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Best moments ever thread 2.0
I started off as chef, and made some enemies as we went and clown disease began spread, most likely by admins I think. I turned into a clown, and many started crusading clowns but I was busy rolling pinning a dude and force-feeding him a bacon cookie. Sadly, him and his friend hunted me across the medbay and tried to beat me into critical, but I escaped south and was brought low by my shoes, and beaten into critical. I was dragged to the bar by the person I fed a cookie, who had been gone when I was being beaten senseless, and he aggressive'd me as I cried out over the radio. He said I'd just have to be cloned, when a horse-masked fellow burst in and free'd me, dragged me away, asked me to put myself on the ground, and farted on me. Then I ran off.

Swearing a blood oath, I dyed my hair black, threw my ID in my bag, donned a welder mask and grabbed some scissors, dressed in a barber suit and tossed my bloody shit elsewhere. Proclaiming myself batman, I followed that same horse-masked man who broke into the brig and into the cell with the main man, Jim Riggs, who beat me bloody. The horse-masked man ran, but was brought low by two guards as I brutally stabbed Riggs six times, was stunned by a lucky blow, and as two armed security rushed in (I think Jim was busy bleeding out screaming or was in critical), I dived into the now open flusher and fled on foot, hiding behind that big tree near the arcade. The place was locked down by the AI Robocop, but he opened it again since Security didn't request my arrest as they were busy. I descended to Security, surrendered, was arrested, and put in a dark cell for a minute. Free myself, grab my bag, so on, and run amok. I claim I am batman, and run amok doing justice. The detective and my horse-masked friend are in a scuffle so with my new weapon, grilles and handcuffs I chase the detective down before he turns sideways and I am launched into a blackhole.

I teleport into an owlery grille, break out, then head into another wormhole for exploration. I end up stuck in a wall bordering space with no way out, and suicide, ending the reign of batman.

RIP BATMAN 2013-2013.
I remember that round. I even tried to stop the clown plague. Too bad I got infected, and died by my own bomb mix.
[Image: owlfight.png]

[Image: owlfight2.png]

admins teleported everyone to boxing ring, loaded it up with cat drugs, stims, and other shit. at first it was only half the crew, then everybody was in the ring for a lovely fight with bombs, bombs, and owls. Lots of owls.
[Image: YCpGrpN.png]
[Image: 6wMX5HX.png]
using ~secret~ methods and a sick cyborg named dotty boop i managed to get to the ss13 sign in the centcom z level smile
beat that
[Image: C0Ix0F2.png]

typical Vaughn Moon, Rube Potter, Walter Poehl, Billy Mays bullying session until i accidentally slammed Rube's head into the ground one too many times and he succumbed. everyone else suicided to repent and people just stood around gawking at the scene for a few minutes afterwards
"Men, this has been a tough night. You have done very well. To our security, I congratulate you on a fine show of prowess. Jim, you were a fine man, and in our hearts. Greenhorn, you learned much. To out geneticist, who worked tirelessly to clone us after the terrible attack which killed many, I thank you. To the others, our eyes and ears. I thank you all. And to the captain, for giving me the access to help you all out. I thank you. This blood is not of my enemies, but of my friends. You all are here with me, in my heart."

A man revived twice. A man who only wanted one thing. Justice.
Rube Potter(played by Frontline Acrobat 4) was a traitor!

1. Rube Potter: Success!

2. Die a glorious death: Success!
CaptainBravo Wrote:[Image: C0Ix0F2.png]

typical Vaughn Moon, Rube Potter, Walter Poehl, Billy Mays bullying session until i accidentally slammed Rube's head into the ground one too many times and he succumbed. everyone else suicided to repent and people just stood around gawking at the scene for a few minutes afterwards

I'm the Detective in that picture. I didn't know what else to do, so I just propped Walter up on the toilet. That's why he's standing in that pic. I think someone eventually just walled up the whole damn restroom, bodies and all.

Also, that was some fine work Rube.

My personal finest moment was as a changeling. I grabbed some poor crew member, and dragged them into a maintenance tunnel. As I was a feeding another crew member stumbled upon. So, I screamed, "There's a 'ling on the loose!", and then stung the guy while he was busy trying to 'help' me. Then someone was else walked in, so I did it again. Then one more time, as this was apparently the busiest tunnel in the history of the station. Finally my luck ran out on the fourth person and my little ruse didn't work.

Que a Keystone Cop chase through the tunnels during which I turned into a monkey hoping to ditch the posse that had formed. I eventually managed to bust out of the tunnels into the Chapel, and I took off through the halls where I discovered that they had been lined with dead monkeys. I have no idea why. I ran over to the nearest monkey and rested on top of him. The posse comes by literally two seconds later. They poke around for a bit, and then decide that digging through a pile of dead simians wasn't worth their time.

I laid low the rest of the round before turning into a abomination on the shuttle where I was kiled, because I am actually a terrible changeling.
Me and Dotty Spud were being good Security officers, leaving our lockers open, stuffing the Chaplain into of them and not letting him out, and beating monkies to death for chimpering.

Then we see Mr. Squiggles in the bar looking sneaky, it turns out Terrel Wilkerson was at the bar too. It results in us getting into a brawl that attracts a crowd. Then, I run to the Hydroponics window to see that THE SINGURLARITY WAS BARRELING RIGHT AT US!!!! All was lost until Pierce Hawkeye ran into the bar with an Alien artifact that put up a forcefield around the bar saving us from the singurlarity. Or so we thought.

The singurlarity eats through the shield, and then it it kills all seven of us as we sit at the doors to the bar screaming for help as we all get slowly eaten. Best Moment Ever.
I also forgot to mention the server crashed as soon as the shift ended
The Science part of that story was probably also interesting.

Here me (Terrell Wilkerson) and Pierce Hawkeye start our shifts as scientists, I think about running off, but notice pierce is about to do science and since I have yet to play with the shiny new artifact system which has been around for a while, I stick around.

Pierce does some fancy science style tests in dwaine, and eventually, the artifact gets turned on and we're trapped inside science.

The artifact turns off, and after a few more tests and science things from pierce, it's discovered that the artifact can temporary generate 8 by 8 forcewalls.

I suggest we use it for cagematches, Pierce suggests it could be a useful security tool, I tell him to figure out what to do with it while I go run off, and end up in bar, getting into a minor scuffle with security because they attack monkeys.

Sure enough he eventually shows up in bar, someone turns the artifact on, and we're trapped inside as a singularity looms closer and closer. We probably could have escaped, but someone (I blame pierce, but it could have just as easily been me) turns it on again.

Sure enough everyone dies, and has a good laugh as half the station is ate, and the server ultimately fails to turn back on at the end.
the forcefield was still up long after the sing ate everyone, too. you could just walk up to the bar and see this big gaping hole
I disguised myself as The Welder, and bonked out all the lights in the Chapel. Then I started giving the crew spoooooky messages, figuring I couldn't really do anything with my knife.

Then suddenly, I hear Humble Bee screaming for help and that people are kidnapping him. I figured I'd join in.

The Welder [145.9] says, "a s a c r i f i c e i s n e e d e d b r i n g t h e b e e t o h o l y g r o u n d"

The crew seems to believe my ruse, so I stalk them in the Chapel as they decide who has to bring it inside. Then, after a quick request, I was given permission by ye gods to muder Humble Bee.

However, he never arrives to the Chapel. Instead, a Scientist walks in, holding an artifact. I figured this was easy prey for some silly fun, so I ran up to him out of the darkness and tried to disarm him.

He hit me once in the head with the artifact and knocked me out, then stripped and strangled me to death while laughing.
Then cloned me.

Fuck science.

also I got murdered again later on after I stabbed a corpse a lot at escape but shh don't mention that
Naked Clown Man riding on a Segway.

I spent the entire round honking down the radio, getting into disarm wars that I inevitably lose, helping a changeling flee from security by annoying them long enough so they forget to do a blood test, fucking with security whenever I see them, messing with sec's doors and locking myself into the AI upload and honking into an intercom.

Would you believe I was never arrested and the captain still gave me full access?

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