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remove the age cap in character creation
so that you can set your character's age to be however low or high you want
Well if everybody is cloned it makes sense that age makes no difference. They might have been alive for 30 years, but they might have just been recloned last year.
Pitch would have to be capped but ya, that's fine with me. I onwy twee an a haf yeese olt, n e wei.
Yeah, but a 200 year old human? Unless they spawn with cyborg parts or something
I think the biggest reason it was capped is because it changes the pitch of your voice, yeah. I may well be wrong though.
BlackPhoenix Wrote:I think the biggest reason it was capped is because it changes the pitch of your voice, yeah. I may well be wrong though.
Basically this, scream pitch and other things are based on age.
What year is SS13 in? 2050s or so? So there should be a cap but it should be maybe 150 years old or so with technology.
Wait. I knew age controlled pitch to a degree, but I didn't think it was pitch. Does this mean huffing helium lowers your age? That's hilarious for some reason.
How about separating voice pitch into it's own customizable setting?

Then, tie age into it's own trait thing.

Young people are more spry, but with higher failure chances on roll due to inexperience. Or maybe they just can't have facial hair.

Middle aged people are neutral

Older people have various ailments like brittle bones or cataracts, but have higher success chances on roll

Really old people spawn as skeletons.
I want to play as a skeleton every round.

I also wish that the lizard trait stayed in. frown

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