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Hydroponics Feedback
I had managed to grow some life-weed with the immortal gene strain and it died after the first harvest. I was very distraught over the non-immortality of my immortal weed
Okay posting in here again since basically all the framework changes are in place now and at this point i'm just going to add more content like mutations or crops (don't suggest new mutations or crops unless your idea is utterly amazing (ps: it isnt))

So what do you all think of the new hydroponics stuff? What's good, what's bad?
I'm loving the simplicity of plant growth at the moment; seed bags, Mutriant/Top Crop etc., they've made Hydro far less tedious in a really simple but effective way.

One thing I really don't like however is the Reagent Extractor/Seed Extractor menus. With the old one, it was simple as fuck; put beaker in, click button, get chemicals. Now, there are just too many menus and clicks; it's got to the point that I consider just eating crazy shit and drawing blood rather than using the extractors. Could be easilly simplified though; just try condense as many options as possible that are related to the same screens. Eject, insert, beaker swaps/ejection/transferal all one on screen, and the plants/extract option on another. (with an "Extract all" option too please!) please note I've not checked in game in a while so it might have changed/I might be just being dumb

Apart from that, I think everything is fine as it is; plant pots are easy to read, Mutriant makes life so much more fun, the vendomat keeps things available to any wannabe weed-baron... I'd only ask for another seed vendor!

also more mutations so I can have cloves of Hulk Garlic and shit
I don't like mutriant. It makes it wayyyy too easy imo
While I do like the new botany system, I do have one request - When using the extractor, I'd like it if there was an option to dump the contents of the two internal storage tanks, without having to transfer their chemicals to another container.

If that's already possible, sorry for wasting your time.
I like the way we can secrete liquids into seeds, but I see an inherent issue;

What's the point of adding the liquid (whether it be nutrigrow into the seed or w/e), that is very much a waste, when you can add it into the pot and have it used for consecutive grows.

Instead, I think secreting a liquid into a seed should be coded the exactly the same as imbuing stuff in a deep fat fryer. The fruit would look the same, but would have the certain liquid in it grown.
Such as Space Cola imbued Watermelon. It would look the exact same as a normal melon but you would have "It smells like space cola" in the description.
Funnily enough this is how some botanical stuff is grown in real life, forcing a plant to secrete a certain substance through modification.
I could see this being used as an exploit, like someone injecting cyanide into a george melon and getting infinite cyanide, quickly produced. So perhaps there should be a whitelist of things that have a higher fail rate than others.
Sundance Wrote:I like the way we can secrete liquids into seeds, but I see an inherent issue;

What's the point of adding the liquid (whether it be nutrigrow into the seed or w/e), that is very much a waste, when you can add it into the pot and have it used for consecutive grows.

The only use I see for it at the moment is injecting mutriant to try and get a mutant gene from a plant, like immortality, without getting the other, like seedless-ness.

Seriously I can never get one without the other when I put mutriant in a pot and try to grow melons.

Also, ISaidNo, I am loving the new bee crates.
It'd be nice if the infusion button said the name of the chemical you used, rather than what I assume is the backend name of the chemical.

It would also be nice if the reagent grown in a thing were a gene like anything else. I really want my THC tomatoes.
Theres stuff you can do with infusions that you can't do with just pouring the chemical into a plantpot. Experiment!
Can we make it so that space bees will make their own combs out of metal and prefer to regurgitate honey there?
Plasma crystals take too long to grow to full size. Unless they're not supposed to be able to harvest them.
Can the recipes for special plant nutrients be made easier? I'd have thought that making more mutrient would have been a matter of mashing plant nutrients and unstable mutagen together, but nothing I tried worked.
For the space bee thing I think they should have there own material to nest in, e.g silicon walls. To make them more comfy and make more honey!
Anticheese Wrote:Can the recipes for special plant nutrients be made easier? I'd have thought that making more mutrient would have been a matter of mashing plant nutrients and unstable mutagen together, but nothing I tried worked.
I'm not just going to hand out the recipes for everything, dude. What's even the point in adding special new shit if you're not going to bother having fun working out what it is? Research!
I so far really like the new botany system, the extractor makes making more advanced medication very easy through the storage system but I have one gripe with it. There should be a disposal system that leads to either the kitchen or medbay because otherwise it takes time to send things. Also hybrid plants are fun.

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