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Healthy and Green! Exercise bikes and You!
Is there any chance we can get Exercise bikes which generate a tiny bit of power if someone rides on it, and generates more power if you fill yourself up with drugs? Imagine how you could power THE ENTIRE STATION with DRUGS! =)
How about a Hamster Wheel that can only be used by Assistants or/and the Clown, and it would actually generate a nice amount of power?
The idea is cool, but why would you actually want to use them? Why sit in one place, doing probably nothing, just to generate power on a station that runs fine without power?
quiltyquilty Wrote:The idea is cool, but why would you actually want to use them? Why sit in one place, doing probably nothing, just to generate power on a station that runs fine without power?

You could force an Assistant to do it.

Doing it is kinda like being a clown, it sucks.

Why not?

It could just be sitting in some dark corner in maint.
I think, don't quote me on this, that the other exercise equipment buffs you in ways. With the bike, have some kind of stamina related buff from multiple uses, and then the power generation is just a bonus on top of that.
Would make a good community service style punishment for minor crimes. You can come out when you've generated a megawatt
Make it moveable and wrenchable, IMO. Power out in Genetics? Need your buddy cloned fast? Go get the backup generator.
Reminds me of this thread from two years ago.

Stick it in the brig.
Emag the bike to have it separate from its base and be able to rip around the station with deadly consequences.
SlapHappyPappy Wrote:Emag the bike to have it separate from its base and be able to rip around the station with deadly consequences.
Like a segway that you don't fall off of, but will fall apart after ramming enough people.

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