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New implant ideas/organs
I've been loving over-doing augments recently.

Some more ideas for each of the organs, as in, not absolute descriptions of all the cyber-organs desired functions. Combining ideas across this thread wouldn't be a bad idea.

Cyber-Lungs: Cyber-lungs come with advanced filtration systems and efficient, meaning you won't take damage from Plasma, and won't pass out from NO2 (Might be a good idea to save this surgery for last.) Your lungs are also made of metal, so super-heated air will not harm you. You also get buffs to your stamina and it's regeneration, not sure how much, though.

Cyber-Kidneys: Adrenal shenanigans! What's that, you mean the adrenal glands are organs above the kidney, not part of the kidney? Well, welcome to Space Station 13, where kidney replacement replaces the kidneys and the adrenal glands! Robo-adrenal glands might function like the one genetics adrenal ability, allowing you to pump yourself fully of stimulants at will, or maybe it could be passive and inject you with epinephrine depending on how much brute or burn damage you've taken. It could also mess with stamina and how long you're stunned for. As for the actual kidney part, you could probably take slightly less damage from toxins, and I suppose be able to piss without having previously drank something?

Thermal Eyes:Are these a thing yet? No? Then they should be.
Nnystyxx Wrote:<Haine> jam an emergency e-tank in the place of a lung
I really like this idea, perhaps you should be able to put an e-tank in in place of a lung, giving you internal internals, but since you only have one lung, OXY damage you take is multiplied? Basically you'd be protected from almost any OXY damage until the tank runs out, but once it does, you take increased oxygen damage.
Bonus points if replacing both lungs with e-tanks makes you function as though you don't need to breathe until the tanks run out, at which point you almost instantaneously die of OXY damage.
The lungs don't store air in the body, they're how the body diffuses O2 into blood and CO2 out of it.

Take both lungs out and you'd be utterly incapable of taking oxygen into your blood. Having two tanks to replace both your lungs would result in near instantaneous death from OXY damage.

One lung and one tank should mean that you have an internal store of oxygen that's depleted if you reach a LOSEBREATH situation. The tank would able to be slowly refilled via using external-internals, and it's pressure and contents could be measured using an atmospherics scanner. A consequence might be much lower stamina, due to having only one lung.
Mageziya Wrote:Thermal Eyes:Are these a thing yet? No? Then they should be.

I can confirm that these already exist and that I regularly get bugged for them.

I like idea of low-tech augs made from random junk, like the emergency oxygen tank lung. There would also be the nice lung you can pay for in the booth but if you're a filthy hobo who doesn't mind losing a lung if it means you get some internals you can just jam one of them in you. Maybe smash up a camera to get the lens for a hobo cybereye, a coffee filter for a hobo cyberliver, etc.
Mageziya Wrote:The lungs don't store air in the body, they're how the body diffuses O2 into blood and CO2 out of it.

Take both lungs out and you'd be utterly incapable of taking oxygen into your blood. Having two tanks to replace both your lungs would result in near instantaneous death from OXY damage.

One lung and one tank should mean that you have an internal store of oxygen that's depleted if you reach a LOSEBREATH situation. The tank would able to be slowly refilled via using external-internals, and it's pressure and contents could be measured using an atmospherics scanner. A consequence might be much lower stamina, due to having only one lung.

You can also do something previously fatal by using a canister in an extremely unorthodox manner.
Emagging should work like this-

Instead of actually giving you the augmentation, it rips off the limb that you wanted to be augmented.
My only problem with the booth right now is the potential for balance problems. If you combine all these augments onto one person and you'll get a super-buffed, nigh unstoppable killing machine. Right now, the constraints of surgery taking a hell of a lot of time, in prep and action, and requiring at-least one other person besides yourself have prevented turbo nerds from appearing every round with robo-everything. The biggest drawback of this kind of restraint in general is that no one gets augments, save for the once-in-a-blue-moon round where a bored medical doctor has to keeping pestering people for augmentation.

The best restraint I can think of right now for the booth would be it requiring a hell of a lot of time for each replacement, and for it to be in visible place that's behind the main medbay doctor-only doors. If money is factored into balancing the booth, one should be very careful to prevent the costs from being unreasonable for a non-traitor to take. It should remembered that if a traitor is determined enough, they will get enough money to do anything that they want to do.

I supposed there should also be a universal drawback to all these augments. Currently, the only thing I can think of are EMPs, and the only instance I know of that off the top of my head are EMP grenades, which are traitor-only.
Mageziya Wrote:I supposed there should also be a universal drawback to all these augments. Currently, the only thing I can think of are EMPs, and the only instance I know of that off the top of my head are EMP grenades, which are traitor-only.

My organ list is pretty much all sidegrades rather than upgrades. Even if you did go "all cyber" you wouldn't be particularly OP or turbo-nerdy.
Have some kind of drug used to keep the body from rejecting new organs (regular robot arms and legs shouldn't need this just so that getting a new arm/leg isn't annoying). The drug will eventually help the body get used to the new organs and after a while not be needed anymore. The more new organs you have the more of this drug is needed. This should scale exponentially so that having 2 organs at the same time would require more than having those two organs implanted one at a time (That's waiting for one organ to no longer need the drug then implanting the next one). Roboticist should spawn with a few bottles of this, but would either need chemistry to make more or order more from QM. Think of the drug used in Deus Ex:HR to keep augs from being rejected by the body.

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