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prevent AI monkeys from getting critical hits
its not very fun when you accidentally piss off a monkey and suddenly your stamina bar is empty in one hit and then you die
I agree with this but I am going to say what I've said in the past. Players need a buff when it comes to stamina
Toss a blanket over their head. Don't be nerfin' some of the best weapons in the game for the wrong reasons, meng.
About monkey, I also think they should just slightly move less often.
I don't know if that's intented, but right now it takes more time putting a blanket over them than it takes for them to move away from you, and you have to start again it's sometimes frustrating. Same while trying to pull them if you're suffering from even a small lag.

In those situations I am often tempted to accidentally choke them to death, if they don't take me down first while trying to.
Solution to anyone having the blanket problem: Open their inventory, drag them into disposal or mail chute, apply blanket.

They also don't move with a blanket over their head. It's a bit sad I can no longer have my monklown buddy behind me, but at least they aren't as big a pain in the ass as George.
give monkeys a crit chance boost

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