's tell dudes to leave their departments or we beat them up' again ", duration: 6.46825e 06
(DEL) Apr 09 2012 0:05am | Submitter: #### | Server us gibbed 3 | Player Key: azungar
Note: Tried to start an assistant revolution one minute in a round because "what else are assistants supposed to do?" Got yelled at, a bit glib about it though. Might be an idiot in the future.
A good security man with a checkered past, can he escape his demons???

yes from me, all i see you play is sec and you do a good job and i trust you not to just beeline for the armory to shoot everyone with a shotgun. Dedicated to the RULE OF LAW.
A very good cop and player, frequent spriter and duder on the IRC, total yes
I've played many rounds with Judge Ledger/Azungar for quite awhile, even exploring solarium vigorously as a duo. I can confidently say that he is one of the more level-headed players, having never known him to lose his temper - which is wonderful for a head of security, or security officer.

I also consider him one of the more competent players in general, and I've known him to be able to easily come up with new, interesting and fun "gimmicks", so I don't think that he'd bore anyone to death as security either. This is a definite +1 from me.

Judge for HoS! Woop woop!
Azungar knows how to have fun and not be a spastic murderfucker. As another "regular" on destiny, despite being pretty new, I gotta say he seems like he knows his shit and would be an enjoyable HoS to have.
Yes! Absolutely yes. You're very good and experienced security officer.
I see him on Destiny quite a bit as Security and he always seems level headed.
Even saw him treat an inmate so well they decided to stay imprisoned! That's an accomplishment in and of itself.

That's a yes from me, by the way.
Azungar is a good dude, Very Yes

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