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VISOR Goggles should work without eyeballs
Currently, if you have an eye removed and put on VISOR Goggles, they do not fix your lack of sight.
The goggles should be able to work even if you don't have eyeballs. I mean, they can make the blind see, so why not pirates?
They make blind people see because blind people still have eyes to augment, improving their vision. If you have no ideas, you just can't see because there's nothing to pick up any visual input.
But what if they bypassed the eyes and interfaced with the brain directly?
Yes, it would give VISORS some actual use, as most times blindness is cured by oculine. Lets not bring logic into hi-tec glasses here.
Frank_Stein Wrote:But what if they bypassed the eyes and interfaced with the brain directly?


On the wiki it says: "If someone has been permanently blinded or has had their eyes removed, the VISOR is an option to restore their eyesight in a somewhat grainy fashion."

So, if this suggestion is not implemented the wiki should at least be updated.
Also related, I think if you have the bad eyesight genetics trait, blindness and are wearing VISOR goggles, your vision will appear fuzzy, despite being blind and wearing VISORs.
The star trek visors worked directly with the brain IIRC. Probably more involved than just slipping on a pair, but no need to make it complicated. I've only used Visors in recent memory to see while wearing a box. That itself is a grand boon, but with all of the eye implants and presence or orangeaid, I think making them work on people with no eyes is a good idea.
Vitatroll Wrote:I've only used Visors in recent memory to see while wearing a box.

Wait... you can do that?
Mageziya Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:I've only used Visors in recent memory to see while wearing a box.

Wait... you can do that?

Congrats! You now how have all of the rights and privileges of (the 1987 movie version) HeMan!

Use them wisely~ (Shame those don't work like gifs, but oh well)

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