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Traitor Toxicity
Just look at it this way: If the traitor is being extremely aggressive and rude, security's less likely to give them a second chance! It all balances out.
the only wrong way to play traitor is to let someone tell you how you should play traitor
Waffles64 Wrote:My rule for traitors is, if I get killed/harassed/whatever by one I can't complain. But when I play as the traitor myself, I'll do whatever I damn please to the crew.

I mean, what exactly do you WANT the traitor to do, OP? He's either going to be a dick to the station, or outright murder them. As the should, because without that conflict, there's nothing for the crew to do half the time. It adds a little spice to the round.

What I mean is that some people might feel like, while traitors are free to do as they please, doing something solely to piss people off might be considered bad for the game. I'm not saying this is how I feel, I just wanted to see how other people felt about it after I read an admin complaint where one of the admins said something along the lines of "we don't do things to piss people off here" in reference to a traitor. While this was obviously largely context-related and by no means general, I thought it'd be interesting to see how everyone felt about it.
Bandit Wrote:I read an admin complaint where one of the admins said something along the lines of "we don't do things to piss people off here" in reference to a traitor.

And that admin was reminded that traitors are not nice. You want to piss people off when you are a traitor? Then go for it. Antags have complete freedom and can do what they want as long as they are not creepy or racist in whatever they are doing. No matter what you do at least someone will be salty about your play-style.
This really goes to server experience. Opinions vary; even amongst admins. In the end, it's all salt. If you're looking for recognition, then realize that some of the most popular people generate the most salt. Fame and infamy tend to become the same thing over time. Look at the reaction to your actions and adjust your future actions in accordance to the persona you wish to build.

There are very few universally hated actions that people will remember as bad. Like:

Vunterslaush Wrote:
hipBEE Wrote:I don't really care how you traitor so long as you don't drag the round out for hours. call the shuttle when everyone is dead
Taking two hours to kill enough braindead people to get an autoshuttle, for instance. That'll get you labeled as shit for a while.

Most other actions will just turn into general recognition.


Melting people's things? I think it's hilarious. You could have killed them twice over. Though there is one thing to be said with gimmicks. There was a post a while back that had somebody complaining about a traitor setting up a slave trade gimmick. He mentioned suiciding before being auctioned, which caused half of the community to call him shit. I thought it shitty on their part. Going with gimmicks is great, and refusing in a lot of scenarios is shitty, but it's their right, especially if they're creeped out about it.

That slave trade thing couldn't have happened in Goonstation right? Gross. I just can't picture anyone doing it, and if someone for some reason did, I can't see any of the crew taking it seriously or even responding. In my experience, every time someone tries to do a little salesman gimmick, nobody even bothers to respond. And I think anyone as creepy as that would be swiftly murdered
Kayle7 Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:

That slave trade thing couldn't have happened in Goonstation right? Gross. I just can't picture anyone doing it, and if someone for some reason did, I can't see any of the crew taking it seriously or even responding. In my experience, every time someone tries to do a little salesman gimmick, nobody even bothers to respond. And I think anyone as creepy as that would be swiftly murdered
It did happen here
Also the thing is probably fun once you ignore the 'title'
Kayle7 Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:

That slave trade thing couldn't have happened in Goonstation right? Gross. I just can't picture anyone doing it, and if someone for some reason did, I can't see any of the crew taking it seriously or even responding. In my experience, every time someone tries to do a little salesman gimmick, nobody even bothers to respond. And I think anyone as creepy as that would be swiftly murdered
It did happen here
Also the thing is probably fun once you ignore the 'title'
If you look at playing Traitor as a griefing simulator, then surely not getting traitor is some weird penance you have to pay to get to grief again meaning you're only having fun one round out of.. what..15? 17?

I've always said this. About 1 in 10 players are creative and good at improvising. The other 9 copy the creative 1 and hope some of the cool rubs off on them. I don't play traitor often, but I don't get it, you can only spawn a csabre and click on pixelated sprites so many times before it gets boring... Doesn't it?
Sex_Robot Wrote:If you look at playing Traitor as a griefing simulator, then surely not getting traitor is some weird penance you have to pay to get to grief again meaning you're only having fun one round out of.. what..15? 17?

I've always said this. About 1 in 10 players are creative and good at improvising. The other 9 copy the creative 1 and hope some of the cool rubs off on them. I don't play traitor often, but I don't get it, you can only spawn a csabre and click on pixelated sprites so many times before it gets boring... Doesn't it?

Sometimes I want to rampage, sometimes I like to complete my objectives, sometimes I like to stealthy kill people at random so security can go about tracking me down, sometimes I just want to be a asshole and other times I mindslave a random person with a deluxe mindslave give them my unlocked PDA and tell them to treat this as their own antag round as I fuck off and do what I want. I never get bored of doing any of these things. Let people play their antag rounds how they want. Telling others how to play their rare antag rounds is one of the most unfun things to do and I see it way too much from the playerbase here.
Of course it seems some things just never happen. Sometimes when I get CE traitor, I just hellburn the engine and get my powergloves murderboner on. They tend to either fail horribly and quickly if I fail to take care of the insulated glove wearers before going too overt or end pretty quickly because I'm running around the station 1-shotting everyone in sight while the AI electrocutes doors that similarly arc flash explode people.
Ed Venture Wrote:
Sex_Robot Wrote:If you look at playing Traitor as a griefing simulator, then surely not getting traitor is some weird penance you have to pay to get to grief again meaning you're only having fun one round out of.. what..15? 17?

I've always said this. About 1 in 10 players are creative and good at improvising. The other 9 copy the creative 1 and hope some of the cool rubs off on them. I don't play traitor often, but I don't get it, you can only spawn a csabre and click on pixelated sprites so many times before it gets boring... Doesn't it?

Sometimes I want to rampage, sometimes I like to complete my objectives, sometimes I like to stealthy kill people at random so security can go about tracking me down, sometimes I just want to be a asshole and other times I mindslave a random person with a deluxe mindslave give them my unlocked PDA and tell them to treat this as their own antag round as I fuck off and do what I want. I never get bored of doing any of these things. Let people play their antag rounds how they want. Telling others how to play their rare antag rounds is one of the most unfun things to do and I see it way too much from the playerbase here.

I don't think anyone is telling anybody how to play, I was genuinely curious and to what could motivate somebody to build the same Hellchems 5 times in a row.

Everybody is free to play as they want, but traitors are at their best when all their victims are hanging around in dead chat watching what they do next with baited breath as opposed to rolling their eyes and opening a new episode of whatever they're binging on at that time.
Sex_Robot Wrote:I was genuinely curious and to what could motivate somebody to build the same Hellchems 5 times in a row.

i don't believe you genuinely are, mostly due to this:

Sex_Robot Wrote:Everybody is free to play as they want, but traitors are at their best when
Whenever i've rolled traitor in the last few months, i've been at pains to try and do something creative that also the viti something to do, e.g. capturing players and forcing the to play prisoners dilemma.. This is far more interesting to all parties involved than a rampage.. I remember in one traitor round setting myself an objective of being as disruptive and annoying as possible without (directly) killing anyone, a self-imposed limit i found quite enjoyable (for that round)

But then again, if you wanna spawn a sabre and go nuts, thats your decision.. I did it in the past for sure, but i feel like I'm past that now.
Well, considering the point of the thread was probably to garner opinions on what the community likes and dislikes, I might as well list some of my preferences. Remember: these are only opinions on what I respect or find boring/distasteful. They are not an attempt on my part to dictate playstyle. Do what you want so long as it's within the rules.

I like:

- Quick, high action rampages so bad they cause an early shuttle call.
- Everything exploded at once.
- Gimmicks like serving people as food, or holding hostages, or being a hitman, or rigging tarot readings to show people their death before you eat them.
- Good usage of job items like the clown car, telegun, maneaters, or genetic screwdriver.
- Good use of social skills.
- Funny or unique AI laws that aren't some version of 'murder everything now'.
- Being hella robust. Note: A lot of people don't seem to know what robust is. Killing lots of people while wearing indy armor, magboots, and stungloves while using 2 eguns, 2 shotguns, and a c saber is not robust. It's being prepared. Taking down the HoS, his cronies, and the HoP while naked and armed with nothing but a battery; now THAT is robust.

- Gimmicks. Doubly so. This is because it can be really hard to run a gimmick as wiz. Especially since wiz is fairly rare and most people don't wanna risk it.

- Inciting fear and suspicion through voice changing and well placed stings.

I dislike:

- Uber-cheese. We had a guy who repeatedly built a closed, n2o filled room on z3 with a blocked-in telepad. It was neat the first time, but not being able to do anything gets stale real quick. People also generally dislike cloaked crushers from mechanics, but I don't mind them.
- Turbomurder AIs. Particularly the kind that are so enthralled in killing everything that it invariable winds up killing the one human. Or the ones that abandon the spirit of what could be a fun law just so they can lawyer their way into killing everything with plasma cans and clf3 foam.
- Trying to force a bad gimmick. This actually goes to non-antags too, and is something I can still do if I'm not paying attention. Sometimes gimmicks just don't sell. If it don't sell, then it probably sucks, and will still suck if you get some pity participants.

- Overuse of weapons. You have natural gifts; use them for pete sake! I get for emergencies or cooldowns, but I'm seeing a trend of these antags using nothing but guns. It just leaves a bad taste.

I hate:
- Holding the shuttle hostage. 90 minutes in and we find the antag running around in the darkness trying to find that last person who happened to go braindead on icemoon 60 minutes prior. Holy crap how bored are you?

Scum tier:
- Being creepy or racist. Naturally. Racism is easy to define. Creepy? Best to avoid anything sexually charged. Stripping someone and melting their clothing? Hilarious. Beating someone with a baton as stand over them naked and screaming "LICK MY SHAFT"? Yeah. That's a creep.

Final note: This isn't how to play. This is just how a single player (me) views player actions. I'm not the whole goonstation community. I'll probably get backlash for having opinions. Eh. People just have different opinions. Strange, huh?

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