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[Destiny] Reduce max number of job slots
Here's a thing: Destiny doesn't have many people playing on it. It's partly designed that way, with 20 or so people being the aim, but I rarely see more than 10. A consequence of this is that certain jobs fill up and the population becomes wildly unbalanced.

A good example is the geneticist. Because Destiny is a lot calmer than other servers, geneticists tend to go about their work without getting blown up or fearing an early shuttle call, which encourages people to play that role. It may be confirmation bias on my part but I've noticed that there are almost always two geneticists on any Destiny round I play. I just had one where there were six crew members, two of whom were geneticists! That's a pretty strong population spike in that one tiny room. Genetics on Destiny in particular needs some kind of nerf anyway, but this would help alleviate some of that problem.

My proposal is stricter limits on how many people are in a department for Destiny, with perhaps additional slots opening up if a certain population number has been reached. Destiny only really needs one geneticst, one or at most, two roboticists. It may also help people try out other jobs if, on joining, their favourite role wasn't available.
I'd almost say that Heads of Departments should get priority on being filled before specialty jobs.

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