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More Robots
These range in usefulness from dumb to helpful

Constructed from: Jetpack + Breath Mask + Space GPS + Proximity Sensor + Robot Arm
Function: Patrols the exterior perimeter of the ship and latches on to people who are in space with no internals, giving them air and returning them to the nearest air lock. Also retrieves people from deep space and returns them to the ship, dead or alive (not sure how exactly it would know where these people are, open to suggestions on this one).
Emagged: Flips internal and external mapping of the ship, and starts dragging people out of the air locks. Not as effective in an atmosphere so it can be resisted, but deadly if you've been incapacitated.

Constructed from: Air tank/Oxygen tank + Breath Mask + Proximity Sensor + Robot Leg
Function: Similar to Lifebot but inside the ship only. Detects suffocating players and provides them with oxygen. Place them in a ventilated room and watch them go to work.
Emagged: Always stays two tiles away from players, ideally leading them on a chase deeper into the ventilated room.

Big Dog
Constructed from: Locker + Proximity Sensor + Robot Leg (x4)
Function: A walking container. Wanders around the main hallway relentlessly. Stops when opened, starts again when closed. Can be kicked and it won't be harmed.
Emagged: Wanders around the hallways kicking you to the floor.

Constructed from: Bible + Proximity Sensor + Robot Arm
Function: Spouts bible quotes. Can still be used to bible fart.
Emagged: SCREAMS bible quotes in the style of a fundamentalist minister. Deliberately inserts itself under people to increase the chance of bible farting.

Constructed from: Saxophone + Proximity Sensor + Robot Leg
Function: Plays smooth jazz.
Emagged: Plays jazz at a frequency that interferes with your headset communications if you're within a certain radius of it.

Constructed from: Boxing Gloves + Proximity Sensor + Robot Arm + ??? (Seems like there should be more to this formula to me)
Function: Will box and spar with players in an attempt to teach them how to fight. Has to be punched to be engaged. Will stop fighting after a player loses enough health.
Emagged: Still has to be punched to be engaged, but will not stop fighting until either you or it are dead.
Preacherbot definitely ought to be a thing.
I am one hundred percent behind all of these ideas.
Constructed from: Empty bottle + Reagent Scanner + Proximity Sensor + Robot Arm
Function: Likes to party responsibly. Checks drinks one by one and if found to contain dangerous chemicals, it chugs them to prevent someone from drinking it and harming themselves. Promotes safe and healthy drinking.
Emagged: Becomes considerably more morose. Drinks all drinks regardless of what they contain, then vomits up bottles containing a mix of all the liquids its ingested. Says it's a mess and doesn't deserve such a loving wife and good friends.

Constructed from: Bedsheet + Proximity Sensor + Robot Leg
Function: Waits silently until you're nearby, then shakes while saying "BOO!". Can also be triggered by ghosts.
Emagged: Takes on a more existentialist tone, telling people that in the grand scheme of things the universe has a finite lifetime so all human endeavour is pointless, and so forth.
A+ ideas
As a meaner suggestion, maybe emagged oxybots can pump plasma into people instead of oxygen.
These are all great ideas, do this.
Duelbot should also require a blue toolbox, thanks to their use in beating up other people all the time.
Constructed from: Medical Analyzer + Proximity Sensor + Robot Arm + Coffin
Function: Wanders around the station looking for corpses; when it finds one it brings them to the morgue. The AI should be able to summon an orderlybot.
Emagged: Picks up anyone laying on the ground and dumps them into disposals.
Awesome ideas. Oxybot should just slowly fill the room with oxygen/air mix when it dips below acceptable levels. Emagged oxybots suck oxygen from the room.

Constructed from: Plant Analyzer + Watering Can + Proximity Sensor + Robot Arm
Function: Monitors nearby plants, waters them when necessary, and harvests when ready.
Emagged: Throws harvested crops at passerby. Will pick up crops on the floor to throw at people.

Constructed from: Segway + robot arm + proximity sensor + remote signaler + stun baton
Function: When someone is arrested (i.e. handcuffs are attached), the Brigbot is alerted, and will approach the arrested party to automatically dump them into the brig, then alert the security staff over the security channel.
Emagged: Accosts random people, stuns them, and drags them to brig. Doesn't bother alerting security.
Constructed from: Station Bounced Radio + Health Analyser + Proximity Sensor + Robot Leg
Function: Slowly makes its way through most major areas of the ship, minding its own business. If it finds a dead body, it make an announcement over the station radio in the style of an old fashioned murder mystery novel, ie. "Murder! Murder most foul! Fiddlesticks Babybrooks is dead in the warehouse!". It promptly faints for a minute out of shock before waking up and resuming its patrol.
Emagged: Makes randomised announcements at set intervals, picking a name from the crew and a room. No longer faints.
locusts Wrote:Big Dog
Constructed from: Locker + Proximity Sensor + Robot Leg (x4)
Function: A walking container. Wanders around the main hallway relentlessly. Stops when opened, starts again when closed. Can be kicked and it won't be harmed.
Emagged: Wanders around the hallways kicking you to the floor.
Maybe, when emagged, it should stuff people it knocks over into itself, as well? Provided it can be opened from the inside, so it doesn't become a cheap clown-car-substitute.
While these are good ideas, a reminder that we coders basically can't do sprites to save our life so it might be a good idea to make some if you want these implemented.
It seems Mr.Marcusthedawg would be somewhat intrested in making these sprites when i asked him to because he actually a half-way decent coder but is somewhat shy to because of his past so i made this straw-poll to get your folks opinions
pizzatiger Wrote:It seems Mr.Marcusthedawg would be somewhat intrested in making these sprites when i asked him to because he actually a half-way decent coder but is somewhat shy to because of his past so i made this straw-poll to get your folks opinions
Their sprites aren't bad and they FUCKING love robots so go for it.

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