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Pods overlaid on escape shuttle are not destroyed
Get a mining pod with rock drills. Park it in the escape shuttle area. When the shuttle arrives, the pod is inside and can drill the shit out of everybody who can't scramble into the little compartments.

Apparently the pod takes some damage? But it should either be destroyed, or at the very least pushed outside of the shuttle like people in industrial armor are.

Also have seen people use this in conjunction with weldmaging the doors to complete 'escape alone' in the least interesting way possible.
It shouldn't be that easy to get a pod onto the shuttle considering there are no reasonable counters for it. I think indy suits tanking the shuttle have been fixed. I think: if it can be killed, it should be killed. If it can be destroyed, it should be destroyed. If it can't be killed or destroyed, it should be moved.

Long live the shuttle; may it's supremacy over lesser objects prevail.
I'd not be opposed to increasing the damage the shuttle gives to pods so that only the top-line pods can survive.
The mining pods are the top-line pods, and it's not especially difficult to get hold of one. I think making it so they're just shoved out of the way of the shuttle would be the easiest solution.
The shuttle used to knock industrial pods out of the way in cogmap1 (much like how it moves the stuff it gibs on arrival)
Yeah, they should probably get pushed out/busted up again. I think that got lost in the map transition.
This needs to be fixed really soon - even ordinary civilian pods can survive the shuttle hitting them, and on more crowded rounds you have so many pods camping the shuttle area that it's hard for regular crewmembers to even find space to board.
Hopefully to get fixed soon?

GTFO pods
i think this should be left alone since its incredibly easy to counter it
Pods definitely should not be allowed in the shuttle.
I don't mind pods being driveable on the escape shuttle, as long as they're driven on after the shuttle docks - it takes actual effort to accomplish that. The objectionable part is being able to get a pod on the shuttle via camping the shuttle dock - it's not especially difficult to accomplish that, and if it were as trivial to counter as some claim, you wouldn't see people doing it every round.
There's nothing wrong with getting pods into the shuttle via window busting etc-etc.

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