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Water Bottles
are pretty darn useless

It would be cool if they combined some properties of beakers and some of drinking glasses, namely--
Looking at one displays the contents of it (beaker)
Using it on the floor dumps it out (beaker)
Using it on one's self drinks from it (glass)

then one could use it a vessel for useful chemicals or for hobo chemistry or whatever.
Adding to this, pro puffs really ought to have more basic reagents in them to facilitate hobo chemistry.
I thought that the purpose of the water bottle was to be useless. Sort of like pens and stuff. Having said that, they aren't entirely useless. You can use it to make someone drink some kind of poison and have it look more innocent. They are also not bad for carrying around healing chemicals like tricord mixed with the water.
Pens are not useless. Have you ever known the joy of naming your own space bee or medibot?
Although I am fine with them in their current incarnation, we could spice up water bottles by giving them random reagents (like pro puffs) every once in a while and changing their label.
I think being able to squirt them multiple times would be a good addition, that way you could have 3 squirts of napalm as a scientist or a "make security fall over 3 times" item as a shitlord.
SAmeme Wrote:I think being able to squirt them multiple times would be a good addition, that way you could have 3 squirts of napalm as a scientist or a "make security fall over 3 times" item as a shitlord.
Water bottles are the next poo.
mozi Wrote:Turn water containers into vessels for drugs.

I cannot believe you have a problem with a bottle of life sustaining liquid, its like Centcom wants us to use all of our survival items to harm us and others.
I fully support the notion of making waterbottles easier to use. Granted I only use them when I'm a botanist and want to feed myself/others the various drugs my wonderful plants make.
Add a water gun that can use water bottles (and whatever reagents are inside them) as ammo.
atomic1fire Wrote:Add a water gun that can use water bottles (and whatever reagents are inside them) as ammo.
So a syringe gun with harder-to-obtain ammo?
enforcer9 Wrote:
atomic1fire Wrote:Add a water gun that can use water bottles (and whatever reagents are inside them) as ammo.
So a syringe gun with harder-to-obtain ammo?

Why not? It doesn't have to be a traitor item.

Although personally I'm not a big fan of the idea, sounds a bit forced.
The ammo might be harder to obtain, but it's also refillable, meaning you only need to carry one and a few beakers if anything.
What the fuck are you people on about? Ammo for waterbottles? Seriously what? But I like them theyre a flavor item. Take them out you may as well take out all food, plates, soda machines, snack machines, etc etc
I was just suggesting something akin to a super soaker that uses a water bottle as a tank.

Maybe it's a bad idea, but water bottles in general are pretty useless unless you need a container that you can drink out of.

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