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QM suggestion
Having the QM ordering computer useable only by the quartermasters/appropriate heads/AI is probably one of the reasons why QM doesn't see much use. Especially on low-pop rounds, where those roles are either nonexistent or shortly go braindead.

Suggestion: To use the QM console, one of the above roles must log in, similar to the other computers around the station. Once logged in, anyone can come in and order with it. If the QMs are active and don't want people messing about with it, they can just remember to log out if they need to leave cargo for any reason. Most of the more sensitive orderable crates are themselves ID-locked, so it shouldn't be too abuseable.
Also the pet for QM should be a ferret named Jeffrey
poland spring Wrote:Also the pet for QM should be a ferret named Jeffrey
That's fuckin' adorable. Also took me a few seconds to get the pun. v

Well, at the point where we're ordering our own shit, I'd say it's best to just give every department a budget (that they can feed with their own money/exports) and have it where they can order off that budget from their department. If you make it where every department can export, BAM, no more QM job. I think most people would be happier too, shockingly. There's just not enough progression or rewards to the QM job to care. There's no glory to it at all, which is why it's mostly new guys or people who want loot that play it.
You can already swipe your ID on the QM request machine to buy with your bank account. Any item will be automatically delivered through the belts. Its just up to the QM to hand it over or you to somehow bust in and grab the crate.
If we do add a pet, make sure it's "tiny" (allowing people and crates to go over it) and add some sort of mechanic that makes it not launch itself into space with the belts.
Perhaps just replace the QM area with a more generic open place where anybody can buy or ship out items. Could even repurpose the QM as the mailman gimmick job for delivering people's purchases.

Biggest problem right now is just that if there's a QM there's a 5% chance they'll actually ship off any incoming items and a 5% chance they'll order or deliver anything you buy. And that assumes that one is even in game. With rates like that there's not a reason to bother, either.

Alternative idea: Automatically start the belts, and a diverter for the incoming and outgoing belts. Cargo purchased at the remote shipping terminals is automatically routed off of the incoming belt into an automatic cargo-pad warping system based on destination. Outgoing (sale) cargo has a secondary belt with a telepad under it that automatically ships out things for sale.

You could even augment this by having a few more relevant telepads to departments or areas around the station, and enabling cargo pads to innately teleport suitable objects to other cargo pads, like a hand-held cargo transporter.

Nefarious purposes could include blocking or repurposing incoming/outgoing items as a QM (sell for your own gain, or swap an outgoing container's contents with explosives or other bad things), or for the cargo pads allowing people to send bad things between departments or areas. (You can always switch the receiver pad off, though.)

Most of this is in regards to Destiny, since cog2 has belt hell.
Arborinus Wrote:You can already swipe your ID on the QM request machine to buy with your bank account. Any item will be automatically delivered through the belts. Its just up to the QM to hand it over or you to somehow bust in and grab the crate.
If we do add a pet, make sure it's "tiny" (allowing people and crates to go over it) and add some sort of mechanic that makes it not launch itself into space with the belts.

I had a sentence in there about that. Must have gotten deleted. Something like "If you make it where every department can import to and export from their department then, BAM, no more QM job."

but yeah, the account ordering addition was nice.

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