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Spawn dead players as critters
How about have dead people be able to spawn in a completely separate section of VR with super ultra death motives on.

They could live in some primitive village where its hard to survive.

Living players can come in as "Gods" and influence the villagers - Bless their crops or burn down the houses with lightning. Of course, there's never any actual communication between the living and dead, and dead people are just named "Villager" or something.
I don't necessarily see the harm in letting dead players come back as space-mice or something. It's a feature even on some of the high-rp servers, like Baystation, I believe.

Gotta admit I've never really gotten behind the mindset of 'the dead should not get anything fun, ever'. The people who suicide at roundstart in the hopes of playing as a mouse would do the same if that feature wasn't there, except they'd just leave to play something else. Attitudes like this and the kind that drive the seasonal 'remove cloning' threads don't punish the people who suicide for frivolous/pointless reasons, they screw over the people who try to remain engaged with the game even when dead and don't immediately leave.
Arborinus Wrote:How about have dead people be able to spawn in a completely separate section of VR with super ultra death motives on.

They could live in some primitive village where its hard to survive.

Living players can come in as "Gods" and influence the villagers - Bless their crops or burn down the houses with lightning. Of course, there's never any actual communication between the living and dead, and dead people are just named "Villager" or something.

I got to say this idea is an goldmine. Have it so the villagers can understand the gods but the gods can't understand them. Then give them some kinda temple that works like an ouija board so they can ask for boons/ask for forgiveness
Arborinus Wrote:Lets allow dead people to have fun

:getoutfrog: you died, game over. No fun allowed.
ErikHanson Wrote:
Arborinus Wrote:Lets allow dead people to have fun

:getoutfrog: you died, game over. No fun allowed.

No.... did the getoutfrog die? ;( or maybe it's just me?
Antags can destroy the cloner, they can't destroy the spectral ability to respawn as a mouse.
Being unable to communicate and interact in any meaningful way is actually pretty boring, and if people can interact in any actually fun way then they will abuse the hell out of it to be annoying dicks all the time.
ErikHanson Wrote:
Arborinus Wrote:Lets allow dead people to have fun

:getoutfrog: you died, game over. No fun allowed.

What I was trying to suggest was giving dead players something to do completely unrelated to the actual game. Their game is "over", if they want to stick around waiting for the next one they can play a ridiculous minigame (with the fun benefit of letting living players screw them over without actually ever having any communication between them). I've seen the admins experiment with this with things like ghost farts, ouija boards, and the rare repair drone spawn.

The key here is that the minigame is separate from the actual game. Dying happens in this game, I see nothing wrong with letting players do other things while dead as long as it doesn't have any effect on the main game. You're allowed to tab out and do something else, anyways.
Remind me to actually get sleep and not post from work so my writing is actually cohesive. Take what I wrote for what you will.
I kinda think that if ghosts get any activities, it should have neglible effects on the crew.

Ouja works because it's basically incomprehensible.

Chair moving works because again, it's more often then not ignored.

I'd be okay with some kind of ghost minigame, provided that it doesn't really bother the crew at all.

Sometimes being a ghost is ultra boring while waiting for the round to end, but I can see why you wouldn't want to encourage people to kill themselves to be enemies of pacman.
Ghosts can spin chairs and fart on people and have horrible discussions about that new anime pony game. Neigh. What's not to like?

If aiming to make death more fun then I think the flow of thought should be more focused on impotent hauntings. Incomprehensible whispers, idle levitation of food items, ectoplasm (ghost poo), spooky animal action (bees and birds dance with ghosts, seals have chance of cooing when petted), etc. It should be fine so long as the effects are neutral, unreliable, and immobile.

Still, I find it unnecessary unless regular rounds routinely break 90 minutes.
This idea wasn't really about making death more fun, I just wanted playable critters as antags and figured this was the best way to do it frown
VictorMAngoStein Wrote:This idea wasn't really about making death more fun, I just wanted playable critters as antags and figured this was the best way to do it frown
Ah, I read too much into it then. In that case all I have to say is: I'm sorry, people are terrible.
this is why we can't have nice things (like poo or flaptonium foam)
The Ouija board is far from useless if you can catch someone who pays attention to it. Sometimes it's fun to just observe a round and fuck with people. Captain being an idiot and getting drunk? "CAPTAIN. BAD. MURDERER." Watch the chaos soar. On Destiny I had a fun round where someone took it off to a dark maintenance corridor and asked if (player) was a bad person. "perhaps" "careful" "observe". "Should I follow them?" "positive" ... That led to a pretty interesting scene at the end where the two got into a big fight just before the shuttle took off. (Both ended up surviving, though.)

I personally don't think it's a bad idea to let dead folks play around with the (harmless) on-station critters. Just let them possess one, and if they get killed as a critter they get that "shot with ghost gun" sprite and can't do it again. All the on-station critters are pretty harmless and die in one or two hits, anyway. Not to mention that it'd be just as easy to follow around someone who isn't a bad guy.

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