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*burp activates objects you ate in X-foods!
Title says it all!

Clown finishes eating russian revolver-pie.
That was delicious!
Clown burps.
Clown's head explodes!
Dexter Grifflez finishes eating riot shotgun-pie
That was delicious!
Dexter Grifflez burps.
Dexter Grifflez shoots Dexter Grifflez point-blank with Riot Shotgun!
The possibilities are practically limitless, while its practicality is nearly nonexistent!
I got this idea from an older bug with dice, in which rolling them would cause the die to be 'eaten' (stored inside of your body)
But will it let you breathe fire?
NewMars Wrote:But will it let you breathe fire?
If the pie contains a beaker I think you'd just 'burp' and splash the reagents around inside yourself.
Well, technically. You could swallow one pie that had a fluoro/clf3 and another that had water/phlog, then burp. If reactions like that were allowed it would make possible some pretty interesting combos... and some really terrifying ones.
Grifflez Wrote:Title says it all!

Clown finishes eating russian revolver-pie.
That was delicious!
Clown burps.
Clown's head explodes!
Dexter Grifflez finishes eating riot shotgun-pie
That was delicious!
Dexter Grifflez burps.
Dexter Grifflez shoots Dexter Grifflez point-blank with Riot Shotgun!
The possibilities are practically limitless, while its practicality is nearly nonexistent!
I got this idea from an older bug with dice, in which rolling them would cause the die to be 'eaten' (stored inside of your body)

If there were a thread rating system, I'd be clicking "5" as fast as I possibly could. get in not go out
This game needs more silly pie magic, make this happen.
Pie science needs to become it's own wiki page.
Vitatroll Wrote:Well, technically. You could swallow one pie that had a fluoro/clf3 and another that had water/phlog, then burp. If reactions like that were allowed it would make possible some pretty interesting combos... and some really terrifying ones.
[Image: B_OLgFmWwAAwNWX.png:large]
Cosmoman Dan eats the spacker 12 pie!
Cosmoman Dan burps!
A bullet flies out of Cosmoman Dan's mouth! Holy shit!

I desperately want this to be possible.
Pie science? We always need more science.
I like this idea

Mr. Grizzwold eats the fried cyalume saber
Mr. Grizzwold burps
The cyalume saber activates while in Mr. Grizzwold's stomach! Holy Fuck!
Mr. Grizzwold screams
Mr. Bacon eats the beaker pie (QGP -1 reagent)
Mr. Bacon eats the beaker pie (that 1 missing reaqent)

and everyone died !
Naximous Wrote:Mr. Bacon eats the beaker pie (QGP -1 reagent)
Mr. Bacon eats the beaker pie (that 1 missing reaqent)

and everyone died !
Who needs suicide vests when you can do this?
Eat a light grenade pie

*burp again

No need for goat fart's gibself when you can just evaporate yourself from within.
I will never not approve of more ways for the kitchen staff to partake in increasingly convoluted acts of assisted suicide. It seems like it'd be a pain in the ass to code out reactions for every single conceivable object that can be activated through this method, so it might be limited to a few uses.

Also, pie-bombs. I love the idea of pie-bombs.

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