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Pathology - All tier ones available
Hello! Recently I have been delving into the exciting world of pathology. I enjoy it very much, but despite numerous attempts I have never had a successful traitor round with it due to the RNG strongly working against you.

One of the biggest issues is that not all of the tier one symptoms, which are what you build upon, are sometimes not available at the start of the round due to the random nature of the sample pathogens. This doesn't guarantee pathology will not work, but it provides a strong chance of it, and as pathology takes a significant time investment before fruition, it can feel like a waste of a traitor round if you've completed research with what you have and got nothing better than a tier 3 symptom.

My suggestion is that the sample pathogens provided at the start of the round are guaranteed to provide at least one of each of the tier one symptoms needed to complete the database. Pathology is already quite difficult, time consuming, and pretty much only reserved for traitors, so you're likely to get beaten up if you're caught in there. There's no need for it to be impossible to complete 75% of the time too.
Only a T3? Yikes! RNGesus loves you not. That said there are a couple ways to get what you need - one of which is DOC.

Can't you buy more pathogen samples from the faint signal station?
Only T3s isn't even the worst traitor pathology luck I've had, I had a round with 6/7 T1s and only managed to get T2s. The two rounds where I have managed to get up to T5, the symptom ended up being vacuum breathing both times.

I haven't actually got extra samples myself before, but getting to DOC in the first place requires a whole extra layer of work, especially if you're just a medical doctor. By the time it gets to the point where you have to buy new samples, you're running out of time for the shuttle call, at least for me.
Since T3s are ample in the way of majorly inconveniencing the station, I'm unlikely to remedy this. T5 is supposed to be an achievement, not a handout.

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