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Add Djinns to space station 13.
Djinns are basicly some Arabian and Islamic mythology, but this would be a great antagonist roles,their power and abilities are:

Powers & Abilities:
- Altering reality- Can put people in a fake reality by touching them.(but they can be saved until the djinn is dead)
- Poisoning touch- They can poison any person they want just by touching them.(will be a ability, make the poison hurt them and sleep them)
- Superhuman strength - Near invulnerabillity (just let them be like a bit strong but not much as macho man or wrestling belt)
- Human disguise (disguise as a human, they can use their real form by using it in abilities)
-Energy suck(you can suck from humans placing your hand in their forehead their energy so you obtain more power and ability, and the person's health will go down)

Ok so, what you can do in Altering reality is put people in a fake reality, like basicly just put that when a djinns get you, you just see a house with your family, but the thing is, the djinn can do anything to you while you're in the dream, he can put u in the dream to kill u, or distract, you can nerf it if yo want, but the reason i want this antagonist role to be in ss13, is because it would be cool to have a Djinn because you can sleep the people, and if you kill the person and then they clone him, and you're still alive, the person keeps remain still in his fake dream, but if he gets borged then he doesnt wake in the dream, but lets make it that you cant know if the person is in a fake dream,basicly you can think he is AFK, but why i want a Djinn is because it wouid be like a round that the Djinn wants to take possesion of the station by puting all the people on the station on a fake dream and killing them, imagine that.

If you want to know how a djinn looks like, Search in google images or another browser ''Supernatural Djinns'', i didnt get the idea from supernatural, i just thought of it, if you liked this idea then support it.
i dont think many people liked this idea.
Building/balancing new antags seems like it's a LOT of work, so any new antag roles (which are unlikely to be expanded to begin with) need a lot of support to get rolling.
I agree with the worst.

Generally it's a lot easier to make small suggestions then it is to introduce whole new gameplay mechanics.

Find something that seems like it would be useful, would add flavor to a job, or could involve low effort by coders to do.

For instance suggesting "chocolate coated objects" with objects just painted brown like deep frying could probably work as a suggestion, even though it would be really lazy.

The only people I've ever seen be reasonably successful with big feature suggestions usually do the following.

A. Include sprites.

B. put each thought in detail, and include ways that it might be introduced into code. For map making making your own prototype in tg or bay has proven to work since somebody did that with destiny and the admins ported it to goon.

There's an artifact that already gives you a wish, and that wish already kills you in various ways, so I doubt that a genie would be implemented.

If you want to gain more feedback, take your effort post, make it a pastebin, and ask on IRC for ideas or criticisms. Once people get interested in an idea they tend to get involved with suggestions and feedback.

Also avoid anything that already exists in another form, unless you plan on revamping that thing.

Cult won't be added because it's too similar to rev and some people use it as an excuse to grief or be creepy.

Gang is pushing it to rev but kinda found it's own thing with an emphasis on crime and warring against other gangers.

Some roundtypes are pretty exclusive to admin gimmicks. Like for instance macho man.

Wraith is a pretty good example of a unique game mode, because the entire crew is fighting a ghost and you can really only fight it by spreading salt everywhere. Plus It's a chaplain heavy roundtype.

Blob is another thing because the entire crew has to get involved, and it becomes a game of area control.

I guess my point is for roundtype suggestions.

a. Find a round idea that isn't adequately covered by an existing round type.

b. Make sure that round idea isn't too silly that it just sounds stupid, or that it wouldn't be better served as an occasional admin gimmick.

c. include details, and think about things like balance and coding and sprites before you press the submit button. Sprites also give admins reason to care about your idea because even if it's silly, the sprite could find it's way into the game regardless. Including an basic idea of how the game mode could be implemented, e.g "You could reuse the camera hat code for the genie lamp probably" or "Also the genie isn't necessarily an antag, just a dork who gives people exactly what they wished for, like some kind of literal AI with sandbox enabled who has to be creative about what a wish entails."
atomic1fire Wrote:snip [/b]

This should be edited and stickied imo.
I kinda went overboard with line spacing and effort post.
That said I think the admins already tackled some of that with the forum sticky that already exists.
I've always liked when the djinn mythology is represented more than just "wish-granters in lamps" (like in D&D), but I think that would not really fit in this space-themed futuristic game.

On a completely different note, it would be cool if there was an admin punishment (like cluwneing) or perhaps a Chaplain item that transforms a player into a genie in the lamp.
They can't do any action until another player picks up and rubs the lamp and types in a "wish" (like an AI law) that the now released Genie player has to follow word for word like a mindslave.
The catch is, however, the genie doesn't have any special powers (besides maybe invulnerability) and has to complete the action by hand. Imagine a chaplain binding the captain into the lamp and forcing him to gather 5,000 floor tiles, or a shitty player having their lamp left for some assistant to find and wish for something crazy the genie has to figure out how to do.
Something like this slightfully distasteful video:

(pls no ban oh my i am embarassed )

also have a lamp
[Image: XzTnVbw.png]
hey im mr meeseeks look at me
well the cool thing is if there is djinns, the admins, if they want to, they can make a ''Possesion game mode'' its like a group of djinns, will spawn on a ship, they can have tools like flash or stuff to get them and stuff, then they go to the station and try to posses everybody with the fake reality or kill them imagine how cool it is because you have to kill the djinn who possesed the person to get him back.
atomic1fire Wrote:For map making making your own prototype in tg or bay has proven to work since somebody did that with destiny and the admins ported it to goon.
Just fyi, I ported Destiny as a personal project since I thought it was an interesting map, the original was made for some odd branch of baycode and I dunno that the guy that made it had any interest in gooncode. It was more sorta "hey this abandoned thing is neat, I could do something with it" rather than "someone made this for goon"*

*please excuse me if this is obvious since I'm a bit tired and out of it atm so I'm rambly
let wizards and/or wraiths reskin themselves as colorful cartoon genies

let them try to run wish granting gimmicks with their magicks
bigfatbananacyclops Wrote:well the cool thing is if there is djinns, the admins, if they want to, they can make a ''Possesion game mode'' its like a group of djinns, will spawn on a ship, they can have tools like flash or stuff to get them and stuff, then they go to the station and try to posses everybody with the fake reality or kill them imagine how cool it is because you have to kill the djinn who possesed the person to get him back.
I don't think you're taking everyone's criticisms to heart on the whole "keep it simple" thing... it doesn't even look like you read them, which I highly recommend

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