HotawhatBaabhabhiat's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name:Hotawhat Baabhabhiat
BYOND Username:HotawhatBaabhabhiat
Recommended by (if applicable):Gannets
Times Available: 3pm-10pm EST. It's honestly really dynamic but that's how my work schedule goes as of now for a general idea.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):
Several people have asked me if I applied to be a mentor, or if I was already one. I figured that I've been playing on and off since donut station and have a wide concept of different jobs across the station. I generally try to help people as is. I can't say I always deliver information nicely but I do so in a clean manner. By that, I mean calling them a pubbie shortly after. I'm decent in chemistry, have made multiple shitter devices in mechanics as per my notes, I can set up the engine, I know how to play AI, etc. I could go on and on but I've played nearly every job and know how to do it. Except making bombs. I'll admit that I have no true interest in making or learning about them. I'm extremely anal about handing out secrets, so anything that you couldn't find on the wiki [referring to chem secrets and truly terrible things like sus tomatoes] will be tight lipped by myself. That doesn't mean I couldn't drop a hint or two, but I wouldn't just blatantly hand out sensitive information.

I generally want to be able to help new players as mentioned before, I'm not always clean cut. But I'd like a more direct approach to help others rather than shit up OOC or the station frequency with passive aggressive help. I think that would cut down on any type of information laced in dour. I'm trying to be a better person, as I'll later ramble on in the previous bans section. This game has helped my real person clean up his character to a degree, and has kept me from becoming a recluse [NEET for you weeaboos] with no interest outside of video games. This really has nothing to do with being a mentor but I'm really not an awful guy.

I'm a little sick and have a killer migraine so my wording might be disheveled [this is not filler for word count].

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I have a few bans on my history for using foul language, which has actually helped me to stop using particular expletives. Like the N word, for example. It's been out of my vocabulary for years now but it was the bans on donut station that made me change my outlook on using that word. [Undocumented]

There's also another offense which includes the word "homosuck". I was just a fan of the right thing at the wrong time. Popecrunch didn't like it back on donutstation, and I carried that grudge over when I saw a fellow fan of homestuck on lljk. I tried to explain the meaning behind me using "homosuck", but after the ban I just decided to take out extreme expletives out of my vocabulary altogether no matter the case. Like rape, etc. It's better that way. And by that, I mean real life too. I still hear people my age and those older [which is embarrassing], throwing around those words still. I get the reference but I think calling someone a nerd or a goon is much more hilarious now. I won't go on about the bans for expletives.

The only other concern I've had recently is head-suiciding. After rathens warned me, I resigned from Medical Director so I wouldn't "Fill up a precious spot" altogether. If I do ever decide to play a head, I personally plan to actually play out the entire round or most of it. This is not a problem anymore.

I mean, take a look at the notes yourself and who they're from in particular. Some of them are complete bullshit, most of them are completely understandable as why I needed a ban. I'm not the same person I was 2 years ago. i just want to be a good guy now ok

[Also I was never a mentor before??? It was in my notes]
From my experience with you, you'd make an excellent mentor.
Yes. From what I've seen, he knows his stuff and is a decent player.
I suggested that Hotawhat make this application and I think they'd make a good mentor.
Yes, He knows alot of things and is pretty chill
I like his hair so he should be a mentor. I guess he also knows stuff too but that hairdo!
Cool guy. Lots of good knowledge. Another no brainer for me.
Knowledgeable and uncommonly careful about the well being of other players. If he is doing something dangerous always warns people around of the parameters.
Great player, do it.
Yeah I've never had any bad experiences with him and hotawhat is such an experienced, fun player that I would fully recommend him.
Oh yes.
I always assumed you just had your mentor status toggled off.

I haven't interacted with you much but I see you all the time and you always seem to have a good grasp of whatever you're doing. Yes from me.
They're good enough for the purple
Yes please.
beret him while you're at it

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