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Lie about leaving this game's community in here
Hufflaw Wrote:
magic mountain Wrote:im sick of this shit, fuck this. im out.
What the FUCK you're leaving too? FUCK THIS, I HOPE TO NEVER SEE ALL OF YOU AGAIN!

edit: nevermind
You get an edit button? FUCK THIS.
Hufflaw Wrote:
magic mountain Wrote:im sick of this shit, fuck this. im out.
What the FUCK you're leaving too? FUCK THIS, I HOPE TO NEVER SEE ALL OF YOU AGAIN!

edit: nevermind
You get an edit button? FUCK THIS.

edit: nerd
Hi everyone.
Just wanted to apologise for overreacting ages ago. I had some serious shit going on in my life and I just couldn't deal with the game at the same time. it's all sorted now and I'm back. I hope the community will still take me back and I hope not much has changed for the worse in my absence.

Sorry for the meltdown.
Hello Everypony.

I have just gotten a new job at Hasbro Studios, where i will be animating all new episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This is very exciting for me, and it will probably consume all of my spare time, as i have to make sure i leave a good impression on my boss. Because of this, i will no longer be able to play the game, or hang out in the IRC or on this forum.
Since I was 17 years old and had just discovered the amazing series, i had always wanted to go work with such a prestigious series you all know that MLP:FIM (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) is, and while i am now 43 years old, i never gave up on that dream, i worked my ass off creating fan content on various imageboards and forums all over the furry internet, and it has finally paid off!
My official job title is "Assistant Hoof Animator" which my uncle who also works at Hasbro Studio says is a very good starting position. My responsibilities will include animating the beautifully groomed hooves and making sure that they move around on the screen in a lifelike, and realistic fashion.

It is my hope that you guys will be understanding of my life choices, as i know many are not. For example, my parents will no longer talk to me, saying i should "grow the fuck up" and "get a fucking job" BUT YOU KNOW WHAT DAD? I JUST DID, SO FUCK YOU, I AM MOVING OUT OF YOUR BASEMENT AND I WILL BE LIVING WITH MY LIFE-SIZED STUFFED PONIES IN BURBANK CALIFORNIA, NOW WHO NEEDS A JOB?

I thank you all for the love and support you have given me over the years, but i must go now. Goodbye.
Should you wish to stay in contact with me, i will still be on along several other furry and MLP communities. My name on there is xXfluffyponeybutt420Xx

p.s. fuck you dad stop reading my forum posts, your literally oppressing me!!!!

edit: nevermind, they fired me for bringing a pony sex-doll to work, i will be moving back in with my parents sometime next week.
Well friends, the time has come I'm afraid. I know you all know who I am and love me dearly, but I must part. I am off to the far reaches of "My Kitchen" to partake in the glorious "I'm making some eggs" feast. I doubt I will ever return.
Well, looks like EA just hired me to make a new sims game.

OK, nevermind I got fired for being HORRIBLE at programming.
Nitrous Wrote:Ponies

i fell down a manhole and i dont think ill be able to come back
I am so FUCKING PISSED! I don't play SS13 anymore because of these terribly incompetent coders! They sit around all day and just FUCK UP THE DAMN GAME MORE!
It's bad enough its on this SHITTY PLATFORM we gotta play it on!


I bet all the fucking shitty coders sit on their shitty Cog 2 and conspire against us to make the game worse, while they plan on making a new server.. Im DONE!


EditfrownI really <3 you all)
i am not coming back until my demands are met
i'm dead
hi this is sord213's dog. sord was always telling me how much he loved he spaceman game and loved he butt farting so he told me if he ever did died that i should tell you people here. sord was riding a skateboard on a hot air balloon and there was catastrophic failure of skateboard and balloon died causing sord to died. sord told me that he wanted his last words to be considered in your arteries and veins and that he next words be taken not for granted. he final words of last were "bring back poo 2015". as i am a dog i am not know what these words are meaning but i know that he did feel very strong about he last final words.

rip ms "sord213" licorice
he was only 11 when he did died but he will be live forever
Captain King Part Cinco is out today and I'm stuck playing
I've played SS13 once or twice in the last year and half so I guess im done.

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